>be me
>find bait thread on r9k
>comment my discord because im lonely and desperate
> texts
>asks for proof that its a girl
>sends proof, face + body
> its a girl
>mfw talking to a biological girl and she is actually an attractive robot
they exists bros, they exist
Be me
Lol you're getting catfished or brought into an e-thot's harem of orbiters.
You're excited about either of those prospects?
Can I also get a e bot gf ?
You will forever be disposable to a girl online especially, and try not to think about the fucking 10 guys that are also talking to her at the same time.
I don't care just wanna talk to a cute griller
Sssh, let him cope for a little while.
10? Lmao. More like 50. You have no idea how many messages females receive every day. You mean literally nothing to her.
it was through snapchat with a time stamp, she let me know her intentions and even let me see her friend lists and told me the people she was talking to
you just got to give the bait threads a try sometime, user
read first reply
I can't find them
this is original
just try later and keep an eye out for them user one thing i do have to mention is that you must be good with conversation and automatically click for them to actually take you seriously
I can do that easily talk to lot's of people on gaycord
true lol enjoy being her emotional tampon
Listen user I'm gonna be sincere to you.If a girl doesn't knows how you look, she is not interested in you.She doesn't love or give a fuck about you at least she knows she is chatting with chad
Types of women on R9K
>Men that roleplay
>Women looking for attention "btw guys do u know am gorl"
>Women who lurk
i have not even showed her my face and im quite ugly, she likes my personality and even texts that she misses me and spams me get btfo fags
Maybe she's imagining you as an attractive guy. I've heard stories where a guy and a girl chat for months, then he sends her a picture of his face and she ghosts him. It'd be a shame if that happened to you ahahaha
My two cents, at least don't get attatched, because you'll get your heart broken if it turns out to be a man or some bitch looking for attention.
Im telling you this because i do give a fuck about you, you dumbfag.Don't make illusions on this bc the moment she knows you're ugly will be the moment she starts not caring shit about you
Also 50% chances is a dude
Or a man pretending to be a bitch looking for attention. Many such cases!
Listen to this wise robot. As soon as she realizes you're not an introverted Chad, she'll ghost you and replace you with another orbiter.
Or a tranny pretending to be a man pretending to be a woman that has sex with your nan
Don't mind the anons, they'll find new excuses whenever their previous delusions are proven false. They're just jealous desu.
>just jealous
reminds be of a pewdiepie fangirl