>Stray cat suddenly appears at the door, wanting to come inside.
>Sister and her friend took it to the vet
>Find out it was underweight and reported missing 2 months ago from the opposite side of the city
>2 weeks later there's more stray cats that look the same as the first one coming to our doorstep
What do? I don't have any cat food and these cats could be carrying diseases that can fuck up my dog. Plus I don't know how to drive to take it to the vet and my sister took the car. I gave them water though.
Stray cat suddenly appears at the door, wanting to come inside
>doesn't know how to drive
>is allowed to own pets
Spring for the big 4 bucks and get a big bag of dry cat food.
Help the cats out until your sister comes back.
DO NOT help the ctas cuz if u do more will come and keep coming back just ignore them or scare them away and tell the same to your sis
if you got any tender meat like chicken that is well cooked (preferably boiled without any sauce or butter), slice it into small rations, put it in a bowl and leave it at your doorstep. if you care about the cats just buy some cheap catfood the next day and let them have it when they arrive again.
It's the family dog but I still look after it.
The cats fucked off for now. I'll try to ignore them if they come back.
that's a great advice, for a subhuman piece of trash like you
So what you do is, get some tylenol and grind it up and put it in some leftover meat. Chicken, etc, whatever. Grind the tylenol up and sprinkle it on the meat, and then leave it out for the cats at night somewhere just off your property. Give it a few days and your cat problem will be gone.
this is why you spend all of your time on here and you'll never get a girlfriend
You see why we don't like boats of migrants now? You fix one up out of the kindness of your heart and then you have an endless line of nigger cats demanding gibs for the rest of your life
Haha, I knew I'd trigger at least one butthurt toxoplasmosis catfag.
yea i am so triggered about the imaginary stories you make up for attention because no one will talk to you irl. get a grip faggot
Gonna be real with you chief, if you're the type of pansy cuck who gets upset about pest control I've got no desire to be your acquaintance much less your significant other. Cats are not some sacred creature, they're just common vermin. Of course you can't make that realization because they've infected you with their literal mind virus that makes you their willing slave.
coolstorybro, but since my time is limited you better come up with the next imaginary story for attention
>pest control
Cats actually control vermin. That's why farmers actively attempt to attract feral cats to live in their barns.
People don't try to drive off cats for pest control reasons. The primary reason people tend to drive off feral cats is because of noise. And there's nobody fucking lower or more annoying than "sensory issue" autists who freak out about trivial neighborhood background noise. Given a choice between stray cats and screeching autists, I gotta go with the cats.
Feral cats are literally vermin, try some reading perception. They absolutely butcher local ecosystems and are a massive burden, feral cats need to be eradicated from cities wholesale.
You sound like an edgy 14 year old. Get off the site and kill yourself.
>dont harm my cat overlords
I do find it mildly sad you were deprived of your chance to live a normal life, but then again you're probably happier this way, living as an addlepatted slave.
Cats are a legit plague. Either take them off the street (too many so it's unreasonable to ask) or mercifully kill them.
this is actually common misnomer. If feral cats live in an area no more feral cats will visit; however, you need to make sure that the cats are nutured because they will breed a whole bunch! Then you'll have a whole bunch of cute kitties that you need to take cawe owf. downt worwy though im swore uwu can hawndew wit
>downt worwy though im swore uwu can hawndew wit
>Where the fuck do people like you come from?
he came from discord, most likely.
just fucking ignore them, they'll go away eventually
Ok user 'let me spout some random bullshit because I have nothing better to do'
Summerfags at it again
>They absolutely butcher local ecosystems
Right. Exactly. They "butcher local ecosystems" by wiping out the vermin.
You should have told me that you were a tree hugging faggot. Then I would have understood that there was no point in reading your posts.
>by wiping out the vermin.
They kill anything and everything they can. Cats don't go around with a fucking checklist and field guide and think "is this bird a pest?" No, they just see it and kill it, no matter what it is. "Tree hugger" as an insult falls completely flat when you're the one crying about people exterminatig feral cats, you faggot.
Grab a shotgun and put them down humanely. Or if you're a pussy, just drive them out to the country and drop them off.