Weird side effects of social isolation

> Be me
> No IRL friends
> Still have some discord contacts tho
> This one guy messages me
> Spends the entire time talking about how he's depressed, hates his life, wants to commit a terror attack etc
> Still find this really comfy because hey at least I'm talking to someone
Anyone else get like this? Like, you're so socially isolated that even an objectively horrible conversation feels comparatively comfy.

Attached: discord.jpg (400x400, 9K)

are you fishing for tags?

post yours mate

Im not isolated but its always great talking to other anons.

whats your tag/server im willing to talk

>people would rather talk to someone who threatens to commit mass terror attacks and how they want to kill themselves than talk to me

>really only talk to parents in real life, with coworkers asking me work related stuff at work sometimes
>make a kik, join groups
>one group has a kid going on about his credit card, randomly showing pictures of his gross (cavity filled, and unwashed) teeth because they hurt, things like that
>another has a normgroid guy going about his well paying job, hunting trips, etc. Also features a girl who only seems to complain, whether about her infant, her roommate/friend or bf
>a third is full of guys acting thirsty towards the three girls in the chat
>people ghost me after a couple days when we talk one on one

I want to delete the app, as the groups I'm part of suck and I rarely talk to people on it one to one. Still shitty social interaction is better than nothing

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Remember when anons used to get rooms and watch movies? that was pretty comfy

>forced (by circumstances, not parents) to move abroad to study
>live in a dorm by myself
>couldn't make any solid friends because of language barriers (I'm fluent in English, most Asians aren't)
>felt lonely, but enjoyed the freedom
>spent my days shut in my room, or in class
>literally no social life

>ff 3 years, eventually find proper friends and move out
>after moving out, find out I've lost all ability to interpret social cues and how to read the atmosphere
>had dated before I moved. now I can't read girls at all

life's good alone, but I'd rather be where I am now than where I was

That was like a few years ago.

>having dreams of social interactions before waking up from sleep

I'm isolated bc all my friends went to different colleges
Anybody wanna be comfy discord friends

do you want to talk to me? i'm very lonely too

yo you guys wanna talk on discord? liek someone? anyone

Alright I guess I'll do it, here's a server. Try talking instead of just lurking and not saying anything thanks. tXM2J2

wait whats tXM2J2? what do i do with it? im really druink wight now

>be me
>have no friends
>get real comfy feeling when people talk about their mundane shit
>anxiety kicks in and ghost when they ask about myself

is this autism?

drop it in the add a new server button (the + at the bottom of your server list)

ok done cant write tho

rabbit is kill now RIP

do you wish for someone to do that with

anxiety disorder

it's hell

post discord, please. let's talk?

this is autism
grats and welcome to the club

I'm also friendless 24yo and love to talk to people too
Going to bed now

19yo who struggled with a physical illness just transferred to a new University, trying to make it while I still can


Kik is literally only used for sexting user, what are you doing trying to make friends there

I didn't know about discord until after