Why are women (male) like this Jow Forums?

Why are women (male) like this Jow Forums?
They all reject me

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all women and women (male) reject me. that's why i transitioned. now i accept myself

kappu isn't mean like that user! kappu is a good girl.. i promise!

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Kappu, I want to fuck you with my 9 inch cock.

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Are you the same 9 incher I flirted with in the other thread?

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M-Maybe e-eeeeehhhhh.

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b-but user.. 9 inches is really big..

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whats wrong with you retarded faggots

He's a weeb with a 9 inch dick that apparently has a cute face. How can I not want to marry him?

You're a very cute faggot, kappu.

based digits, fren :)-

Degenerates such as yourself should be executed

I know your pain user, I am also often rejected.

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I-Is 9 inches really that big?
A-Are you a cute g-girl?

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thank you user

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>being impressed by dubs
user there's a 10 percent chance of getting dubs... every regular Jow Forums poster gets a ton of them...

because he's most likely a mentally ill neet on the verge of suicide who's only form of escapism is pretending to be an anime girl and having esex with other mentally ill neets on a chilean rug cleaning forum

not just any dubs. double 8s. 88

u-uh yyeah user it's super big.. the biggest thing i've taken has been 6 inches.. i don't even think i could handle it...

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7.5 inches is within the top 1 percent. 9 inches is probably 1 in a million.

digits = checked

How many dicks have you taken, kappu?

>most likely a mentally ill
Only depressed.
>on the verge of suicide
>pretending to be an anime girl and having esex
I'm not doing that.
S-So I could try becoming a p-pornstar?
B-But you could train to t-take it.
A-Are you a qt female (?)?

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only 2, user.. i'm r-really not th-that experienced...

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sort of ;) owo

i g-guess i could.. big peens really scare me though.. i bet yours is still very nice though, user..

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kys you mentally ill faggots

You could easily become a porn star, yeah.

Do you have Discord?

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>Do you have Discord?
N-No but my email is [email protected]
>You could easily become a porn star
I-I don't think so bc I live in G-Germany.

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stop being a tripfag you whore t.sif

how do you feel about the current state of germany, hunganon? are you happy with your new brown neighbours that are moving into your country in droves?

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sif i thought we were friends wtf

also talk to me on discord more u slag

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you know ily babe

ily 2 faggot

Most of them are really beta and low iq. They're cheap workers and girls don't date them. White genocide isn't real.

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N-no. I have a somewhat soft-looking face, but am plainly male.

Do you send out dick pics to people? Can you send some to me?

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i agree most of them are trash too user. if you consider them to be beta, then would you consider yourself alpha? how tall are you?

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rancid thread

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>then would you consider yourself alpha
P-Probably if I wasn't depressed and without my brainfog. I always started fights in school and I have chad shoulder width.
>how tall are you?
O-Only if you are shaved and w-wearing cute females c-clothes.

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shut the fuck up wotanist
>I always started fights in school
you'd start fights eh? are you a strong puncher~?
that's nice, i'm only a inch shorter than you though, user..

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wow this thread is really truly super mega awful bad suckage yo

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feck off bandage, i'm the og tranny tripfag here. this town ain't big enough for the two of us.

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I wouldn't send you lewd pictures of me, silly. I just want lewd pictures of you.

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I'm not a tranny, I'm just Chad, dumb fucking woman

lmfao, and what the fuck is this absurd chain of events? either you're somehow a different tripfag using the same name (which is highly unlikely) or you actually fucking broke down and detransitioned. good christ the absolute state of you

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You can't detransition if you never got anywhere to begin with

>are you a strong puncher
I-I think so I even ein 1v2 fights.
>i'm only a inch shorter than you though
I don't t-think that's a problem.
B-But I want l-lewd pics too.

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damn bandage, you really did yourself dirty. so like are you just a faggot now? what's going on big guy?
wowie user.. you sound really strong.. i'm really really weak myself because hrt melted all of my muscles away... heh..

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I-I'm glad you like me enough to want lewds, user...
What's your MBTI?

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I'm just a disgusting Chadly man that wants to kill themselves because they'll never be a woman and likely won't make it much longer
Transition was my last hope and it failed, there's nothing left to try

I want to eat this loli.

holy shit this fucking thread

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>hrt melted all of my muscles away.
D-Do you have a g-good body?
>What's your MBTI?
I-I don't know.

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Take the test okay???


rip bandage, i'm sorry to hear that... although i am glad i have less competition this board i am always quite upset when a trans girl gives up on transitioning like that. i hope you find your happiness someday.
eheh, i think i do. im sorta chubby but most of my weight is in my tits and ass, thighs/hips. i have a bit of a tummy but its pretty smol. im just a soft gril user.

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There is no happiness in the life of a man for me, but death can at least bring peace

T-That test is really long.

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Take it, you dumb slut. I want to learn more about you

just be a gay power bottom my dude and all will be well. just dont get aids lol

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>Take it, you dumb slut
W-Why are you calling m-me slut?

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Literally no one wants to top a 6' tall linebacker built Chad

Did I hurt your feelings? That would be really cute.

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just find a 6'4 even more linebacker-esque chad to fuck you

also stop calling yourself chad, you're still a beta bitch

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Why do you post anime girl reactions with every post? Do you unironically see yourself as them? Is that why you do it?

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6'4 Chadlier Chads prefer cute twinks, not people like me.
Besides, having sex with someone that sees me as a man would make me just want to kms instead

He wants to acquire lovestruck orbiters

dang bandage how long had you even been on hrt for? did you learn makeup? did you do voice training? did you look into facial feminisation and shoulder width reduction surgeries? (the latter is actually a thing by the way, look it up).

nobody likes a quitter, bandage. if you don't work hard to achieve your goals then you're obviously going to get nowhere.

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>Why do you post anime girl reactions with every post?
I-I think they're cute pls no bulli.

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>how long had you even been on HRT for?
5 months

B-blowing bubbles while chewing gum is cute. You should do that if you don't already

i love them, keep on going

18 months hrt. I did not get a single effect from it. Meaning, no puffy nips, no breast growth or sensitivity, no softer skin, no reduction in erections/ejaculation, etc. And yes my levels are fine. I'm kind of learning makeup right now but I'm teetering between giving up completely at this point, because even with a full face of makeup done by a professional and dressed in feminine clothing, I still get gendered male. FFS and any other surgeries are so out of reach. I can't hold a job because I'm bipolar. I'm going to try and reapply for Starbucks as soon as I can. It will be hell because customer service while being boymode is just suicide fuel to the max but it would be worth for free FFS, not that I think it would even make me pass in the end. My voice is weird. Some people say it passes really well while others say I just sound like a gay man.

wait bandage is this u without the trip or is this another user im confused

Another user
He said that the first 12 months didn't count because he didn't use T blockers or something, so he's effectively been on it 5-6 months

desu senpai i'd recommend therapy for the bipolar and either seeing another endo or asking your current endo if you can get on injections or patches. because 18 months of no effects clearly means there's something wrong.

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oh shit FUCK i wish i had auto-update on.

in that case then bandage just needs to wait it out and stop being a little bitch, it takes a while for a lot of the main effects of hrt to work. hell the fat redistribution only starts 8-9 months into taking it. she just needs to stop being impatient af

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O-Ok it says INTP. What d-does that mean?

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Therapy hasn't helped at all in the past year and a half. It sucks butt. But yeah, I'm switching to injections soon. My E has been fine on 2mg oral E but I'm thinking by bypassing the kidneys with injections it will help growth hormones kick in and stuff

It doesn't explain why my nipples aren't sensitive, why my skin is still bad, why I don't even have breast buds, or why I'm still 100% functional downstairs. Like this should not be happening. Just look at that timeline chart thing. Stuff is supposed to happen by now and it's not.

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Oh no. INTPs are terrible for leading people on. They flirt so much that they trick you into thinking they're in love with you, then break your heart whenever they turn you down. Abort abort.

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based INTP user

im INTP too actually. it means we're both big brain individuals who destroy libsluts with facts and logic

isn't there medication for bipolar, bandage? why don't you try to get on some? also 2mg oral e is a fucking tiny amount, especially for someone big like you. i take 6mg sublingual e and that's just about good enough for ME. i hope injections help you, because right now it seems your estrogen dose is laughably low.
what's your anti-androgen dose?

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It means that you are a wonderful, curious little boy, all excited to learn about the world and about himself.

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shut up, kappu doesn't do that kappu is a nice girl

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I'm like this because I don't like boys
idk about everyone else though

2mg is a tiny dose, but my levels are good at 300 - 350 pg/ml on just 2mg. On 4mg I spiked to over 1000 and my doc was like "hey no that's bad blood clots and stuff yo"
I'm on 25mg cypro now. I was on spiro for a year and it did hecc all no matter how much I upped it, go figure. So now my T is down to single digits which is good.
I've been trying tonnes of different meds for my mental health, it just takes a long, long time, because you gotta give each med like months to see if it works well, and most do not work.

>then break your heart
I-I wouldn't do that.
>big brain individuals who destroy libsluts with facts and logic

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look id bury my 8 inch cock deep into femboy ass as much as the next guy but this thread is so fucking gay

>I-I wouldn't do that.
So if I fell in love with you, you'd definitely reciprocate my feelings just to keep from hurting me? Based.

bruh you're young as fuck you won't get blood clots lmao. i'm on 6mg e self med and i vape like a mother fucker and bloodflow is still fine. 25mg cypro is good, i was on that until i moved to the US, now i'm on 200mg spiro. i think you just need to honestly just give your body some time and see how things work out. if your endo is saying your levels are good then i think you just need to wait some more time to see the effects. switching to injections might help though
i guess we're both just based and redpilled then, hunganon! :>

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HRT won't be enough to make me feminine anyway, so it doesn't really matter. I'll just keep taking it while eternally boymoding until I eventually suicide.

D-do INFJs make good girls?

Look at yourself in the mirror. What do you see?

She sees a girl. The 9 inch dick thing is just her pretending to be a guy to deter attention from herself. She's beautiful and has huge tits.

i'll say this again, bandage; nobody likes a quitter.
probably? my gf (male) is INFJ i'm pretty sure and she's very sweet and nice.

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Can you cunts please tell me why the FUCK you won't just hang out on /lgbt/ instead of bothering us??

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Nobody likes ugly hons, either.

O-Only if you're cute.
We'd talk about how the j-jews use dolphins to manipulate teenagers into degenerates after I f-fuck you.
An a-attractive male.

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But is INFJ a feminine or masculine type?

>tfw took some pics with my thigh highs to show to a girl that has a crossdress kink and is very close to be my gf
>she has been offline for the whole week
hold me bros