This guy has a girlfriend explain this incels

This guy has a girlfriend explain this incels.

Attached: Benzo.jpg (900x900, 116K)

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he looks like if jane goodall got viciously attacked by one of her chimps


he's a provider, clearly she's fucking other people on the side

from chad to bot real quick

Do you post on Boxden op? Because I know this guy.

Virtue signaling. Why did no girl touch Joseph Merrick?

giga fucking cope
every time

It's not coping if it's fuckint true retard

Hes white. White people cant be incels or robots

>this tall broad shouldered NT man can get a gf, why cant you?

its not true
you are a coping incel
because swallowing the blackpill, that is
>everything is your own fault, you are an unlikable shitty person and thats why you will never have a gf
is too hard for you retards
so you cope
c o p e

This latinas will even date the uglyest of white people because they want white babies

It is cope. You niggers call everything virtue signaling. A girl could get naked, sit on her knees and have a midget low a load on her face but you'd say she did it for social brownie points. Women don't go THIS fucking far to look good. They serve homeless people at soup kitchens and shit, they don't fuck guys who had their faces blown off.

>Half of my face melted
>Have a fiance
Cope harder, incels, I'm loving it

Attached: IMG_20190822_110845.jpg (1280x720, 310K)

You can't prove a statistical trend wrong with an outlier.

He can talk to girls

And why am i a shitty unlileable person? Maaybe because of the way i was born, raised and treated growing up.. man fuck i had so much to say in that matter, me being a social outcast was 100% my fault.Bullied kids should've just hit the gym and improved their personalities when they were eight years old.

You forgot to add that canyon inbetween your teeth.

>latina gf
>probably decent face beforehand so obviously not a genetic thing
>probably very charismatic by nature

If anything this just proves face > height. And one example of an ugly white man dating a self-hating Latina doesn't prove that most Incels are capable of having girlfriends. An outlier doesn't disprove a statistic.

There are always exceptions. The ugliest man in the world getting laid still does not disprove incel theory, which simply states that below average men are more likely to be left out of dating and sex, which is true.

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She loves it. Actually a lot of women love my smile.

How about you take control or your life and become likable then? Being a social outcast as a child wasn't your fault but being a social outcast as an adult is entirely your fault. Grow up and be a man.

t. Someone who got bullied and molested as a kid and spent the majority of childhood in depression and suicidal contemplation

these help him too

in summary, this.

Do you have even a slight scrap of proof?

Nobody is as arbitrarily shallow as incels.

Good. Im happy for you.

But how did you crawl out of that hole? Motivation and determination i assume. Shame my brain doesn't let me have either. If i could improve, i would've. I was just born and raised to be a lazy sack of shit.

Just because there is a decicion yhat could theoretically be made doesn't mean that someone will or even can make it.

Yes yes, you're a victim and deserve pity.

Fuck off retard, it's not my fault that the truth makes me look like a self pitying shit. Please stop coping and accept that you just got lucky.

Free will is a meme

It's not the truth and laziness is completely a choice.

It's almost like not having a rotten personality means you can get a gf.

Is being dumb a choice? Is being short a fucking choice? You can't just "stop being lazy" if you could the no-one would be fucking lazy.

Tons of people choose not to be lazy every day. You are an entitled manchild and decide to remain lazy.

He is white and I am cursed to be only half white. It literally feels like playing as a half orc in D&D or something.

You look pretty good for someone with a melted face. What happened?

Half orcs have killer stats though. The free feats are great too.
You are scientifically retard

Then they weren't fucking lazy were they? Just chose to stop being retarded please so i don't habe to deal with this.

I got the bodybuilder physique feat but despite the racial bonus I still rolled a 3 inch penis.

But either way, being white really does make you the "default human". Being white makes you a guy. Being black makes you a black guy. Do you understand?! Universally white features are attractive and if you meet the standard of white, not short, not fat, you 99% meet the standards to fuck attractive women. I unfortunately am cursed with this wide nose, this curly hair, etc. I could have had green eyes. My father has green eyes.

You're just lazy dude it's not a mental illness or anything

Not saying it is. Im saying due to circumstance and decicions made far into the past i've been put in a spot where it's not feasable for me to improve.

No youre just choosing not to. It's today not the past.

He's on roids, what's there to explain?

Past influences today. I am lazy unmotivated and defeatist because of the past. I can't fix this because of the best.

Do you honestly just disregard determinism completely? Every brain works differently, just cause some people can ge themselves to improve doesn't mean everyone can.

Burned myself fucking around with gasoline as a dumbass teenager

>videos of rich people in unlikely circumstances
every time
post some poor people doing this shit, not gonna find it

No you choose not to fix it but also want to seem like a victim.

>But how did you crawl out of that hole? Motivation and determination i assume.
Jealousy and being tired of feeling like shit everyday of my life. It starts with small steps. You don't have to make a huge life change all it once. You don't need "motivation" to listen to music that makes you feel happy. You don't have to be "determined" to put on a fake smile in the morning. It doesn't take motivation to throw away your old clothes and buy a new wardrobe. Everything I did was shit that I could do in my bedroom in the morning before school and work. It takes very little energy.
>I was just born and raised to be a lazy ack of shit
You weren't born to do anything. You come in this world a blank slate. And it doesn't matter how you were raised. A lot of people were raised poorly. It's your job to overcome that in order to get what you want out of life. Me being a depressed faggot who killed himself before 25 like I planned was the world winning. Everyone in my life wanted me to fail, and if I did fail, all I did was make the people I hate happy. So even when I go through bouts of self pity and think about hurting myself in order to hurt others, I just remember that doing so would be letting them win.

But it seems like you just want to make excuses. You want to live like this. And if you do, that's fine. It's a very stupid decision but it's fine. Just don't sit here and lie and pretend you don't have power over who you are.

Yes you can just stop being lazy. All it takes is saying "you know what? Let me not be fucking lazy today" and getting up. It only takes 5 minutes to stop being lazy. You literally just have to get up and do what you said you were going to do and you'll be in momentum.

How do you not see that you're choosing this for yourself? The past set you up for being lazy and unmotivated but the reason you are lazy and unmotivated is because you choose to be. Like the other user said, it's not a fucking mental illness, you're just a shiftless asshole who doesn't want to take responsibility for his own failures.

i can hardly tell bro, you also seem like a nice guy and, believe it or not incels, women care about personality more than looks. surprise surprise lmfao
youre only hurting yourself lol, stay a virgin if u want to keep thinking this way

I just bought a vibrational plate to help me mechanically excersice

actually it's for advanced intercellular anti-aging techniques and [redacted] the mitochondria normies die

I can't do small steps. I get bored of it quickly and go back to playing vidya. You only have "control" of your life because the world allowed you to.
It's not an excuse if it's true. I've tried many times to improve, given up each one. I could care lesa about being a victim i juat don't want anons wasting tim on something that'll never work out. Also people are absolutely not "blank slates" this is just wrong genetics play a huge part in your personality.

Also i'd want nothing more than to stop living like this, get friends and.a loving gf, finally go trough with a hobby for more than a month. I also want infinite money and a 30 inch dick, but thooose are unfeasable right? Not the equally improbable outcome avove though, that's completely achiveable.

My point.pretty much boils down to one question. Why haven't i made the choice to get motivated and stop being lazy?

>people dont wanna fuck ugly people as much
groundbreaking! nice work boys

>I can't do small steps. I get bored of it quickly and go back to playing vidya.
So you can't listen to a song for 3 fucking minutes and smile user? You're really making fucking excuses.
>You only have "control" of your life because the world allowed you to.
Big cope. A giant fist won't come out of the sky and crush you if you make a decision.
>I could care lesa about being a victim i juat don't want anons wasting tim on something that'll never work out
user seriously keep your defeatist bullshit to yourself. I went through a lot and came out better than I was. That means it's possible. Just because you're a victim doesn't mean that no one else has the ability to improve. Don't try to convince other robots that they can't succeed just because you don't want to.
>Also i'd want nothing more than to stop living like this, get friends and.a loving gf, finally go trough with a hobby for more than a month
No you don't. You don't want to stop living like this. You enjoy the way things are now. I've been like you. I "wanted" things to change but I always feared leaving my comfort zone and never being able to go back to it. You don't want your life to be different, stop lying to yourself. If you really wanted to change, you would've started.
>Why haven't i made the choice to get motivated and stop being lazy?
Because being lazy and unmotivated feels really really good to you. You're comfy, you don't have to try, you get to remove all responsibility so you don't have to feel like this is all your fault. You have everything you need right now. You're like a heroin addict who sits around in a trap house with a needle in his arm, not doing a fucking thing but feels sooo good about it.

>Women don't go THIS fucking far to look good.
Yes, they do.

No, they don't. No one goes this far just to look good. No one would dedicate their lives to changing diapers just to do it. No one would spend years with a man with half a face just to look good.

>So you can't listen to a song for 3 fucking minutes and smile user? You're really making fucking excuses.
That's not a step at all though, i don't even knoe what you're trying to imply with this self-help mumbo-jumbo. Im talking about real steps like actual relevant lifestyle changes.
>Big cope. A giant fist won't come out of the sky and crush you if you make a decision.
No it wont, people just never had the capability to make certain decicions in the first place. You did, and now you act like those who don't have that capability are just "not doing it"

Worked for me! Works for everyone.

>user seriously keep your defeatist bullshit to yourself. I went through a lot and came out better than I was. That means it's possible. Just because you're a victim doesn't mean that no one else has the ability to improve. Don't try to convince other robots that they can't succeed just because you don't want to.

Agreed. Only reason im spreading it is bitterness and it's objectively harmful.even though im right. The more people that think like you the less mediocre simps off themselves.

>No you don't. You don't want to stop living like this. You enjoy the way things are now. I've been like you. I "wanted" things to change but I always feared leaving my comfort zone and never being able to go back to it. You don't want your life to be different, stop lying to yourself. If you really wanted to change, you would've started.

Yeah bro, constant sadness and loneliness is real fucking comfy. Glad you can read my mind less i wouldn't ever know what i enjoy. Care to inform me of my favourite movie too? Im dying to know.
>Because being lazy and unmotivated feels really really good to you. You're comfy, you don't have to try, you get to remove all responsibility so you don't have to feel like this is all your fault. You have everything you need right now.

Lets assume you're right and i do like living like this.
Why? The chain of causality can't be infinitely long

This, also sorry you had to go through that, never got bullied but did get molested and then outcast socially by every single one of my friends in 7th grade which ruined me to a point that im still recovering. But thats just it, im recovering. Proud of it too

sorry are you saying that your laziness makes you the victim? this is the most retarded thing ive ever read, fucking kill yourself
wow i hope you dont believe this you absolute mong its called practice

>That's not a step at all though, i don't even knoe what you're trying to imply with this self-help mumbo-jumbo. Im talking about real steps like actual relevant lifestyle changes
And I'm telling you that the beginning steps aren't even lifestyle changes. They're mental changes.
>people just never had the capability to make certain decicions in the first place
You're capable of making my decisions user. You're not a machine.
>even though im right
You're not right. And you're not using "simp" properly.
>Yeah bro, constant sadness and loneliness is real fucking comfy
Yeah it is comfy. I've been there, so I know. You may not necessarily like it but it's what you know.
You've been doing it so long that it's all you know.

>This guy has a girlfriend explain this incels
He got lucky. Not everyone can get lucky, hence luckiness.

Technically yeah. Im a victim. The way my psyche was formed and developed has made me unable to improve.

Motivation isn't a skill, and even if it was the absence of said motivation would make it impossible to practie.

>You're capable of making my decisions user. You're not a machine.
Some decicions are too hard or take too much effort to feasibly make.
I mean why don't poor people work 18 hour shifs at MC donalds every day? They must LIKE not being avle to feed their kids.
>You've been doing it so long that it's all you know.
You say this like it's allways been what i've know, for this to make sense i'd have to feel lonely and sad one-day and go. "Im fine with this"

>Motivation isn't a skill, and even if it was the absence of said motivation would make it impossible to practie
Motivation doesn't exist. It's a fickle and fleeting emotion. Your only option is to get off of your ass and get started. Things will be easier after 5 minutes.

>I mean why don't poor people work 18 hour shifs at MC donalds every day
Don't compare your laziness to people who actually work. This analogy makes no sense anyway.
>you say this like it's allways been what i've know, for this to make sense i'd have to feel lonely and sad one-day and go "Im fine with this"
No you feel sad and lonely consistently for years and your body and mind become comfortable with these feelings and the lifestyle that goes with these feelings. They become your comfort zone. Again, you don't have to start by going out and joining a gym, the beginning steps are doing shit as simple as watching stand up comedy and not listening to sad music, just to get your brain used to positive emotions and laughter.

If they did they would give losers pussy for brownie points lolololol

sick shoulders and biceps.

>extroverted normie with a youtube channel and cult following manages to get a gf

wow i didnt see that coming!

Why do robots assume everyone who is able to talk in front of a camera for 15 minutes is extroverted? I don't think robots know what that word means.

he is rich, probably semi famous where he lives, 37k Youtube subscribers

obviously the guy is extroverted, and you're full of shit, you know that?