Is there a worse thing than wasted youth?
Is there a worse thing than wasted youth?
wasted adulthood
Imagine dying not even a father
i didn't know super saiyan 3 was real, she sure looks weird without eyebrows
Never getting to fuck Gianna in her prime
don't where on Jow Forums before /b/day
I wasted my youth, now i'm 19 and already wasting my adulthood.
I wish i could restart life from when i was 9 or 10. with all the knowledge i have now
a wasted adulthood.
thankfully I got my ass in gear before it was too late.
I spent 18-25 on Jow Forums 16 hours a day
time well spent
>19-fucking-years old
>lamenting like you've had such a tragic loss
?????????????????????? you're fucking young. stop tricking yourself into thinking you're 40+, you literally have two decades before you can realistically claim that your life was wasted.
for real? Like what would you change if you could restart?
I'm kinda in the same situation as you. I am currently 18, and i completely wasted my whole youth. But all the knowledge i achieved up to this day wouldn't change a goddamn thing
I'm pretty sure a lot of this site is underage, teenage or barely into their 20s faggots who have plenty of time to turn their life around
Once you're almost 30, that's when you should really start to lose hope
that's the spirit user
t. on the same road
That defeatist attitude is why you've deluded yourself into thinking you wasted your life on the first place
Youth is always wasted.
guess what idiots
that doesn't matter
adulthood doesn't start before your twenties
How can you waste your youth? You spent your youth doing what you wanted or could. Now just spend your adulthood doing what you want or can.
you're still youth u fucking cock mongler get a grip
You guys are wiser than me, I'm 21 and I remember being stubborn as fuck when I was your age. You can still turn it around.
You're on the same level as them
She's cute are there nudes?
wasted is subjective. imo my purpose in life is just to witness the singularity and the birth of artificial intelligence, even if i am a virgin
honestly, i feel like even if i were to get laid right now, im so rotten and cynical on the inside i wouldn't feel anything. it would just be masturbation with a vagina. i dont think i could feel love
>Gianna Michaels
Let me guess. Zoomer?
me too dude. for all the faults of Jow Forums, alteast i can shitpost in peace. there is lots of free speech here, for some magical reason
I'm 34 years old. Why does that make a difference ?
if i could even start over at 19 i would gladly holy shit
it's not like it was 30 years ago where a 25 year old had 2 kids and a house already
25 is the new 20 and 18 year olds are basically what 15 year olds were back then
i'm 26 and i've missed out on so much
Yes, of course there is. It's not even possible to waste youth. Any time spend doing anything is useful in it's own way. Even doing nothing is time well spent.
>25 is the new 20 and 18 year olds are basically what 15 year olds were back then
You're so right.
Thanks, I guess. And even then it feels way worse than reaching that conclusion at 18.
That spy is not one of us! Pyro, halp
>wasted my youth
nigga what
you still have AT LEAST 11 years of youth ahead of you
This is some kino bait
user out here making me feel thankful I at least played awesome video games when I wasted my life.
lel try wagecuck and 29. I wanna fucking die.
Same age user, also want to reset but i don't know what else i would do, spent practically all my time from 10 to now on the internet. With my wisdom i could fake fitting in with the other kids, probably even have sex. Most of all it would be comfy having no responsibilities.
not having a youth to waste
Yes, not fucking Gianna 24/7 and preventing her from doing porn.
>doing what you wanted or could. Now just spend your adulthood doing what you want or can.
yes. I spent my youth playing video games, and will spend my life wageslaving. it's all I could and can do.