Robot =/= Incel

Robot =/= Incel
Robot =/= Incel
Robot =/= Incel
Robot =/= Incel
Robot =/= Incel
Robot =/= Incel

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correct. not sure how these two got conflated. i started seeing this back in 2014ish. it never made any sense to me.

Blame reddit. They had a board for those faggots but then shut it down, so they migrated over here.

baba bobo baba bobo baba bobo baba bobo baba bobo baba bobo baba bobo baba bobo

babo babo babo babu babo babo babo babu babo babo babo babu babo babo babo babu

beba bobo beba bobo beba bobo beba bobo beba bobo beba bobo beba bobo beba bobo

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Reminder to make the stay of the incel redditors as unpleasant as possible.

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>robots can't get sex
>robots want sex
Hmmm yes, I totally can't see how the two could be associated.


Most robots aren't actually sociopaths

This thread is going to be full of redditors trying to defend their position. Just have sex, its that easy. Your incel problems will be solved and all you will have are the rest of your problems.

Robots are volcels and know it's their own fault, and that they could get sex if they put in the effort. Incels are the same except they are too dumb to understand this.

Who said incels were sociopaths. Incels are simply those who cannot have sex. You're allowing the media to a paint another picture.
No every robot bitches and moans about not getting sex. Pic related.

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If you want to get technical (and also be right), the "robot" of r9k has nothing to do with the posters at all. It's the bot that mutes you for beign unoriginal.

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im posting in this thread because OP is true and correct. Incels are the absolute worst. SO what, you dont have sex? Just be urself and have good looks.

So? It's 2019? No one posts from their desktops any more grandpa.

same for incels

>self-hating asian namefag is proud to be among the low and the filth
nnot shocking desu. you're most likely too inept to be using a PC anyway.

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Is the bot an incel though? It clearly doesn't want sex, but on the other hand one can hardly say it's done anything voluntarily.

>n-not shocking d-desu. you're most likely too inept to be using a PC anyway. Not like I of a-a-superior intellect.

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>Hmmm yes, I totally can't see how the two could be associated.
i can get sex whenever i want it. most people here like to project this cope onto others for whatever reason. my issue is mental illness.

I like this image, user, as it portrays the truth in visual form with ease. Nicely done.

>the voices tell me I can get a girl anytime I want.

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Why do boomers suck at humor?

It seems pretty content. That is, it never compains outside of these passive-aggressive warnings for saying "lol".


Robot = unsuccessful friendless male virgin outcast who didn't come here from rddit, may or may not care about sex
Incel = male virgin who came here from rddit and wants sex

robot = knows that it's his fault he can't get a gf
incel = doesn't think that it's fault that he can't get a gf so he blames women

>tgfw had sex
incels can't relate

its not about sex you retarded americumbrain

based user shitting on amerifag

I think a smarter equation is:
Failed Normalnigger =/= Robot

can add that equation as well

Why would you post complete lies on am Zambian massage forum

*schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp*

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The main difference is that average robot has problems connecting with people at all, romantically or not.
Inability to find a gf is the most highlighted asset of robot persona due to social stigma around male virginity.

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