
Bender Recovery Edition

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How we doin boys? I lost my job and the idea of going back to NeetHell freaked me out pretty bad.

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wasted half my day nodding/sleeping on xanax what's the point of this shit

>no money, can't buy beer
>no money, can't buy pot
>no money, can't buy DXM
there are times when being NEET sucks and its almost always when there is a week left before my check comes

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get a side hustle you absolute nigger

I already sell half my prescription pills, what else could i be doing that requires basically no effort on my part?

>buy drugs from dnm
>sell them to normies for 300% the price

dxm is literally 1 dollar for a p large dose, go to dollar tree chief

was on caffeine and kratom earlier but the caffeine wore off so now I'm starting to get a bit sleepy even though it's only 5 o'clock. honestly not really a fan of the whole nodding off thing on kratom/opioids

Smoking weed for first time in ages tomorrow. Its a heavy sativa. I'm giddy af. Weed is better than Christmas. What is some trippy shit to watch/listen to?

not everyone lives in a 3rd world country that allows dxm over the counter.

Watch an ASMR video and masturbate

I took some weed oil and greened out last night. Did I take too much or was it the McDonald's I ate? :thinking:

im pretty fucking high on speed for the second day in a row, whats a fun fast videogame i could play for a bit, kinda like hotline miami

>ate 2 grams of Avb yesterday with some peanut butter
>took almost 5 hours to kick in
>passed out like 20 minutes after the high set in
>woke up 12 hours later still high
>just took another 2 grams
Hopefully this time it won't take fucking 5 hours to kick in

lol i love how edibles fuck you up

Yeah when I was on vacation in Washington I bought a pack of gummies (400 mg total) and ate them all. Was high for 3 days. Edibles are honestly the best bang for your buck

so fucking baked rn boyz
hash gang

ok the mdma is making me do some weird shit lately, any tips? Any drug i should try to fill the void with.

do you think 0.5g of H is enough to get hooked on?

depends on your personality and how much you like H but it's an actual risk

first timer that is prone to addictions
should i?

if you enjoy your life or believe that it will become enjoyable down the line you certainly shouldn't. if you hate your existence and you are okay with turning into a junkie I say you risk it.
Do you have any experience with other opiods? because it doesn't make much sense to get directly into heroin if you haven't

Heroin addicts are finally accepted as part of the society

what's it making you do?

This or just steal some from a pharmacy like I just did. Do what I did
>look through cough products
>grab 2
>discreetly pocket one and put the other back so they assume you picked it up and just put it back and that's even IF they decided to look over security footage for absolutely no reason on the specific camera on the specific time you stole
>go to the bathroom open the box and pocket the pills so you don't activate the theft scanner
>optionally bring a plastic bag or some kind of container if not just pop all the pills out of their plastic tray cause it makes noise and put them straight in your pockets

why yall never do psychedelics. I just found a guy who can sort LSD but you gotta buy them in bulk 4 tabs for 40 hoping to find some others cause i only wanna do half a tab.

how we doin lads just came back from a night at spoons with mates

4 tabs

half a tab prob wont be good tho. on a side note tho what ug are they and also if its 4 for 40 wtf is it for one that aint that good of a deal

anyone know about mixing coke and dmt? not gonna do it but just wondering

never done them together but i've done both of them more then a human should. most likely the dmt will kill the coke high if the dmt dose is high enough

please tell me how i can buy acid easily

im a brit fag so they're usually 15 pound for 1 idk the ug but i might take a full tab sometime but im in no rush with acid it's dangerous

befriend hippys that's the only way i know

Where you based lad? I wanna buy some acid and I'm in UK too

Anyone here growing shrooms?
Wait 2 years until the acid market has recovered from that big 2015 (?) bust.

It's slowly coming back but it's far from how it used to be from 1970-2010 or so.
Tryptamines and stims are one of those combinations that rarely work out well.

Psylocybin & MDMA are just about the only one that is baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarely ever worth it.
The rest is trash.
Yeah pretty much this. It's a pleasant alternative to suicide, but it's not something you should do lightly.

>prone to addictions
well you'll probably get addicted then. I'm not very prone to addictions and am not the biggest fan of opioids but when I tried h even I felt some pull when I ran out

east midlands near mansfield

thinking about making a grow seems easy and i know how to get spores

I can only find DXM at the pharmacy with guaifenesin is it safe will I be fine should I extract it

>thinking about making a grow seems easy and i know how to get spores
The punishingly hard part is hygiene.
Clean substrate.
Clean needle.
Clean growing conditions.

Follow Ziran's PF Tek. Completely ignore anyone telling you to keep colonizing shrooms in the dark.
Fruit in an unmodified monotub or a shoebox, or fruit inside the glass itself.
Fanning is bullshit.
Shotgun Fruiting Chambers are bullshit.
Once you have your first harvest, clone the first (mark with water-proof pen on the cap) shroom to emerge to agar, then isolate that through 4-5 transfers and make Liquid Culture.

Once you're good at it you've got enough shrooms to trade them up for basically any other substance.

Your best bet is trading shrooms for MDMA and trading MDMA for whatever else you fancy. Except DMT. That you trade for shrooms directly.

Also is DPH any good

if you like being tormented by spiders and feeling like you have Alzheimers, then go for it

This. But big fuck off giant spideys.

Took 500ug 1p-lsd and 600mg dxm today. Today was a very interesting day :)

I took 600mg dph and it made me have a seizure and had to go to the hospital and shit, trust me it's not worth it.

ten dollars for real acid isn't a bad price lol

I hope you like ants, static and random people you met 10 years ago.

I got drunk with a homeless man last night and he told me he was gonna kill himself today. I passed it off as just being drunk talk and started talking about something else but a few hours ago medical helicopters where flying over my house (very rarely happens) and when I went to the spot he usually hangs out at he was gone. I'm getting worried now guy's if he killed himself I might have been the last person he talked too and I'm really autistic and bad at talking so it would be sad if that was true.

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You may throw up but it's safe. I wouldn't take too much tho

That's life user.

Just got got back from south east asia and had some crazy shit happen to me too. Just put it behind you and move forward user.

25-50mg (aka a normal dose as described on the box) is good for preventing nausea from drugs that cause it, but actual deliriant doses? no.

Tomorrow I'm gonna do a 900mg dxm trip, it's my highest dose but I'm looking forward to it.
>acid is $25 a hit in bongland
Been considering growing but I've still got like 2 years worth of acid and RC's so I'll hold off until next year, maybe grow some weed too.

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This is most likely ignoramt and I'll regret it tomorrow, but holy fuck I feel great at the moment. I took 250mg of benzedrex 2 hours ago and I'm coming up on 150 mg of MDMA right now.

Xanax is honestly a waste of time unless you pair it with weed and only take half a bar

Its a mix of both i try not to eat alot when im b l a z e d

looking into getting a vape for DMT, someone recommended the yocan evolve plus to me here earlier i believe? how do you make the ejuice to vape with? i got about 500mg of dmt but it seems like it would be hard to measure the little bit of ejuice to mix with that much. also what do you use for ejuice? pg/vg mix? i only have pg that i use to make clonazolam solutions

ive never gotten hooked on any drugs that were considered highly addictive and always managed to keep things at a one time thing

Depends on if you have an addictive personality or not honestly if you dont plan on becoming a fuckin dope fiend and fuck your existence up id suggest you smoke or snort it coz it seems injection is what leads to most addiction

Im pretty sure theres a video on youtube that shows how to grow a shit ton of shrooms and gives links for the lil sprouts ill post link if i find the video

Keep a 1:1 ratio

yeah but that's be 0.5ml to 500mg

Well i know 1ml of pure PG can hold 1gram DMT so yeah i assume youd do .5ml to 500mg

I finally got a whole bunch of weed

Things are good, I dont even care that Im sick and my pc is broken cause I got a whole bunch of weed all for myself to indulge in

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seems like it would be a bitch to load 0.03ml of vape juice to do a 30mg "breakthrough" hit tho

Benzos feel great IF you actually have crippling social anxiety, otherwise just use them for when your coming down off stims.

Well if you do it right it should take like 2-3 good puffs to breakthrough

Haha jokes on me i dont need to be tweakin off stims to have panic attacks

I have anxiety disorder B)

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>finally decide to try DXM
>buy few bottles of syrup, because pills are prescription only in my country
>it's a gooey, vanilla-smelling bittersweet mess
>down 250 ml, approx. 370 mg of DXM
>throw up all the contents of my stomach after 40 minutes
>DXM still kicks in pretty good, solid 2nd plateau
>I lay in bed all night and listen to music, probably the comfiest high I've ever experienced

I was really sceptical about dissos, but damn, did it feel good! I tried again next night, decided to fight nausea this time to get more out of it, but I spent the night with bad stomach cramps, lying in bed all covered in sweat and then got very "dissociative" diarrhea in the morning. guess I'll have to extract the stuff next time.

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On 300mg of dxm lads and bored as balls. Any reccomends on what to do?

just lay down and listen to music bro, it'll be a good time.

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just weed and alc today

Drugs can be comfy but remember to take it easy you don't want to end up frying your brain

I'm feeling odd, is it possible to accidentally kill the part of.your brain that triggers chemicals that make you tired when your body desperately wants sleep? I've been on an Adderall binge since Tuesday morning, I haven't redosed in like 8-10 hours and though the euphoria is gone, I feel alert and full focused. This is the longest I've been up, think I took 7-8 30 mgs, and filling another script tomorrow luckily. I had a horrible piercing headache last morning along with sharp pains in my heart that lasted about 30 minutes, but I redosed and it was all good after that.

Tl;Dr think I'm gonna die

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i asked this threads ago if this was a good idea. the replyer told me it was stupid. buuut..is it?

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I lost my job and started dealing. Am I still a neet?

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People who smoke crack dont fall asleep for days sometimes, so yea its possible

Imagine the iq you would need to have to risk the same jailtime as a dnm vendor making $250k/year so you could make $80/month trying to sell sus drugs to friends you don't have

except, theres alreadt a very low risk of getting caught, even yet, within a country.
and 80$/month? that depends on what your selling

Been through stim abuse too, i'm glad i'm past that shit.

If you start now you'll have mastered it by March next year.
A lot of those are terrible.

>Smoke strong indica hash that leave me couchlocked all day long
>Do that for 2 whole weeks
>Don't go to work, don't even call
I'm in trouble now, guess i'll just smoke some more.

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Can you show up to work after 2 weeks of no show? Maybe if you make a story up they might still have you

i don't think so user


It's alright man, he's in a better place now. His existence was probably hell either way....

Gonna try marijuana edibles with my buddies for the first time in a few days. Never infested marijuana so I'm planning on taking a 10mg dose.
My goal is just euphoria but enough to get me fucked up (also should mention I'm a 140lbs lanklet)
10mg good beginner dose? My buddy went 50mg his first time and 125 his second

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Yocan is shit.
Check out the Saionara from HVT

What kinda orignalmoosic

Pretty sure there's no real risks with dxm, right?

Was it pure DXM or did it have gauifenesin cause everyone's told me that although dxm can already guaifenesin multiplies the chance of it and I can only take dxm atm with it

>tfw you love tramadol so muchq you'd do it everyday if you could but you have to force yourself to take it only up to 3 times a week to not have any physical dependence issues
why does life suck so much for people who like opioids

we payed to play. fun up front, hell down the road.

3x per week will still make you physically addicted, just not as bad as daily

stop now, user... it's a slippery slope

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I spent one day this week shooting some fentanyl opiate mix up nose and it didn't make me feel that great. ended up puking a couple times later that night. i'll stick to benzos and psychs.

too good to stop nibba

Sell drugs pussy

this post is original i swear

took DXM the other day and even though I've done it maybe a dozen or so times, this was the first time I ever puked on it. never really even gotten nauseous on it before but for some reason this time I had the spins and they only got worse and worse until I ran to the toilet and started puking. not much stuff came out, I was mostly dry heaving, but it was extremely painful and since I was on DXM I thought I was actually dying
lol DXM is pretty fucking risky. lots of people who use it longterm end up with cognitive issues. not much evidence on it because there's hardly ever proper research done on drugs but I'd really stay away from using DXM more than a couple times a year.

what's baby's first opioid?
not kartom

>has sharp heart pain
>takes more