Interesting statistics, great to see that black culture is spreading all around the world. Most young succesful white stars, be it from hiphop, porn, movies etc get themselves black boyfriends. I'm guessing rap and BLACKED has a huge part to do with that, and i'm GLAD to be supporting that every day. Which young white girl did you watch get BLACKED today Jow Forums ?
R9k's favorite.... BLACKED
yew could say that only a minority of viewers watch/subscribe to bl*cked
i only watch jav and hentai, thank you very much
the only people who watched interracial are probably old cucks
the GOAT bracked scene
none because i'm not a cuckold faggot
Based jap bros, they took the BLACKED pill aswell. Nothing like the contrast of a big BBC and a small petite white/asian pussy.
A-user, Brazzers was popular with boomers, BLACKED is the new big thing, every single popular pornstar in her twenties did and LOVED BLACKED, it's very common for them to have BLACKED photoshoot pictures as pinned on twitter or spammed on instagram. It's the future brother, embrace it.
i know japanese dudes have to be as creative and insane as shit in their porn plots to make up for the pixellation but its crazy at how dehumanized their girls get. i guess its the same for western porn stars and more for west euro/south american porn i don know as well too though
Honestly the pixelized shit turns me off way too hard, but interracial aspect is still hot so some bracked javs are still good. Shame that their censoring laws are so fucked.
>BLACKED glorifies black men and it's mainly propaganda for white women
>chink bracked emphasizes the beastiality aspect of it
That's the difference.
may we dream of a day when censoring laws in japan fuck off and obsessed hikki spend all their time going back to old footage of classic JAV and release the raws..
how is family strokes #3 when it was more subscribers and videos than blacked?
It's just a phase, like the compilation videos that once were really popular
Now noone watches compilations
With all this political correctness ofcourse blacked is succesfull, but it will die out like all the other wierd crazes us humanoids have
Enjoy it while it lasts
>Which young white girl did you watch get BLACKED today Jow Forums ?
Alexia Grace
Ye for sure, honestly as time goes by cultures change and so does the opinion of what's attractive.100 years ago a prince blonde tall muscular white guy on a white horse was considered the hot type and the shit young girls dreamed about. Now it's a tall muscular black guy in a expensive car blasting rap music. Thank God I'll get to enjoy the BBC era.
BASED, one of my favorites.
Today, I will remind them. Again.
Why are all the top most viewed videos on jewhub not interracial though?
Me on the l3ft
Are those the producers or film people? That's fucking hilarious user
Avid fans at a porn convention
>two asian guys
damn, Jow Forumsasianmasculinity really does like to LARP as black guys to trigger the mayoid menace
Bug dicks play the greatest role though
>same whores on blacked can be found on tushy and vixen as well
>same sets, same directors, same style
They're already getting fucked for money regardless. Why do you faggots focus on blacked?
>implying white girls fuck black guys only in porn
>the only people who watched interracial are probably old cucks
i used to believe this, then I found what might be called 'snowbunny twitter'. which, consists of literally hundreds of accounts of self-described snowbunnies with things like #BlackOwned or #teamblackboys or #blackisbetter in their profile or tweets.
at first I thought it was some kind of propaganda astroturf thing, like the accounts were bots. But after monitoring them and the hastags for a couple weeks, there is not doubt in my mind they aren't bots, the accounts are run by real people.
Now, maybe all the accounts are old cucks pretending to be women obsessed with big black cock but why think that? they all present as women and many have tweeted pictures that look like their profile pics. it makes sense given the popularity of Blacked stuff. I mean SOMEONE is watching it...
Cringe and gaypilled fag
it's really not that popular Jow Forums is a echo chamber and porn hub gets paid money to promote porn companies retard.
No they don't. Americans make it more like bestiality than Asians do. In Japan, it's just black guys fucking a girl. In America, it gets really fucking bizarre.
blacked porn is not good for your mental health in any way. Degenerative in EVERY way.
"celebrities" (i.e immature/degenerate/underdeveloped/immoral people with ego problems) are bound to end up with some black fuck toy, its just more degeneracy and ungodliness piled on to the existing degeneracy and ungodliness. when you eat that forbidden fruit you abandon your spirituality completely in favor of FLESH.
There is a reason it feels the way it feels when you masturbate to blacked porn. you are making a deal with the devil.
yes I did get religion involved in blacked porn discussion but you get my point
>it's really not that popular
easily disprovable by just googling or using any traffic meter
this clip gets me
twitter dot com slash MaestroMnF slash status slash 1134976415227666432
>over a billion views on one site
>not that popular
i see it everyday in florida
fucking hell pornography rots society
stfu nigga nobody cares about your race bait, go back to r*ddit and stop stinking up the board with your s h i t (saged)
dude i live in Redondo Beach, by LA. whenever I go to the beach all I see are interracial couples (blacks with whatever, white guys with Asian girls, hispanics with whoever). Not a perfect representation of society, but the /poltards have definitely lost.
as a blackbot I hate this dehumanisation companies like BLACKED are pushing onto us. it wasn't enough that the same group of people pushed crack in the hood and invested a fuck ton of money into the private prison industry so they could funnel young black folk in by the boatload after poisoning their minds with gangster rap that they curated, turning them into modern day slaves in the process. now they're showcasing us as a fetish object, and as a taboo so they can create more tension between blacks and whites while keeping the heat off of them further promoting the degradation of society and turning all of our brains into mush in the process so we're pacified.
based and hoteppilled
stay strong out there brotha
i'm going to fetishize you and there's nothing you can do about it!
Jow Forumss fav has always been either loli or milfs and hardly anything in between, though a fuck ton of spamming lgbt larpers be here technically right now. Blacked shit was always bait. It's always going to be bait.
Thanks for falling for this bait faggots.