Gonna be a comfy lonely neet living by a forest for the foreseeable future. Getting a bf wouldn't fix me anyway

Gonna be a comfy lonely neet living by a forest for the foreseeable future. Getting a bf wouldn't fix me anyway.

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Sounds comfy af i'd love to innawoods one day, how are you gonna manage you saved up or is your land already self sufficient

I leech off my parents. Not super romantic, but I don't really care, they have more than enough to spare.

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you're gonna be miserable as fuck without children.

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You think getting a bf is about fixing you?

I like those 2 photos. You should make more threads with these. You remind me of my best friend. He used to send me photos of his place, he lives in in the top of the mountain in some small town and down at the town there's the sea. His room can see the entire town and he would usually go out at night to walk and feed the street dogs, eventually they started to follow him everytime he went out. I think he killed himself last month though.

I'm not convinced this isn't just a scare tactic to lure in naive women. Regardless, I know for sure I wouldn't be a good mother. Might as well spare my hypothetical children a lifetime of suffering. I'd probably die while they're still young anyway.
It would be a big change for me, so perhaps. Doesn't really matter.
Do you have any of his photos?
>I think he killed himself last month though
My place, as comfy as it is, drives me to suicide as well.

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That's not a reason to get a boyfriend, not by far, that would be a consequence of getting a bf maybe, you would want to change for your bf not your bf to change you.

No, we used to talk in msn and skype, but i always went offline for a couple of years and lost contact. So early this year we got in contact again after 2 years, but was on facebook, we didn't talk much or shared pictures anymore, it was basically a goodbye convo for a few weeks.

The place made him better actually, the same mental issue that you have and i have plus the abuse or his mother (mentally) is what drove him to do this. He was actually a chad in every sense. Still a 32 yo virgin because of what i said above.

>naive women
im convinced you've conditioned yourself to think that motherhood is THAT difficult

What are you on about? It really doesn't matter why you do it. Nothing would change. And why are you implying I'm trying to change other people? I'm not.
That's an unfortunate story. I like learning about otherwise unknown people. That place makes me lonely, but also peaceful. Like it's where I belong. I think people kill themselves for that too.
Those are unrelated issues. Many things that are normal are too difficult for me. I'll be miserable despite being childless, not because of it.

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It would change, a big change, not you though. What i'm saying is that changing yourself is not a reason to do it, it would never work if that were the premise to do it.

Well, at least tou feel like you have a place, i'ver never felt like that anywhere, even the places i liked and want to go back to. Like the mountains near the beach where my grandpa used to live.

I think he killed himself because of change. He was trying to fix his life, he went back to hs at 28 and finished it and tried college too, but that made him feel worse. Not sure if it was because he was left behind seeing all those young people and he being so "old". He wasn't very clear when we talked the last time.

aren't you scared of skinwalkers? And wouldn't it be more fun to explore the woods with a bf?

I'm scared of crack addicts, i'll gladly die if i were to see a mythical creature.

In that case, I have it all figured out, since I'll be staying alone anyway.
Skinwalkers only live in America. I wasn't ever truly afraid of the woods. I think it's mostly good things that live there. If you have no malicious intent, nothing will happen.
I don't know if I truly belong. Maybe it's just a place I'm used to. I think it's not remote enough though.
>he went back to hs at 28 and finished it and tried college too
That seems so difficult. I'm few days shy of 22 and feel old.

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Aiste just be my gf. We'd nightwalk together.

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u stopped avatarfagging retart?
going back to ur roots or somesuch?

Kissing a girl who had dick in her mouth. That's pretty gay if you ask me

Independently of what happens, why do you want a bf? Because you feel like it is the only right answer.

skinwalkers only roam certain parts of the states, typically rural woods

Well, even so, you still have some kind of attachment or feeling to it.
22 is still young, i just finished college last year and i'm 27, i was supposed to have been done with it a long time ago. Wasn't so hard for me since i almost never went to class, but he did.

Have you ever tried to take up photography and do a blog or page about it? Not to become a pro or anything, just for "fun" i told him the same but he refused since he only shared pictures with me because i was stuck in my room at the time, i guess it was his way to show me outside again and stuff like that. Anyways, you should do that if you feel like it, you can maybe also enjoy it and occupy your mind for a while.

No. I don't think I will, since I only have like 2 routes I walk along. It would get old quick. Maybe I'll move to Tromso one day and do it there haha.

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Well whatever, i'll still be here once you're lonely and depressed on your forest house.

How ugly/fat are you?

I think you can become "good" at it. Just need technique and other bullshit photographers use. You already have good places to go and the pictures themselves are interesting enough.

>That pic
For some reason this one is very depressing.

Live your life.
I just don't feel like they're something that need a blog. I know it runs contrary to how I behave here, but I don't really want to put these out there.
>For some reason this one is very depressing
It's a newly-built house near my own. There's an empty doghouse by the door. But no one ever comes to visit.

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Here's a nice panoramic shot during daytime to give some idea of what the place is like. It's not nearly as rural/wild as I'd like it to be.

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Being here is already part of my life, i want to see the places you walk to, you're lucky to get to be alone away from the city.

You got me wrong. It's not for people to see or put them out there. How do i say it..Well, back in 2014 when i started drawing (as you said in one of your threads a few days ago) i did it just because, nothing else, i never intended to be good or profit from it anyways, it was just something to keep my mind occupied for hours, even when i hate doing that. I forced myself to do something. So if you force yourself to do something like that maybe you will focus for a few months into something else and feel somewhat better, but maybe you won't after all it didn't work for me, but we are different. It's just an idea, no need to take it seriously if you don't want to.

That one is my favorite so far from all the ones you've posted. At what time was it taken, early in the night or was it past midnight? I like contrast. Kind of eerie too.

Hmm kind of like we're i am right now, it's mostly fields and a few houses/farms and shit. Nothing else.

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I'm just reposting my old photos, I'm not sure I'll take any more. I'll see. By all means, stay. Maybe you'll see me, maybe you won't. Maybe I'll continue being an obnoxious avatarfag. I don't know.
Maybe I'll try. My aunt is into photography. Maybe I'll ask her. Get a proper camera or something. All the photos here are taken with a phone and posted as I was walking. So quality does suffer. I'm mostly posting the better ones.
>At what time was it taken, early in the night or was it past midnight? I like contrast. Kind of eerie too.
They're all dated, so it's 2019 February 2nd, 21:16. The sun is setting and I'm heading back home. Very slippery, hard to climb the slight incline. So I decided to stop and took the pic.
That seems like it could be pretty comfy at night. Especially that forest on a hill. Though I don't know what nightwalking is like in America. You might get shot haha.

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Here's hoping you don't actually fix your life and stay here forever.

Oh, so it isn't so late. I was always out around 2-3 am since no one was on the streets and it was the most quiet time. Also that was the time i was waking up in those years.

Well, you should ask her. I had to do phtotography in college and we needed to use old cameras and reveal them like in the 90's. Kind of fun, not so fun going out with other people and taking photos in public.

>That seems like it could be pretty comfy at night. Especially that forest on a hill. Though I don't know what nightwalking is like in America. You might get shot haha.
It's been almost like 2 years since i don't go on night walks. My paranoia and delusions were getting the best of me at night. Maybe i should try again. I prefer going out in the early morning when the fog is around.

>don't do this
>don't fix your life
>don't interact with those "friends"
>don't leave the house without my permission
>give me access to all your messages and email
etcetera etcetera
It depends. In winter in doesn't make much of a difference. I think dad was home at the time, so he didn't want me wandering around too late.
Props for even being able to wake up and go out in the morning. Impossible for me. You should definitely get to it and post more pics.

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Jeez, it's not like that, i just don't want you leaving.

What happened to the loli slav fembot who lived in the middle of nordic nowhere and made similar threads?

Everyone was asleep and they never knew i went out. It was dangerous since i lived in the city at the time. Never had any problems other than sometimes people on cars yelling at me and 2-3 times people threw me stuff like drinks, food, and other shit while coming back home.

>waking up
I don't sleep. I took this one the other day around 6am or so. Seemed cool the moon and the trees, too bad this phone has a shitty camera, the colors were different and the ambience etc was totally different too, at least in my mind.

On a side note, is this really what you want? From the looks of it, it's not. I mean, i guess you really want the attention and all (not sure about this) but it's not a healthy type of attention. I still don't get that part, or why anyone who hasn't given up completely force themselves to do this. You're still pretty young and can get away from all of this and get a "normal" life.

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Maybe you mean me, but I'm an old hag, not a loli, so I don't know. I'll go to sleep now. I'm very tired.

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Loli as in loli-sized and weightless, she wasn't old though.

Well, good night, i'm not a deranged incel don't think that way of me.