Why shouldn't we waste our lives in front of a computer consuming an endless supply of escapist media?

why shouldn't we waste our lives in front of a computer consuming an endless supply of escapist media?

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Because it makes you clinically depressed and you're missing out on things.

Next question.

Im gonna be a neet for 2 months when wow classic drops, its gonna be truly legendary

because you have to contribute to society user
you HAVE to find a job, find a wife, make children and be productive PRODUCTIVE!

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computer is good and can take away a lot of suck from life. that being said dont neglect your real life.

Missing out on what? Being a Jewish slave? By resticting yourself to only real life you're instead missing out on tons of well crafted fictional worlds and intense stories that show you a better world than this one while also providing hours of fun and entertainment. Real life has nothing. You wake up, you work so Israel can have more money, you eat, you sleep. I guess if you're a low IQ normalfaggot you probably think that the small altercations in this pattern such as having sex make such a useless monotonous life worthwhile, but those with intelligence can see its just a foolish cope. That shit has no meaning.

Imagine typing all of that just to cope with the fact that you're to anxious to go outside every once in a while.

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>no argument
As expected of the normalshitter

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Can't argue with a delusion. I hope you enjoy your neet cave.

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I hope you enjoy polishing Mr. Goldstein's cock and being coerced to make a child so he has another future worker

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What if i own my own business and am not having children? What if that means i can afford a nicer quality of life? What if life is a giant mmo and neets didnt train any skills or gain any exsperience?

Have you ever looked at this way? Theres more to life than escapist media.

Don't forget drugs at least I do that

Is that that guy who tried to assinate someone for Jodie Foster or some shit?

user you are right but you are way to extreme in thinking like that. you are coping. the jew owns everything and everyone works for the nose, sure. BUT that doesnt mean you cant bend the game to your benefit and give yourself a better life by turning off the computer sometimes. you know im right faggot.

My uncles does this, normies call it "retirement"

I fail to see how turning off my computer and going outside will make things better, and you can't fucking convince me of that because my opinion of "better" is much different than yours. People like you who generalize shit like """"better"""" lives like this are the epitome of npc thinking. Not a single unique thought to be found. Fuck off.

>npc reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

see how far that gets you in life faggot

everyone is making points to counter yours, you are just too retarded to take them in

>have sex
>post body

>makes you clinically depressed
How does it? It makes more sense to think that clinically depressed people go for things that don't require much energy yet make them happy. Since they're depressed, going for things like careers or long-term goals or whatever is too tiring. Just playing a game won't make you clinically depressed, especially when there are lots of people who devote their time to 'escapist media' and aren't clinically depressed.

But a better life is measured based on happiness. If user doesn't want to do the stuff you list, it means there's no point in getting him to do it. If you don't want to do something it's because it makes you less happy in some way.

You absolutely should. Most of our leaders would prefer that spoiled kids never enter the work force or be seen in public. We need immigrants to replace you, and you would prefer an escapist life anyway. Hope its fulfilling lmao

Because the media and the society brainwashed by media have said that it's a waste of time, clearly all the entertainment you're having is a delusion, you couldn't possibly be happy being anything other than another mindless drone willingly keeping the cogs of degeneracy and deprivation running.

Israel tells you to buy things and sit at home. Jews dont want competition. You were brainwashed into consumerism

I think everyone wins if you do. You are happy playing fortnite, black guys are happy fucking your potential women, and boomers are happy to keep all the money between themselve

Try again, my neetbux goes to Japanese companies

I only work because I need the money to fund those hobbies.
Not everyone can leech off of their parents and be a neet or get welfare.
So I work because I need to
>pay rent
>pay electricity bills
>save some up in case my PC dies and I need to buy a new one
I'm not buying any vidya though, that's for cuck losers. Why buy something when you can just torrent it for free?

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You should. It's not like there's anything better to do.

Literally all of Japan is owned by Jews

If that's what you're doing with your time, then you are depressed and you need psychiatric help right away. Nobody who isn't depressed is doing this all the time. Time to grow up and face life like a man.

>distracted while using escapist media
>obviously depressed and miserable every time you have to get up, sleep, use the bathroom, eat, deal with your progressive health problems
Lol hey man if you are autistic enough to enjoy that lifestyle, who can blame you? You simply wouldnt understand how to use your brain for more than watching a screen

They should ban your IP
You contribute to the decline of this board and website as a whole
I'm not even going to throw insults
But you should get mental help
Like learn to meditate and reach a new level
Just leave