haha classic /britfeel/ edition
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first for death to tim
sorry, hehe.
*kills plump*
love you lads haha
Chadren approves
so glad that SP is well and truly dead
reckon if harry kane wasn't a footballer he'd be one of the mongs on here talking about pizza wizza
>one extra large pizza wizza please m8
now this is classic britfeel heh heh
Did that user watch Once Upon a time in Venice?
who's ready for another classic britfeel thread hope classic britfeel meme man has some stonkers xD
>had a haircut
>look like a cute young greying dad
i can work with this
this is not funny. stop posting that film.
britfeel the film pretty much i m o
l promise that was the last time
I recently watched Once Upon a Time ...in Hollywood.
Because of the trannies and general weirdos?
Fucking muzzies are stealing all are jobs. Seen one working down at the pube now I got to stare at his ugly mug every time I want a pint.
*installs asbestos ITT*
bet he puts dead white girl piss in it
>working down at the pube
tough job but someones got to do it
more the nonceiness of the lead
About to make the coup of the year on ebay lads. Can't believe I am the only one bidding for it when its worth is over 100 quid. only 3 hours left as well.
Willis? Think the opening sex scene was with a girl a quarter of his age. Dirty old fucker
Might ask my mum her thoughts on Whoopi Goldberg's film career
link us lad. or at least tell us what it is. is it a rare coin or something?
What is it de laddy?
Can't say yet because some lad will just go and make a fake bid so I can't get it lmao. I will show you all later, you will be surprised at how nobody has found it.
Need a new show to watch. Any suggestions? Crime/action
the lusting after that wee lad
I was just thinking that no shows on now interest me at all.
What's some old ones you've seen?
it was a very 'politically incorrect' movie imo. Lot of racial sterotypes and having an insane black crossdresser isnt something you see often
>The Shield
>The Wire
>The Terror
off the top of my head
For me, it's Mr. Robot.
Seen S1 of shield. Might just S2
You've posted this song dozens of times mate. It's not even a good song and s2 sucks and you suck.
Great news, named another feral catto at my cousins house. Got snarf and battle cat.
Pic is snarf, she's been here for about 8 years now. Fugg knows where battlecat is
hes not a robot tho
it's not fair, no birds want to slobber on my knob lads
It's a great show and only gets better as it goes on desu
*in your own opinion
Sad that cutehouse got taken down?
This is the new one, enjoy!
Why are you feeding vermin?
go piss yourself now
*sets up the cones for five a side practice*
Snarfy's not vermin.
And because she's hungry.
*kicks all the cones and sends them flying*
>a new study published by the Lancet on November 1st makes interesting reading. Researchers led by Professor David Nutt, a former chief drugs adviser to the British government, asked drug-harm experts to rank 20 drugs (legal and illegal) on 16 measures of harm to the user and to wider society, such as damage to health, drug dependency, economic costs and crime. Alcohol is the most harmful drug in Britain, scoring 72 out of a possible 100, far more damaging than heroin (55) or crack cocaine (54). It is the most harmful to others by a wide margin, and is ranked fourth behind heroin, crack, and methamphetamine (crystal meth) for harm to the individual.
why so mad lid?
*helps set the cones up again*
Fuck sake
>buying your clothes from Amazon
They send me a link to check out, I can't help it if the clothes are OK
*crosses the ball to user*
Can someone translate the Paki speak to English please
*goes to head the ball and accidently headbutts user*
Fuck sake
>buying your clothes from Amazon
They send me a link to check out, I can't help it if the clothes are OK
Sorry, forgot pic
thanks lad
*controls it with his chest and fucks up the volley*
*grabs two of the coats used as goalposts and runs off*
*runs onto the pitch with water bucket and magic sponge to tend to user*
eouueehhh! aaahhhh! aaah!!
*apolgises to the homeless guy for losing 2 of his coats*
If only Amazon sold other sweatshirts. But they don't, no need to worry about it.
Who used to make the goalposts smaller when in goal?
tired af but now gotta make bloody dinner
fuck everything
I'd love to play football with Poley, I bet he's well good at it.
evens and i buy beer odds i do not
Buy it anyway my laaaaad
Anyone wanna recommend me some romantic handjob porn?
word on the street is it be opposite day today lad
just saying
>no harm to others
so there's no chance of the person having a bad trip and stabbing people? sure
>minimal risk to others
so ghb isn't used for date rape?
who made this? what a load of shit
*puts some deep heat on yer head and gives you half a naval orange*
You've had a good game user but you'll have to miss the rest of this one
*calls for the wheelbarrow*
LiLu's HandJobs
What you having, can you do something easy like pie chips and gravy?
I am absolutely, positively SEETHING at Tekken today
contrary to what you might believe most people on a trip dont go about stabbing eachother. Retarded cuck.
Overall ghb is probably far outranked by alcohol in harm to others when you consider things like the harm fights, vandalism, domestic abuse, alcoholism on famailies and the fact that alcohol is also arguably a date rape drug and probably more used as such than ghb so shut your little hole.
>so there's no chance of the person having a bad trip and stabbing people? sure
Course there is a chance but it's a pretty small chance and the numbers reflect that.
>so ghb isn't used for date rape?
Very, very rarely. Ever tasted GHB? Tastes like pure salt, it's almost never used in date rape because people can taste it instantly, there are drugs that are far better suited to that.
>who made this? what a load of shit
Compiled by the former head of the government's Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs and included the views of some of the leading experts in drug harms, but do tell us oh sage user of the chans how you know better.
Please don't mate, i'm having a hard enough time trying to stop wanking to this shite as it is.
No pun intended.
Beautiful song this lads
Rare bit of old school melody and harmony that got lost somewhere in modern pop
posting this for the lad that hates her
But its not romantic enough.
Trying to unbum yourself, mate? Or is it a /nofap/ situation?
It's ok if you do it and make car noises though right?
Kaz is my main since Tekken 2, you play PS4 lad? I will do you right in
why are you so angry?
>Course there is a chance but it's a pretty small chance and the numbers reflect that.
it's not though is it? clearly nothing there for the harm to others
>Very, very rarely
Sure mate, then why is it known as the date rape drug?
>how you know better.
Just like how you know better?
Alcohol is the number one date rape drug you stupid meff.
>A large analysis conducted in 2001 examined 3,303 cases of suspected DFSA in the US. The results suggested public fears about drink spiking were unjustified, with the authors stating that "detailed examination of the testing results does not support the contention that any single drug, apart from alcohol, can be particularly identified as a 'date rape' drug".
>A study conducted in Australia in 2009 looked at toxicology results from suspected DFSA cases and found a similar trend. High alcohol concentration was again the biggest factor, with illicit drug use also prevalent. Among the 101 cases, there was no evidence that a sedative had been illegally added to any drinks, leading the authors to conclude that the study "did not reflect the current public perception of drink spiking. Drink spiking with sedative or illicit drugs appears to be rare. If drink spiking does occur, ethanol [alcohol] appears to be the most common agent used."
Virgin mate, so /nofap/, trying to go without fapping, made it twenty days recently, but i've ended up cocking up and starting from scratch.
I am on PS4 but not playing right this second. Having a breather. What's your PSN? I'll add you in a bit.
t. serial rapist
>Just like how you know better?
Hes at least come armed with a drugs study lad, if youre too young to remember David Nutt he was a government advisor on drugs and is an academic lad
>take too much GHB at a party with loads of gays lads
>didnt get raped
Just questioning the results mate and user starts throwing out insults.
bids come in the last minutes. so don't get too excite.
>Just like how you know better?
Just like how the experts in the field know better. See how I even linked to the literature?
I'll link again thelancet.com
My own personal experience matches that of the experts, so yeah I'll say I do seem to know better than some random on an imageboard who thinks he knows better than trained professionals and academics using the scientific method.
>My own personal experience
t. rapist
>rapists take their own date rape drugs
seems legit
>The driver is currently 7 stops away
my free Amazon books are incoming.
every week I go to asda try find healthier shit to eat that isn't expensive but come out with same processed shit.
eating better is hard work when I don't want to cook
Are you retarded? Rapists use date rape drugs on their victims. He's got plenty of experience
I'm not but I'd love to play with a friend
fuck off