
Why didn't you hook up with that cute guy who was really into you, and you liked him as well?

Why hold out for mister perfect, who doesn't exist?

Now that reality is starting to set in, you realize that you're getting older and less sociable.

Guys no longer talk to you...

And that cute guy who wanted to date you has moved on.

There's nothing more pathetic then a lonely girl.

Your fate is your own doing.

Remember that.

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I like that picture a lot OP

I did and he's a coke addict and compulsive gambler, I should've waited for the perfect match instead of Mr. Nice

You didn't know this about him when you were dating?

Hey femanons, become schizoids already. Males are more commonly schizoid and we need balance. It makes you avoid all the hassle around people.

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Because there were no cute guys who were into me, retard. Why do you think I'm here?

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is this the puertorican that "raped you in the ass" with a "pringles can sized cock" or another one?

larping cringelord

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Hi. Trapanon here. I'm probably into you.

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because I want to get in a relationship with someone I like, I can't do that when I don't have a self to like someone with

Didn't have the problem until his job promotion, which only worsened into our marriage. I had to piece things together. Tbf nice guys are usually a meme.

Thank you trapanon. Means a lot. Here's a rat in a dress.

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There's never been a guy into me.

It's almost like raves aren't a person's life experience huh vajabond

You're welcome. If you're that depressed throw me a contact dork. I had a rat around here somewhere for you but I'm not sure what happened to her...

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I've been rejected by guys on here so many times that I just honestly don't have the energy or courage to do that. Maybe after a bit of time passes since the latest rejection.

Bullshit. You were too dense to notice it.

>There's nothing more pathetic then a lonely girl.

actually there is, it's a lonely autist trying to make an imaginary girl feel bad

r u white tho

I'm Russian, I've been told plenty of times that doesn't count as white.

lmfao /thread

Then have a burner. I don't reject people and I want to meet a Russian. puppy#6247

Nah. Girls have the world handed to them from birth and slowly lose their value over time, they can find a "good" man to settle down with easily. Autistic men are fucked from birth so its expected they lose out on dating and relationships.

You've been rejected by men on r9k? This is not a dating platform, the fact that you've even tried that is straight up depressing

RUSSIAN RUSSIAN or like actually living in the west?
You must be trying to date outside of our race, aka the SLAV(e) race
I really wanna talk, cauz you're distantly similar to me

There has to be a reason you were rejected over and over, so share it.

>Why didn't you hook up with that cute guy who was really into you, and you liked him as well?
I did. I married him, gave birth to his children, and we have a little house in the suburbs together. There are the daily ups and downs but there is no one I'd rather be with.

Kek someone actually saved my pic
Thanks user!

You got a discord? You cant be that bad

>that cute guy who was really into you
Maybe I'm still too young.....

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There was never a cute guy in my life who wanted to date me

>that cute guy who liked you
Because he wasn't cute, I didn't like him as well, many of the things he said to me seemed super duper fake (e.g. praising my insignificant "achievements" as if I'd won a Nobel prize even though I'd only met him half an hour ago), and we had no common interests/goals at all.

>There's nothing more pathetic than a lonely girl.
I can already tell people at work judge me for being a HHKV in my late 20s and I care about it but I don't care enough to make significant changes my behaviour.

I dated, and am still dating the first guy that was into me. All is going swell