Now that Jow Forums is reddit tier where should I turn to avoid the normies?

Now that Jow Forums is reddit tier where should I turn to avoid the normies?

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good books are good

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2*Jow Forums

There's not really any good alternatives at this point. Either an hero or just stare at the ceiling

ATS bruh

it hasn't been this good in years since the refugees from the 8th channel showed up

>it hasn't been this good in years since the refugees from the 8th channel showed up

The whole internet is piss. You are fucked unless you have a high enough iq to actually have hobbies and/or some kind of life purpose. If you are a dopamine drone like me that just uses imageboards all day you might as well end it. You need inborn self-control to get anything of worth out of this existence. That is my black pill.

>being this much of a newfag

you'll be fine once summer starts, newfriend!

>In-born self control
>as if self control isnt a learned skill
Your problems are your own fault, you lack accountability

It's August you dumb spic

muh special underground club

wow i definitely smell the fragrance of summer

5 years ago this site was pretty much dedicated to weirdos shitting on normies.
Nowadays there are as much if not more normies shitting on weirdos instead.
If you haven't recognized this shift you're either a newfag or part of the problem. Probably both.

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No, it got shit when traps and incels from lookism and came and shitpost here

Normies and npcs are the 21st century black plague. There is no escape

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the zeronet 2*Jow Forums bunker is decent, altho really fucking slow is the best current anomymous imageboard, prove me wrong.

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Want to go to 2chan and do to the nips what these fuckers are doing to us?

Namefags need to die

>saying normie

It hasnt been good since m**t died

This or 22ch

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>5 years ago
no its been more than 5 years

Ehh, its filled with fat chicks tho

It got shit when poopoopeepee pepe backfired massively and lead all the retarded memesters in here in the first place. Before that, we were seen as degenerate outcasts. After that we became le ebin meme guys and gained positive fame.

Check Outt this EXTREMELY HOT Active Server for the BEST LEWDS of FEMALES and TRAPS!

discord gg/jUUeATY

Went there, literally every prejudice I've been having about women was confirmed.

The sad thing is I can no longer tell if this is a parody or genuine.

>literally every prejudice I've been having about women was confirmed.

>imagien thinking women are the problem and not YOURSELF

lmao, 50IQ confirmed

Not sure what you are trying to say.
I have my ideas of how women work, many of them non-PC, and reading this site definitely cemented these ideas further. Especially assuming we are dealing with relatively fringe females here. These are the ones who supposedly would be different. Turns out, they are not.

>I lack self-control
>bro have you tried having self-control
What a profoundly helpful post user thank you so much

just be successful user

No, the point of that meme revolt was to expel the invasion that had already happened faggot.

Gotta go back even farther. The actual issue is every year more and more oldfaggots leave, more and more newfaggots come. Simply. From where though? As we all know the answer to that, nowhere good.