Wow holy shit

Wow holy shit...
The trap handlers here are really fucked up. Jesus man
Do traps like being emotionally manipulated and abused? And if someone is naturally manipulative and enjoys this kind of thing how do they get in on it?

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T-This is really hot.

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I've cum to op image more times than I can count

You guys are almost as evil as the satanic child fuckers that LARP at ruling the world.
I really wouldn't be surprised if you're similar people.
The free access to copious amounts of prescription hormones glows pretty bright.

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You aren't going to make me do some sort of manipulation ritual right?
Because I'm no trap

This is the best larp yet

Was am active member of that server, with access to the super secret tranny channel. Ama.

Why did you leave?
And how do you establish yourself as a handler rather than a trap

He's just a larper from r*ddit.

Sorry I don't browse here often. I just saw the image and instantly got turned on. I want to take part

I feel really bad for the traps here but they are doing it willingly and crave the attention, I just wish they didn't

I did not leave. The server was taken down. And all you need to do to get yourself on the good side of any trans person is constantly be nice to them.

Pic related is from the owner of the server.

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Please direct me to a place where the trap harem is fren

I say we ban all faggots and traps.

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Yeah I wanna be part of this

do retards actually give these faggots their adress? jesus fucking christ

Is there not a single trap (femboy) or trap (tranny) that actually wants a healthy and loving relationship?


Also fuck trans, nigga thats fucking gay

Cmon user
Don't be like this... Let me and into the harem

I would if I could, but the server has been taken down. I would post one if I knew. A lot of people try to make one but a lot of trans discords are dead.

Mentally ill trap tranny faggot here. I had a fellow tranny commit suicide that I knew and I myself am very close.

No we hate being hated but in order to cope we need to sexualize it just to survive.

You know I was raped & molested as a child so.......... draw your own conclusions here.

Thanks for your question faggot.

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C-Can you suck my peepee?

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being a trap is inherently sexual

I wish these fucking faggots and faggots like them would just fuck off. They're giving real transwomen a terrible name

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No they all live for the Dick

I want a cute tranny gf why are there no ones around where I live

You DON'T have to sexualize in order to survive, you are hanging around the wrong places. On r9k and dumb tranny discords you are hyper sexualized but there are tons of people who will treat you as a decent human. It's sad that trannies prefer the attention of being sexualized over real affection though

If ur sad that the server is gone you can just join this one

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i wish these people could be tracked like that lifetime harvard study. curious as to how theyll end up in 20-40 years time

Couldn't be more disgusting.

Wouldn't be surprised if the r9k mods were in that discord