Thundy here, 100mg of Royal Changa DMT arrived today. I'm going to outerspace for eternity...

Thundy here, 100mg of Royal Changa DMT arrived today. I'm going to outerspace for eternity, my ego may dissipate soon but just know janny that I'll still think you're a fag. My discord is Thundy#8497, e-gfs may apply there

Attached: IMG_20190822_114305592.jpg (2050x2050, 1.7M)

Would namefag but my namefag has been banned

Dont add. removes as soon as you disagree with him.

Whats's your point

Looks like cornmeal.


you forgot to write your requirements

Radical feminists aren't humans, they're parasitical menaces.

Don't be black or obese, that's about it

Shit thundy how many girls have contacted you from here?

Don't add hes really mean and said I was ugly.

Attached: ff (2).jpg (775x637, 80K)

It's Changa, not as intense as I'd think it was eating it orally though. My mind's buzzing a bit, guess it takes awhile to peak

A small handful, most of them are foreigners or underage though

I have never called a fembot ugly, post screenshots of proof you lying harlot

>Royal Changa DMT
What makes this dimethyltryptamine more royal than other dimethyltryptamine?
Also, it looks blatantly cut with some other shit, because due to the chemical structure DMT is bright yellow to orange.

Lol just added op and he asked for nudes right away. I sent him my face and he removed me. Don't add this bully.

can confirm , op is a faggot who ghosts after a few minutes

>most of them are foreigners
Easy to predict, burger fembots would be able to find a bf the second they entered the board.
>or underage though
Negatives of using discord.

Changa is DMT infused into plants

You are a devilish shitposter

Sad but true...

I think the vendor sent me the wrong DMT, this seems more like freebase sand DMT rather then the Royal Changa DMT I ordered. He'll have to reship it for this great travesty

why the fuck would you do that
isn't the whole point of extracting it to get out out of the plant?

Where you the guy who spoke to bmo?

why do you need a gf if you have DMT?

It's not even changa, most likely freebase
And 100mg? If you use the machine, well, goodluck breaking through of 100mg if this is your first time trying to vape it

I'm genuinely afraid to do DMT. If I did do it I'd want a sober person present to make sure I didn't try to jump off a building or something. Is it like LSD where you should probably do it outside and with friends? I don't really have anybody to do it with, should I do it alone?

dmt lasts for like 10 minutes lol
and you basically can't get up and move anyway