lets have /suicide general/ thread
are you considering it?
are you afraid to die?
how do you plan on doing it?
lets have /suicide general/ thread
are you considering it?
are you afraid to die?
how do you plan on doing it?
Partial suspension today or tomorrow. I've practiced hundreds of times so I'm not too worried. And I think the possibility of anything after is better than this timeline, even if it's nothing. I wasn't meant for modern society.
wait is that the fucking gunga ginga guy?
Hanging in the woods
Drowning, max ten years minimum a year. Don't want to live past 35
>yes but it is only a matter of time before I will have another breakdown where suicide is no longer a fear
>bullet to the head
Gun to the head if i can get my hands on one. Otherwise i'll hang myself.
Probably won't do it though, my parents lives would be ruined if i did it, those healthy fuckers are unwittingly keeping me alive by existing.
I was thinking about for a long time but now I'm in a phase where I don't give a fuck about anything, not to even kill myself. I will live the best I can for the time I have in this planet, nothing more.
>are you considering it?
>are you afraid to die?
>how do you plan on doing it?
Jumping from a building in a desert city (probably in China or Chernobyl).
I would use alcohol, drugs and cold weather
Is this biblical?
You're disgusting.
How dare you even breath.
fucking kek. i thought it was fred durst
I am sick and tired of living but I am scared of dying. I don't thin I'll commit suicide, but have thought of it more and more recently.
holy shit i havent seen this guy in years. he did call of duty youtube videos. i cant remember his name
Goong ging gong Goong ging gong Goonga ging gong goo..
This is getting out of hand for me, my brain is my worst enemy, i am a toxic piece of shit that doesn't deserve to live
Everyday is a battle, and it's getting impossible to stop myself from harming people that i love
Considering it, but hesitant. I don't have nothing good in my life it's just not enough to sustain me
Probably jump off the roof (14 stories)
i wish i lived in the usa. a bullet to the head is the most easiest way to go.
I want to die but I am way too scared. Ive always been a curious child and when it came to death I couldnt ever find an answer and seeing everyone else dont giving a fuck really, talking about religion or adult things, always gave me anxiety. To this day I have panic attacks when I think about it, as if I could feel the emptiness of it.
>are you considering it?
Why would you post here if you aren't?
>are you afraid to die?
I'm not afraid of death, since I'm pretty convinced that it's the same feeling as not existing before you were born. What I am afraid of is the pain/agony of killing myself. Even the quickest and most painless methods still seem to slow and painful to me.
>how do you plan on doing it?
I heard hanging is a quick, clean, and painless method, but I might go with jumping. I don't know if there's anywhere stable I can hang a noose, and jumping is a lot more accessible, since you can even do it if you're homeless. All you need is a high spot. No equipment. It also feels like it'd be quicker and less painful, but I have heard otherwise.
Jumping from a building is quicker and less painful??? hanging is the painless method?
A bullet to the head is the quickest and painless method. And jumping from a building... I don't see that so easy, you have to have big balls or being very high on some drug to actually have the balls to jump to the void. And imagine if you land with the legs first and for some reason you keep alive for some minutes with all your legs and spine and ribs broke and bleeding for every hole of your body. Imagine the pain there in those minutes until you lose consciousness for blood lost.
>A bullet to the head is the quickest and painless method.
Specifically bullets, as in plural. As in a shotgun to the head. But not everyone has access to guns, so I subconsciously left it out of my post, since guns are out of the option for me, and I basically forgot about them.
>you have to have big balls or being very high on some drug to actually have the balls to jump to the void.
You're already killing yourself. I don't see how making the decision to jump off a ledge is much different than literally pulling a trigger. Hell, I'd argue it's even slightly easier, since you can psyche yourself up and do a running jump.
>And imagine if you land with the legs first and for some reason you keep alive for some minutes with all your legs and spine and ribs broke and bleeding for every hole of your body. Imagine the pain there in those minutes until you lose consciousness for blood lost.
I already said I'm afraid of the agony and stuff. That's why I haven't tossed myself off a cliff yet. But either way, a lot of the methods can go wrong. Even if you're using a pistol to your head, you might hit somewhere non-lethal, and now you're a vegetable. Again, the possibility of becoming disabled is a huge reason I haven't offed myself yet. If I end up paralyzed or retarded, then I can't even try again at that point.
Lie down at some train tracks and put your neck on the rails, it will be very quick and painless.
>You're already killing yourself.
What do you mean?
> Hell, I'd argue it's even slightly easier, since you can psyche yourself up and do a running jump.
Pulling a trigger with a gun in your head must be very difficult too but jumping from a building I think is even harder. At least I think about it now and it seems more difficult for me. Waiting the long fall and all of that.
>What do you mean?
As in if you've already made the decision to kill yourself, actually jumping off shouldn't be a problem.
>Waiting the long fall and all of that.
Free skydiving
I have a few options from being hit by a train to gassing myself. Not quite sure which one I'll pick
Not now.
The way which is not too painless and easily affordable in this godforsaken postsoviet shithole.
Also why the fuck does google need to detect chimneys?
>Burning myself to death
>Actually no. Idk how if I do actually do it
>Are you considering it
I was until a coworker beat me to the punch so everyone will just think I'm a copycat if I do it now. And I wouldn't wish another string of "mental health" bullshit presentations on anyone.
>Are you afraid to die
The dying part is scary but the being dead not so much. In spite of everything I'm still religious and the idea of meeting God and getting his honest take on how fucked up of a person I was and how I could have been a better person sounds... cathartic. Its just getting past that hurtle to the other side that worries me.
>How do you plan on doing it
Take my gun and go out to the woods and finding a nice view before I call it a life. No since ending in in the apartment I hate and leaving a mess behind that might cause someone else trauma when they find it. When I go I'd rather feed the birds than have some poor guy have to clean up my remains.
>not anyomore, Im in an okay place right now
>jump off a building/bridge
realistically speaking how hard would it be to kill yourself by slashing open your own throat ?
It would be extremely painful
I am bored depressed and lonely so yeah
Usually no
Leave a note for my wife and a note for my friend on where to tell the cops to find the bible, drive there, wrap self in black bag to minimize mess, shoot self in head with 5.56 after drinking some of my favorite alocoholic beverages.
I definantly meant to say body not bible... My bad yall
incendiary round and gasoline the "from ashes to ashes" method
Are you a fucking tard... You're not going to be able to find "incendiary" rounds... And with what gun... You're no doubt like 13 years old. Use a tracer round or a match
>are you considering it?
Not seriously, but I've been fantasizing about it a fair bit
>are you afraid to die?
i've tried it with a razor blade, cut it a few times and it only scratched the skin a bit, I'm not even sure you can cut your own throat cuz it takes a lot of force, someone has to push the knife from behind, it's not really convenient when you hold it yourself
>Hanging yourself
Always do the Cobain robots, it's like flipping the light off. Helium seems nice too, but a little more complicated. I think I will rent a sports car and pull the trigger while I'm going 200kmh on an empty land road
Also, what kind of a sick fuck are you? 0/10 worst method of being an hero
gunga ginga goon goong ging gunga ging gong gunga ging gong
Does anyone know where I can just buy a canister of pure helium or pure nitrogen or any inert gas? I can only find places to rent them, and that looks all weird and complicated with making a credit account and such. I don't want to have to do that. I just want a calm exit from this life.
dubi duba dubi duba doooo dubi duba dubi duuuuuuuu
>normalfags only know elpresador because of gunga ginga
Wheres my trey brotherhood at?
>are you considering it?
yes, every day, not even a consideration at this point, im going to do it
>are you afraid to die?
depends on how i die, with my future method, i won't be
>how do you plan on doing it?
i wait for my parents to be gone for several hours/a weekend
go into our smaller bathroom and bring in a charcoal grill, so that i die from carbon monoxide poisoning
i've tried it before in our bigger bathroom, but i made the mistake of the bathroom being too big and turning the grill on inside and not letting all the smoke off outside before getting it inside
Here's a post against suiscide and I know it's cringy af but you don't have to read this:
I used to be suicidal too and I thought life was just pure misery and I"m hurting others by living, etc..
But then I thought, If I kill myself I'll die but if I live I'll at least have experienced some stimulie in my life before I die so when I'm slowly dying from God knows what at least I can look back on how shitty my life was and laugh.
>But then I thought, If I kill myself I'll die but if I live I'll at least have experienced some stimulie in my life before I die so when I'm slowly dying from God knows what at least I can look back on how shitty my life was and laugh.
What do you mean by this? I don't understand what you're saying.
Same for me. When I was young one of my family members died in a house fire. It never properly processed in my mind so I never really coped with it. It also gave me a fear of fire that doesn't help with my anxiety. I can only hope there's something positive after death.
a little
all plans seem risky so I'm pussing out. More afraid to live as a vegetable than dying.
I was going to kill myself earlier this year.
I'm kinda glad I didn't.
is pic related that guy that was the singer for limp bizkit?
I want a suicide buddy, add me on discord NeckSoon#2111
>starve or dehydration
im not a dependent pussy who gets sad because i didnt impregnate a roastie.
this was from a suicide thread from a few days ago
Suicide is for me like it is for most people, a fantasy. My body is afraid to die and I would probably hurt the people closest to me if I killed myself. Sometimes I ponder whether my continuing failiures will leave people worse off than if I were to kill myself. In the end it just causes too much pain. If I were to do it, I would prefere a shotgun or barbuturates. I couldn't realistically get a hold of the ladder though.
Ive been thinking about slitting my wrists and neck then hanging myself, would probably scream and wake up Mom and Dad though
Why would you slit your wrists? Do you like pain?
I'll pray God has mercy on you. Please don't hurt yourself. I love you all.
Just wanna be sure you know, hanging by its own might not work, maybe if I combine the two I would have a better chance? Might as well feel something before I go anyway
>yeah but the alternative is becoming harder to bear
>shotgun in mouth
sometimes I find the very concept of death quite comforting, other times it terrifies me
Shotgun blast through le roof of my mouth
anyone else considered seppuku? if I can only go out once at least i can do it with some dignity and honor, more than I've ever had. Maybe i will isekai to a samurai
>are you considering it?
yes. i've wanted to do it for years and recently i've actually been going forward with preparing and planning for it. i'm just tired of being alive no matter what i'm just unable to live a good life. i'd rather call it quits than keep suffering
>are you afraid to die?
yes. i'm christian so suicide is a sin. i would prefer to stay alive and live a good life but i have been denied that option. i'm not really afraid of the pain though as it should be over real quick.
>how do you plan on doing it?
using a gun. i've purchased a few to see which one feels the most comfortable to use. but i want to shoot myself in the side of the head and none of them feel comfortable to use. i could still do it with one of them but i would have to be real careful not to slip and misfire.
You won't succeed. Seppuku is inhumanly fucking painful. It's so painful that even most samurai cannot will themselves to finish the job, that's why there's always the secondary dude to decapitate them.
Youre too fat to hang, cunt
What sick fuck counted the amount of minutes it takes to die of a shotgun blast to the head
appreciate the heads up man. i knew there was a secondary man to help but i was under the impression that normally they don't intervene? how did these people find the iron will to follow through? it's really fascinating, i wish i was a fraction as strong as they are
I used to fantasize about suicide until i almost died in a car crash and realized how the terror of death completely mogs every other feeling i've ever felt. Now I know for absolutely certain that immediately before kicking the chair or jumping off the roof or whatever i'd get that terror again wouldn't be able to do it, no matter how unendurable my life may be. So i've resigned to letting fate drag me along for however long it pleases. It's one less decision for me to stress over.
Opposite for me. I nearly died drowning and the peace that comes over you just before death is unlike any other. Its such a calming feeling
Gonna go to Russia and blow my life savings on alcohol, Russian hookers and heroin, then od on heroin on Instagram live
I plan to pour gasoline over myself and the inside of my car, set myself on fire, then shoot myself. This way no one else gets my organs. I don't want a single part of myself left alive after I die.
I'll probably call 911 right before I do it and say a car is on fire so I don't accidentally burn anything down near me.
I was very close to shotgunning myself a few days ago but I couldn't manage to pull the trigger. I guess I've convinced myself I'm not afraid to die but my self preservation instinct seems to think otherwise. I really dont trust any other method rather than using a shotgun but I might have to figure something else out if I cant get my hands on one again sometime soon. I was considering using a 9mm handgun but as another user posted on this thread I think theres a solid 50/50 chance that it would just result in turning me into a vegetable, especially given that the 9 ammo is only 115 grain fmj. Hanging and jumping seem like the next 2 best alternatives although I found that you need to find a building with roof access and at least 8 stories for your chance of death to only be 90%. I have a 15 foot rope I'm planning on possibly using but I'm very bad working with ropes/knots so I guess it would take some practice beforehand, otherwise I would probably just mess up and either cutting off my brain oxygen supply long enough to turn me into a vegetable mouth breather or I would thrash around for around 30 minutes in agony before I managed to die. So I see a lot of different options but I'm not exactly sure which one of these methods I'm going to employ
are any of you scared that an afterlife might exist? and you might go to real hell? that shit terrifies me
>I'm very bad working with ropes/knots
just refresh this page until you get the /diy/ banner
If I thought I had to live another life after this one I'd kill myself.
Are "comfycide" pics like this a thing? They should be, if not.
what if you burn for all of eternity?
It could be even worse in a different life.
I've attempted it twice, once by hanging,once by strangulation
I don't fear dying anymore, but i am afraid of suffering in the world beyond life and death.
Were i to try it again, I'd probably try to do the "go out with a bang" thing, but I'm too much of a pussy to try it so I'll just continue to live and suffer.
Exactly why Im choosing suicide by train
I am not in fear but I feel as if I will get to look at my memories from above. Something better than heaven. Were all just kids.. atleast we were once. Never forget that
Meh. At least I'll feel something.
I'm coming to terms with knowing i have to live this life because i'm too faggot to jump, shoot me, hang or gas myself. Pills didn't work either. Alcoholism takes too long. I'll just live whatever pathetic existance that fuckstick god has in store for me.
i don't plan on it
I've planned my suicide for a while now. Currently focused on writing my 'manifesto' before I do it though. I want to leave something behind in this wretched world.
I have no fear anymore, I've accepted that I'll be a failure even more if I keep trying to keep living this hellish life. I beg for this end to come soon. But not before I finish my book. Priorities. The world is waiting for me to die and I'll never be able to fit in anywhere, no matter how hard I try. I'll be overshadowed, forgotten and cast aside purely at the fault of my own inability to socialise. I'd be glad if someone came into my house and finally ended my miserable life, and it makes me feel worse writing this but at least the comfort of writing this anonymously is good enough for me right now.
And yes, I hate the way I write. I just type whatever comes to mind and spend ages trying to refine my message to make it as conc- fuck I'm rambling again.
Its ok user...this is a safe place
Yes I'm scared to die and sad that I didn't get to do the things I wanted and I'm afraid I'll fuck it up.
probably gonna shoot + burn myself, maybe a little binary action too if you catch what i'm saying, very halal
If you're planning suicide, why are you afraid of dying? Shouldn't you be more afraid of living?
that's poetic, might steal that one. winter's gonna be soon, and i don't want to deal with uni
We all have survival instincts whether we rationally want to live or not.
Why not travel around the world or something? If your gonna kill yourself anyway, why not just try to find meaning or find yourself while traveling the world? Didnt you ever wanna see Japan, South America, fuck hookers in thailand, weed in amsterdam, tacos in mexico, eat hotdogs in america, look at the italy gladiator rings, i mean it fricken endless dudes.
because we're all broke you fucking mongoloid
Not worth it. You fuck up other people that love you. My best friend committed suicide one and a half year ago and it has fucked me up. There's not a single day that I'm not sad and blame myself for not doing something.
Nothing a little Jackie's won't solve.