What would you do without your hands, Jow Forums?
What would you do without your hands, Jow Forums?
jack off with my feet
Jack off with this guy's feet
>People do this process over several years?
>They must be stupid, look at how quickly I can do it
jack off with this guys feet while he jacks off with this guys feet
wtf happened to that guys hands
i need to know
He was trying to inflate them with a bicycle pump because his parents never got him those sweet ass hulk hands he wanted when he was 8
i'd lurk here instead of posting
i checked his twitter
hes a furry who bound his hands up into paws for some cosplay
lol wtf are you fucking serious
just loosen the bindings jesus
Stop crossposting this across all of the Internet you fucking jackass.
Go back.
he's full of shit.tht furry had sore hands so decided to take a few pain meds and put hands in ice for a minutes. pain meds made him fall asleep and he wool\\ke up 6 hours later his hands were still in ice, dead they're getting amputated tomorrow.
Is that what it was? Lack of circulation? I looked, but didn't see any mention of what it was. How do not realize that you can't feel your hands?
Jack off.
Play vidya.
Make a living.
Jesus christ that is fucking horrifying. This is the kind of shit i worry about living alone for fucks sake.
i'm going to be thinking about this shit all day FUCK
he posted to facebook a vlog on what happened, google James Farnsworth (same profile pic of fury as twitter)
tl:dw; he has bad arthritis, had a bad inflammatory episode one night, he used DRY ICE instead of regular ice (usually does this with dry ice for 15 minutes at a time) wrapped it around his hands in a towel. that night however he fell asleep, when he woke 6 hours later his hands where completely fucked.
*DRY ice
is dry ice an actual thing they do or what??? i looked it up but found nothing just normal ice
my mom has arthritis but she never did dry ice for fucks sake
Yeah they look more like frostbite burns.
>those blisters
Furries are cancer but I feel bad for the guy, that's fucking horrifying
>i looked it up
First result
>live on welfare
>Jack myself off with my feet
>Learn to light a bong with my toes
>Learn to play eu4 and other paradox games without my hands.
The biggest change in my life would definitely be the foot masturbation
in the vlog he says i know it's stupid to use dry ice, he mentions something about it not melting and soaking his bed like reg ice so he uses dry ice BIG MISTAKE
>a thing THEY DO
>ctrl f arthritis no results
Well i feel a little better now knowing i can probably prevent one of these awful events if i dont do experimental shit like th
you got trolled
>motorcycle accident=
>dangerous goyim not to do with green earths nor the 2cycle causing green earth '''''problems''''' to our dealerships of new safer more expensive engines that can track you!
>pain pills =
>drugs r bad mkay not because they come from the middle east and we don't want to plant them ourselves but they will HARM u KAY
>dry ice=
>white rabbit
Take your fucking meds user
no don't take them, what if you fell asleep with dry ice on your hands or even worse: you won't notice it when the voidlings put arsenic in your water at night. they did it last week when you had that weird headache, and they've been waiting for you to look away or pass out ever since. they WILL do it if you give them the chance
I still remember the times when everyone shat on furries for being degenerate, why did we stop that?
I would become a cyborg
So he deserved it then, good to know. Should've figured it was as much as from that faggot tier typing style.
This is like when you fall asleep on your arm and wake up to it being completely numb x100.
Well now he won't have arthritis amymore
Haaaaa! He did this on purpose. Dry ice is the preferred method of forcing amputation in BIID communities. He doesn't want to talk about it because his lies are going to fall apart immediately. Because he did it on fucking purpose.
Given that he's a hardcore furry it makes sense unironically that he could be drawn to other weird tabboo stuff, huh?
I actually sorta believe you.
>Body integrity dysphoria
>BID is a rare, infrequently studied condition in which there is a mismatch between the mental body image and the physical body, characterized by an intense desire for amputation of a limb, usually a leg, or to become blind or deaf.[2]The person sometimes has a sense of sexual arousal connected with the desire for loss of a limb or sense.[2]
>Some act out their desires, pretending they are amputees using prostheses and other tools to ease their desire to be one. Some people with BID have reported to the media or by interview over the telephone with researchers that they have resorted to self-amputation of a "superfluous" limb; for example, by allowing a train to run over it, or by damaging the limb so badly that surgeons will have to amputate it.
jesus fuck maybe that's why he is so chill (lol) about it? I wonder, does the sexual component come from like a submissive side, like being permanently tied up except just straight up amputating instead of restricting movement?
Frostbite HURTS. There's no way to just fall asleep through it even if you pop a couple of Vicodin. Don't take my word for it. Read some of their whacky forums. People have done this exact thing to force ER doctors to remove perfectly healthy limbs. The human brain is fascinating when it malfunctions.
Two possibilities here
1. He wanted to cut off his hands so that its easier to walk on all 4s with his fursuit
2. His arthritis was SO BAD he literally decided to cut off his hands
Well which is it?
it is solid C02
HAHAHA Furrys are so damn stupid
because furry or not this absolutely sucks to go through
But furries do deserve every bit of misfortune imaginable
Well that and probably also an excuse for why he constantly fails.
No? Someone who wants to dress up doesn't deserve to have their hands cut off... Its really fucking weird and they should be laughed at, but have some compassion. Fucking hell
He goes through that shit because he's a degenerate furry, I don't have any compassion for druggies destroying their lifes either.
Jack off this guys feet
What caused this? And why only in the hands?
>The human brain is fascinating when it malfunctions.
That could be said about literally everyone here.
furry degenerate losing his hands
based god
Prosthetic hands are REALLY fucking good in 2019 and thanks to 3D printing and other open source endeavors they're not even prohibitively expensive. For thousands of years losing your hands with a death sentence, and even as little as 10 years ago it was an awful thing to lose your hands, but in this very moment your outlook on life without your natural hands is actually pretty good. We live in a society.
I've not been able to find the video, did he delete or something?
Are they? Holy shit I didn't realize tech had advanced this much, wonder how the fuck they went about interpreting nerve signals into commands, like I have no doubt a robotic hand is quite capable and precise when controlled from a computer but it must be a real achievement to do the same from human nerve endings.
user is a bit of a retard, those prosthetic hands are getting better and better but they're still far from being close to normal hands, they can hold, release, move fingers and such at this point but they're still slow, limited to weight and how much you're paying for the software
So do virgin pedo weebs but nobody says that you deserve misfortune
I would transition... How? I would tell surgoens to move my penis on the stubble left over from the hand. After that i basically would have a 15 incher... Ladies would love me.
>furfag avatar
nothing of value was lost. also how do you even get into a situation like that?
They interpret electrical signals from your skin. They're surprisingly efficient at doing so.
Don't call me a retard you brainlet, they are more than good enough for daily life. You're not going to be a professional athlete with prosthetic hands (although there are plenty of athletes with prosthetic legs!) but if you think you can't live a fulfilling life with prosthetic hands in the current year (and specially considering how massively advanced they will be in another 6 years) then you are undeniably the retard here. You could easily live a quality life if you lost your hands tomorrow, and in 2025 your prosthetic hands will probably be as good as having normal flesh and blood hands.
Get my gf to give me handjobs. Or mom. Or aunt.
>furry gets both hands removed so he can wear proper paws
the absolute state of western """civilization"""
>Dumbass does dumb thing
Surely this means the west is in decline
R-Right guys?
wypipo are unironically cancelled senpai
enjoy dying out in two generations
I can't find his FB page.
But I did find a tweet (media section) where he mentions arthritis causing him to drop something heavy and break a finger.
So he apparently had bad arthritis.
Feel really bad for him.
hahaha that is so absurd, getting frostbite in the comfort of your own home.
Gear Third irl
>Gear Third irl
might wanna rewrite that post
Basically, he had ice on his hands for 6 hours? So he gave himself frostbite. That sucks, even though he's a furfag.
I'm inclined to believe this because he says things are going to get "very interesting".
he totally did it on purpose
Poor dude, man. Actually crying for him, hope he is well
Id use my legs obviously a handless arm is pretty useless. Id like a fancy prosthetic but even the most expensive grade are that pragmatic. Especially for.gaming writhing or drawi g ehich is what I mostly use them for
I would just have sex
What process origami?
Hooking up myself with some badass Cybernetic hands.
>]The person sometimes has a sense of sexual arousal connected with the desire for loss of a limb or sense.[
Does this explain trannies?
If I couldn't get some kind of advanced prosthetic for at least one of my arms I would an hero for certain. I'd rather lose both my legs than lose one of my hands.
dont call them mentally ill or they will have a mental breakdown to prove you they are mentally stable.
maybe im trippin, but how did he write that post?
why do i want to try jacking off with my feet
I had a scare one time when I fell asleep and woke up with my right arm numb. Like totally numb. I couldn't move it. Kind of freaking out. After several minutes it began to move again.
how can he tweet if his hands are completely fucked.
fake and gay.
Jesus all those replies. They are all furrries with furry avatars. They act like a cult. They seem unbreakable, despite all the internet roast they dont seem to mind one bit.
>Prosthetic hands are REALLY fucking good in 2019
They're good relative to previous prostetic hands. But we're nowhere near bionic man shit. Having really good prostetic hands is like having near paralysis. It's sitll a huge disability.
>They act like a cult.
They are. Humans will just generate stupid cults all the time on their own. They draw in lonely weird people desperate for love and a community.
go back to r.eddit you sad fucks, just how pathetic do you have to be to find this shit funny let alone make such a comment? please hang yourself.
I'd kill myself since I wouldn't be able to play any instruments which is literally all I do. Probably jump off one of the highrises near where I live
God... Stop being so r*ddit get off of this board? Have some decency. Fucking hell.
>I can move a mouse what more could you want
Damn, I'd suicide. My job completely relies on my hands.
"I'm optimistic."
Either try to put myself in a really long coma so when I wake up bionic hands/hand transplant exists. Or just kill myself
There is nothing more terrifying to me than the thought of losing my hands. I mean FUCK
>can't play instruments
>can't lift weights
>can't play games
>can't shake hands, high five
>sex and masturbation is crippled
>constantly looking at fucking stumps
jesus christ
Fucking kek, depending the amount and size/ventilation of his room he could be fucking dead.
>be medic
>see one of those furry degenerates enter
>inspect his hands, can be easily recovered
>tell him we have to amputate
>take that you fucking scum
user you know just as well as I do that those hands are fucking dead
Have sex (with my feet)
At least it happened to a furry and not you
>a fucking fursuiter
justice has been served