Lets get another creative thread.
Post your drawings, pictures, music, web projects or anything you like to do.
Other urls found in this thread:
A vid that is doing surprisingly well
i put socks on my hands and a mask on my head, then i smoked a ciggerate while bobbling around.
love it, reminds me of never meeting my grandma before she died
I like to draw lewd art!
I edit visuals over tunes I enjoy.
oh hey i know you :)
I've been copying a painting I saw on an album cover. (It's not finished yet)
any genuine art tips other than "keep practicing"?
All art tips eventually just lead to "keep practicing". Studying anatomy is good. I got to the point I am now by studying other artist's work and drawing limbs and bodies over and over. Drawing from life also helps, if you have the extra cash and your local community college offers life drawing classes, I say take them. Otherwise, here's a good website that I like to use, since I haven't been able to catch a life drawing class yet: artmodeltips.com
If your main goal is to draw cute lewd anime girls like me, then visit danbooru or something and reference some poses there. Some people will tell you that referencing anime won't help you improve, but that's not true, especially if your end goal is to draw anime. I've improved plenty by referencing anime pictures. Hope I helped.
One of my earliest comic strips...
some lo-fi folk stuff
Been making a lot of EDM lately. Yesterday I decided to make a song and while I was in the shower I came up with this melody on the fly. I then spent two or three hours composing this song which is essentially just the melody and four or five assisting patterns looped over and over again. During the middle I swapped the lead and another instrument's patterns. I also threw a bunch of high passes and tempo changes on it. I think it sounds like classical like a waltz or something, and also sort of like modern pop EDM.
I've just made this:
I make songs about killing myself. Lost my apartment recently so I have no way to record new songs right now...
>Singer songwriter
fucking sick, if ya wanna talk rock, my discord is solzh
Small world, I guess!
>Post your drawings
the goat
v nice famalam
i actually really like this senpai
cover of ramona flowers ruined a whole generation of women
i luv u school shotoer
What kind of mushroom is it again?
I haven't seen a botanical chart in decades.
I got started on the second page, not that I assume that translating has an artistic value. I still have to go over the last panel.
>The term "middle-aged virgins" strictly defines 30 years old and over single men who never had a sexual experience.
There are mentally deficient individuals as well as dissimulative pedophiles with a penchant for succubi among them.
>As for mentally deficient individuals who didn't get to develop as functional adults and got left on the side of society as a result, they throw themselves out even further in their 40s.
>The delusion stating that someday, as akin to an angel, the perfect succubus will appear before them is getting stronger.
I really, really like this picture.
Gonna splash to it when I get home. Cheers
nice work. is this the Notjordanpeterson.com thing?
whats the best way to learn how to draw on a computer? is paint.net good enough for starters?
i've been making some album covers recently, if anyone needs one let me know, i'm just starting so my prices aren't too high
>charging for album covers
art costs money and effort, surprisingly
>copy pasting images onto gimp requires money and effort
Turning 20 in a few months and have finally learned that the world is a miserable, cold place. I see no reason to continue writing music when I no longer see life or love in anyone.
>charging for art at all
Bump, with reused content.
Am I too late to the thread? Here's a demo thing I made earlier today. The audio quality isn't too good.
It took 80 strips or so to decide to use Photoshop to provide the lettering...
I literally did this in 5 mins out of boredom but I'll post it here for clout
Then it was,"Comic Sans? Eww!"...
Avoid /ic/. Really.
btw if you make music or involed in graphic design, then definitely join the /creative/ server
how to deal with le creative block
Fuck your discord shit, scum.
You are such a fucking moron, I have watched a few of your videos now and your channel has got to be the most braindead shit I've ever seen. This video of yours that you posted peaked my interest, but I soon lost that interest when I discovered how much of a lobotomized attention whore freak you are.
Example one: youtu.be
More SHIT singing with what I presume to be your boyfriend. Stupid song, whatever it is.
Exhibit two: youtu.be
Look at you, doing fucking retarded Yoda impressions.
Exhibit three: youtu.be
You dancing like a retard, again with your faggot boyfriend.
Exhibit four: youtu.be
Oh look, you're also a furfag who actually owns ears and a tail, and then you use them to make this fucking monstrosity.
Exhibit five:youtu.be
We can all see your disgusting ass sweat in this video, get some self respect.
I write a lot, I had a massive bout of inspiration recently from reading Kane, which is just a series of anthological, loosely connected worldbuilt stories about an immortal caricature of Cain, think Conan but he doesn't hate magic. I'll post an excerpt when I get home maybe, hard to justify.
are you alright user? do you need someone to talk to?
I spent ages setting up a new garden and a pond and got a webcam put on it, streaming wirelessly via a raspberry pi and streaming also all the current works in progress/unreleased musics i made for a new project i hope is finished by next year. Check it out in the live stream section (the camera is just pointed at my pond, nothing else).
>im just a robot sorry I ate the bbq
autism speaks :|
he spelled piqued
and so he has no balls :|
go abstract. do stuff that makes you feel more than what you think will impress others. hope this helps. by the way, you might be interested to see this video as it covers art by mentally ill people- not just schitzos but psychopaths and theres a pretty interesting bit of learning.
> youtube.com
Not my video. pic unrelated
Use your sketchbooks and doodle stuff unrelated to what you intend. Put on mood music conveying your subject's idea:heroic soundtracks if you are making battle scenes or designing capes crusader stuff,or melancholy melodies for drawing landscapes or props. And most importantly,explore fearlessly. That's what sketchbooks are for:design and research.
See this thing? I originally conceived it as a humanoid giant made of ice,but a dozen tries in my sketchbooks transformed it into a dragon made of icicles. In sketchbooks,nothing counts and no one need see those half formed ideas. So let mind and hand drift and you will find a way.
here be dragons maybe
fucking awesom.
And here is the first strip it appeared in.
Oops! Forgot the pic.
Silly me.
oOOOOOooOOOOOOh nice, you're gonna have to take it up a notch from now on. your baseline is now calibrated. im not impressed enough.
Here is a splash page featuring it.
Considering that I draw these things in a bowling alley while my wife attends her league,I am happy with any result.
just gonna say you deserve all the nice tings, this is superb. why not open a redbubble or t-spring and get into the custom prints, buy yourself a big blown up print of it for your wall or something. i do. worth it.
I made a short anime
I am trying to sell tshirts at the moment of my stuff. And if you ask(so I won't get banned),I will provide a link.
Give link jabroni
for the sakes of not getting banned, post a link but dont expect anything (i know you dont) but i wanna have a look. i have a hard saved up vacation coming up.
Okay...I will hope for a bit of mercy from the mods. To be honest,I am getting laid off by October 2nd from a job of 35 years and although I cannot expect these to support me,a little publicity will go a long way.
This is my latest creation and will make it to the shop tomorrow night. It needs a little more tweaking.
Another Oops.
nigger you are a pro, what are you even doing on this board... well spose as long as you are helping the robots who have absolutely no clue what to do in the face of eternal darkness, that shirt looks like a schitzoid's daily commute.
>finally have idea
>cant do the art for it
I made it so I can place a new centerpiece in the chest area for new products,and also they will have two color variations as well. It's the first shirt specifically designed for the template,so I want to squeeze as much juice from it as I can. I suspect that soon I will have little time to draw,needing to work 2 or three jobs just to keep my roof over my head.
At first, I thought you were just being a bitter asshole, but holy crap, his videos do suck. "Braindead" is right.
Hey bros, writefag here. I'm about 110k words into my novel, a 2/5 of the way into the third (and final) act. I have the whole damn thing planned out, but for whatever reason I have no desire to continue.
Any fellow writefags here deal with this? This seems to happen to me a lot with larger works. Please say anything other than "just keep pushing on" because I plan on doing that. I'm looking more for techniques or tips for restarting my interest in my project.
Also Scrivener is fucking amazing. Just wanted to throw that out there if you're serious about writing novels
will follow back and return feedback
Sup writefag
If you can't take a hiatus, work on some other shit that night be taxing your interest, the only other technique Is just pure nietzchen spirit
Write sections piecemeal. No reason in the world for you to write anything in order. Do the scenes that are the most entertaining and save the boring connecting bits for last. Then when you are turning the first draft into a more cohesive form you can clean it up.
a short exercise I did on imitation
does anybody here live in the northeast and also play drums?
Wouldn't it be better if you literally set the text with your handwriting as you draw?
recently released 4 singles, variety of styles so maybe theres one youll like but probably not
>nice work. is this the Notjordanpeterson.com thing?
it is.
It's always a good time for posting in these threads.
I mostly just draw my wifu.
Sometimes I'll draw other peoples.
>want to make movie
>have no confidence to do a casting call or even write the bloody script
>wouldnt be able to direct
>rule of thirds is a foreign concept to my peanut brain
>dont even know if the story is a good idea cause lack of confidence
Made a YouTube channel, will probably abandon it once I find a friend or another hobby
That post was 7 hours old by the time you replied to it.
That proves it wasn't too late, since his post got seen anyway
All of those videos are just a guy having fun on his own or with his friend, not really sure what your issue is. I don't think it's meant to be groundbreaking content, he's just fucking about by the looks of it
I'll have you know that a former thread was kept alive for 4 days.
That's what I do. But sometimes I get overly ambitious with telling the story and some strips are wall to wall text. It's an art unto itself to fill a page with Stuff,and try to balance the words and imagery in order to tell the tale. But I see all these as storyboards of a future movie,and realize the dialogue is important although crowding. Here is an example of that:
rough song idea I started tonight, pls feedbackerino
Shut the fuck up, you piece of shit whiteknight.
The most infuriating part of all of this is that this retard actually has a girlfriend, assuming the girl in his videos isn't his sister. Why does this ugly incel tier looking guy have a girlfriend?
I'm afraid I can't let you reach page 10, Thread.
and another
Pic I drew a few days ago
Gun drawing is my shit
One thing I cannot find,and had loads of fun with,are pads of storyboard templates. I could do short subjects like this and explore the single TV shaped panel and play around with the text box.
And Teddy....went insane.
Nice comiks hommie
Here's a little tune I threw together
>Here's a little tune I threw together
Forgot the link
Is this rifle upside down?
HOW the fuck does one find people to jam with?
>The only (You) I get is from some guy correcting me on a an unimportant detail
Ouch. I can take a hint. Deleting the song off of vocaroo.
i make over edited youtube videos some times
I draw porn sometimes
Some managed to get in touch through their respective soundcloud/twitter/bandcamp.
Selfish and restless bump.