Whats your BMI?

Whats your BMI?

Total couch cushion


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18.9 owo uwu eue

do you even eat?

I'm a fatty boombalatty.

I have two meals a day but they're more like big snacks

20.5 hmu femanons

I eat _at least_ 1 1/2 meals a day and barely exercise.

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I'm short but fit.

I sport a bmi of 1 bro, quality bmi


aha 5'10
320 pounds even.


like 28, I think

any BBWs browsing today? i keep thinking of this girl who was in my programming classes who was maybe just barely obese who suddenly exploded to 400 lb SSBBW status like my pic. it must have happened over a period of two years but it just seemed like overnight she expanded to the size of jupiter

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Used to be 29.1
Am now 24.2
Trying to make it lower but I think I've hit my limit


Get on my level faggots, big chungus coming through.

16.1, not that bad, I'm still alive after all.

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My metabolism is fucked up.
I barely eat and I eat fairly healthy yet I'm still almost overweight. It sucks.

I'm 22.6.
You might be able to go lower. You're in the healthy weight range now, though, so you should be proud of yourself. Good job, user. I'm proud of you.


I do have a bit of fat, but I lift, so I'm not quite as fat as this suggests.

17.0, currently trying to gain weight.

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How tall? Origigig

For people that do any excercises bmi is worthless because it doesnt recognize diffrience between muscle weight and fat weight

24.4 I been slackin lately, put on like 20 lbs

>fembots are landwhales!
>meanwhile most fembots are borderline skeletons
21.8 male robot here.

15.1 I'm 5'9, 102 lbs and a clinical manorexic.
>Tfw Literally Michael Jackson tier

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180 cm (5'11") why?

15.4, I cant eat very much without feeling sick

16.8 :/ nearly died last week i got down to 120 at 6"1. all muscle too from when i used to work out so no fat there to consume

My guy! You need to get on the Low FODMAP diet. You will immediately start feeling better. If you're smoking weed constantly that's whats causing it, otherwise just go get an endoscopy and they'll help you out. Start today it only gets worse, you're welcome and yes I am right don't fucking doubt me I just saved your life

Also cut out gluten, vitamin E, and cacao. Those aren't considered low FODMAP by most websites and so can make you waste years of progress. You're welcome, god speed brother nobody deserves the hell we live

I went down to 18.4 at one point so that's probably good news. Eating a ton of raw eggs has worked a treat. I thought I was skinny, but I guess underwieght people are naturally attracted to these threads. I should probably start excersing or something now before I get fat.

6'4 btw

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underweight fags unite

I'm so fucked just kill me now

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This is an original comment motherfucker.

Yoooo that can't be healthy wtf

Just try to eat a little less, most of the time ppl blame metabolism but they just eat stuff with higher calories count than they think

I'm 16.9
Damn it feels good to bypass an originality filter niggers niggers niggers

Nice bait

You need to exercise more

Calories have almost nothing to do with obesity, its the carbs.

There are experiments of people going x amounts of weeks eating ludicrous amounts of calories and barely gain weight, while same experiment but with carbs and blow up instantly.

The "watch your calorie intake" is outdated info.

Saddest thing is I've been working out for more than 2 years now and gained all in all ~3.5 kg...

Have a go at mine lads

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youre a fucking retard lmao there are studies going back centuries disproving this. oh my god you fucking stupid nigger holy shit how can you say something so wrong so confidently kill yourself you fat cunt waste of space

>The "watch your calorie intake" is outdated info.
i dare you to google this you absolute mong holy shit you are retarded

420lbs 5'6"
It's easy to get this fat when you eat two pizzas a day and get your water from soda.

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Not that user but you're retarded. Do you think humans were counting calories for the past 40,000 years we've existed? Or do you think they were just really fat?
Even after civilization, most people were not fat. In fact obesity has only started to become a major issue now that we have a fantastic understanding of calories.
Perhaps you'd do well to learn about nutrition instead of making yourself look like a know nothing idiot. Try living on 2000 calories of alcohol a day, see how long until you starve.

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Dude, I told you.

Guy does huge calorie intake for 2 weeks. Gains 5 kg. Same person, 2 weeks, high carbs. Gains 15 kg.

Calorie intake has way less to do than people think. That's the newest info. Forget the old crap. That's why it doesn't work for the majority that try it out, or if it does its temporary.

You absolute mongrel retard brainlet.

>neet for a decade, sitting on my ass all day
>no exercise
>eat whatever the fuck there is
>never went above 22 or below 19 bmi
How do people even get fat?

My original BMI is 19.7

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>Chubby and tall af
Hnnng please love me

What are you, superman? What the fuck do you need to be so tall for? You trim trees for a living or something?

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Where the rest of my skellybros at?

metabolism falls off a cliff with age
you will soon instantly balloon to stage III obesity

I'm a fucking wizard already.

it could happen any day now

Dunno, dad is 6'4 and mum was 5'9. Recessive genes maybe? I do welding and carpentry
Ha but I still look like roadkill, thanks tho


Huh? I don't think im overweight. Im nowhere near fat. I'm a man ffs

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Completely average by American standards!

Mine. Hdhd

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16.24. It's an issue

i eat normally tho

53.3 super morbidly obese

You might die soon user, please eat!

14 and i don't even have an eating disorder or anything. i eat pretty normally

5'10 and 131 lb

32 oreganiao

>ITT, people overestimating their height

i know it's against the rules but could you post like a picture of your obese hand or foot or something?

Most of you are fat fucks to be honest.

you're not as tall as you think you are

>Guys my BMI is 14 I didn't put my height as 6'0 despite being 5'4 I'm so special

I'm 23 Gang gang

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literally originally perfection


Don't have to force myself to eat anymore. Things are looking up

21.9. I shouldn't be here based on appearance alone lads, life is unfair

everyone in Jow Forums is either skinny as fuck or fat as fuck. really makes you think

why? 21.9 is healthy

6'3 148 lbs idk what that is

are you sure? there's a good number of 20 - 24s here

pre-fucking-cisely. I'm not ugly and I'm fit and I have all those features incels use to identify chads. So why am I here? It's not fair. My life should be amazing

Oh ok 18.5 just made normal whew

Congrats, supposedly you should try and get it a little higher so there's less risk of dropping off on a bad month. Also tall guys look way skinnier with the same bmi thanks to long limbs.

HI TJ I used to love your vids

..Just don't eat 4head


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I tried OMAD one time and I felt like I was going to puke and pass out after a few hours.

im 6ft6


It's an absolute miracle my kneecaps haven't shattered yet.

>6ft 3
>169 lbs

Crohns disease
if i lost 1 more pound id die i think

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does this shit account for muscle whatsoever. ive got a little bit of fat but god damn

Went from 175 in May to now 142

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great job user! Proud of you, keep up the good work.


Not quite in shape but not fat. Gotta go running.

average as heck

19, i need to lose weight desu