Hey meat eaters, does this make you hungry?

hey meat eaters, does this make you hungry?

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Yep it kinda does actually

Mmmmmm, bacon.

Very, slide thread faggot.

I love bacon

fuck yes


Beautiful food

>hey meat eaters, does this make you hungry?

No, because the jewish controlled meat industry puts very harmful chemicals into pigs and turkeys.

I refuse to eat either.

Eating meat is fine. Pigs however I don't like because they are sentient. Cows are the dumbest fucking animals on Earth though and would be extinct if it weren't for us.

Yeah, but I actually fancy ice cream at the moment.

yes, it does. Meat is delicious

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Yes. Also, slide thread.


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Not yet, but if you drive a stake through the anus of that animal and smoked it for several hours, and then took a picture, I would get very hungry.

Looks delicious and healthy. Obviously led good lives. Makes me hungry and glad I'm not a retarded and immoral vegan.

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Got any bacon?

Thanks for reminding me to pull my bacon from the oven, attaturk

sage and report slide threads

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>being meat eater complaining about evil jews using them like farm animal slaves
>uses animals like farm slaves

Yes, someone post delicious pork.

not memeing here, yes it does, which is weird, its almost human nature to want to eat meat

Hey, PETA. You want a meme war? Is that what you faggots want?

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We have bacon ice cream here.

i wish that bowl of slop was my dick

I think I know where you are.

what are you trying to prove here, humans arent farm animals we all know that, thank you retard.

I hate pork.
It stinks.


Then you're doing it wrong.

Not wise to let animals to hang around the same space you slaughter them. They're dumb but not dumb enough to be completely oblivious to what happens to their fellow animals right next to them. Stress directly affects the quality of the meat and animals seeing other animals getting killed stresses them enough to spoil the whole pig into sausage-quality meat. You can't make higher quality steaks or fillet out of the pig on the left. That photo is either from some shithole third world country or you got a bunch of summer workers fucking up and costing the abattoir a lot of money.

Ahh then no I didn't know that. We have it here as well but at a big time tourist beach.

Yes, slaughter of prey by the hunter ignites a primal desire.

Mmmmmmm Bacon


>being retarded
>being vegan
Checks out.

This. None of those pigs would be good enough for a pitmaster at all because of the way they were slaughtered and due to the fact that the quality of their meat isn't up to par with anything you get from a really good butcher.


Yep it needs some sage

>he has never killed a pig
Gee Hans I wonder why youre so much of a cuck

meat eaters have no right to complain about getting used like slaves, because they have no problem with enslaving animals.

Here a better pic

Attached: landscape-1456165374-bacon-strips.jpg (768x384, 55K)

om nom nom

youre either a vegan or a muzzie but either way, kill yourself.

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We don’t force them to work you stupid kraut

You can't enslave animals. Animals aren't human, some humans (like you vegans) are animal-like, but there's a difference.

blood for the blood god

I raise and kill cute little quail.
I hunt for sport.
A dead muslim is not going to make me stop eating meat.


so edgy. he has no empathy.

>You have no right to complain about being killed because you killed a mosquito once

>i'm totally confident eating meat
>gets really angry over a simple question

yes, yes It does

not really don't like pork. post cows plz.

Fucking hell yeah!

Nah. This does though.

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this thread exposes the meat eating Jow Forums orc who's grooming in his basement being angry all day that society doesn't like him

it does desu

Not really, but I just ate, so I really am not hungry.


inside is pink ;)

why yes, yes it does

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Damned Australian

Actually i want some bacon now,so yea.

no, it makes me erect.

OP is stupid libtard

aw fuck yeah you know it does mmmmmmmmmmmmmm bacon and sausage

>really thinks this puts off people to not eat meat
pal i fillet my own fish & have hacked off a head from a chicken
Stop been a pussy & eat youre meat like mommy told you

This is imptrash from Jow Forums
