Be me

>be me
>go to therapist
>start deeply thinking out loud about the state of the world
>tell her that the Western world is becoming about hedonism and Hitler did nothing wrong
>bring up Nietzsche and nihilism
>realize through thought that if there really is no cataclysmic event, the world will be the pursuit of pleasure
>tell her about divorce rates and roastie partner counts ruining marriage
>tell her that music and art are dead - there are no innovations in music anymore because ALL music from around the globe has been made into one big melting pot
>tell her I've simultaneously given up on pursuing the normal family I wanted when I was in high school as well as (realizing this during my thinking out loud) turned to the pursuit of pleasure as the highest life goal
>feel absolutely empowered but sick and degenerate at the same time
>when I said I wanted kids when I was in high school, she asks me if I was sexually attracted to kids, WTF
>i blurt out "NO!"
>mfw these people project onto others
>but maybe they're right
>mfw she didn't really seem offended morally about Epstein when I brought him up

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Other urls found in this thread:

Jesus fucking christ, user, you have some goddamn problems.

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>>when I said I wanted kids when I was in high school, she asks me if I was sexually attracted to kids, WTF
What a fucking bizarre thing to ask you

>>go to therapist

What a stupid thing to do. The purpose of a therapist in society is to identify (((offenders))) and remove them from the gene pool. Keep your eyes peeled user, you're fucked.

>>when I said I wanted kids when I was in high school, she asks me if I was sexually attracted to kids, WTF
>>i blurt out "NO!"
jesus christ, what the fuck is wrong with your therapist
and why bother telling her all that shit
do you really think you're gonna redpill a normie?
in fact, you are playing a dangerous game, as these people have the power to lock you up and medicate you into vegetable mode

your therapist is a fucking R O A S T I E

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>Nietzsche and nihilism
Wow, another faggy internet nazi brainlet misinterprets Nietzsche. What a surprise.

yeah, except every scholar and intellectual agree that Nietsche is actually advocating fascism
it's fucking obvious for anyone who ever read Nietsche
but not for leftist faggots or people who never actually read Nietsche in depth

No, I understand him. It's just that his message applied to today doesn't work. The arts are dead, and he was a big proponent of art in order to find meaning in life without God.

What stupid conspiracy is this one? I've lost track.

I went to a therapist and he greatly helped me stop wish I was dead.

Crypto-CIA agents that instigate white-horse operational plans.
There are a lot of crypto-CIA agents and they're a great way to exploit the mentally manipulable with medications and brainwashing techniques they perfected with blackbook CIA operations (the successful version of MK-ultra).
But, this is just a theory, a conspiracy theory! Subscribe, like and share

Tho, fr, yeah therapy is helpful to a certain degree. Especially things like CBT, dialectic therapy, and the existential therapists.

OP here. How many times have you seen women encourage pedophiles? It's in the news all the time. She was probably imagining me having sex with children, or even her daughter. I'm pretty attractive to her I think. She is a roastie. She told me she partied and did drugs when she was younger. I've told her I wanted a blonde haired blue eyed girlfriend because I had blonde hair and blue eyes when I was a kid, and wanted more recessive genes. Today, after the pedophile comment, she goes, "I have a daughter. She has blonde hair and blue eyes," with her picture hanging on the wall behind her.

I don't really have a thing for children. I'm the user with the sperm competition fetish. Next time I might tell her about that.

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OP here again. Also, I had a Jewish therapist once and caught him looking at my crotch while smiling. Whites are dying. I guess the goyim should go out with a bang. I'm nearly 100% sure my newest female therapist was thinking about me and sex with her daughter. They get into these positions as therapists so they can hear fucked up tales of sexual and physical abuse. The world is fucked up, but what can we do? Just fuck it literally.

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SO that's all she could think about? Was you going deep in some kid? That's all she wanted to hear about?

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What is wrong with her? Is her kid hot or overdeveloped?

Is she just a fat old sick woman?! Ewwww

But really you should get a life you porn freak, nobody wants to hear about that.

Stopped reading. I know how this is going to go.

>actually keeps reading
>>the kids thing
Normalfaggot women can't into robot world. She thinks if not gay when celibate and young you must be a pedophile. I've had this happen randomly to me too.

>bla blah haven't had a gf since HS
>>how old was she
>ignore as I speed talk
>next month
>ignore while speed talk and OP tier preaching
>next month

She laughed when I said 15, me 17. I was all "oh noes I'm a terrible pedo DX" all sardonically mocking her audacity to insinuate such a normalfaggot virtue. Especially when about the past, since legally it'd not be of consequence now with it being more than ten years ago. Anyway, mine personally didn't know what some of the quotes on her own wall meant, from books. They're casuals.

He's ironically normal for non-normalfaggot you fucking invader. Kill yourself.

It actually isn't from their perspective.

Indeed. People are peer pressured into this though you realize. To get on the bux you must go there.

She's literally normal whilst dealing with someone not normal. Burn the witch, it's what normalfaggots instinctively want to do.

>>that thing is different
>>how dangerous a thing might be you don't understand
>attacks it to see what happen
>attacking physically now banned
>attack with most insulting word you can think of

It's fair really, because OP and I hate society, and she's a part of that, so she takes insult and cannot contain her own insults and lets them slip without realizing what she's doing.

That's just the bait element to get the idiots of this Jow Forums to bump it fag. Not OP though, but also not born last night. You have to work the Nazi angle because that's just the only thing that would work in such a way.

She insulted you for insulting her.

>I'm nearly 100% sure my newest female therapist was thinking about me and sex with her daughter

Take ur meds.

You're on a hitlist now, user. Don't take any "pills" or "recommended referrals". Hell, don't go to a "follow up visit" because that's when they'll pick you up any throw you in the loony bin.

my therapist is male, so i dont have to deal with this shit.

>opening up to a male
>opening up to a female you don't fuck
>asking a psychiatrist for drugs to feel better
>being a drug dealer that does drugs when depressed and fucks depressed women so they can get drugs too

divorce rates is a myth.
nihilism is babbys first easy philosophy next to determinism. it has no application to reality.
hedonism is whatever you want it to be. posting on Jow Forums is hedonistic.

worrying about "state of the world" is for brainlets. are you happy with your personal life? fix that first, little brainlet retard

Oh you're so smart.

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Fucking this. If you're not making any impact on the state of the world, but your sacrificing your own peace of mind anyway... How fucking retarded could you be?

you're a fucking idiot for seeing a female therapist.
this guy gets it

You sound like babbys first edgelord

We are creating more art now than ever. It's literally a golden age for art.

No she asked because you're a generic incel with zero thought, and since incels are pedos, you are too. It was a good guess

I get it, you want me to post a response revealing very personal things. You've been reading my mind, maybe my journals too, or just inferring what I'm thinking so you set these threads up to trap me into leaving evidence to admit to my cognitive traps. But this is the last time I do it. No it isn't, I'll probably respond again but unknowingly. You won't catch me in the big lie. I'm not CRAZY, I'm a good person. Please just kill me fast and painless when you round me up. Don't hurt my cats and dog or my mom, please.

No it isn't. It's all garbage rehashes from the past.


Imagine thinking Nietzsche's philosophy is in any way related to Nazism. You are just a pretentious fuck who's trying to be edgy. Unironically stop seeking mental help and kill yourself.

There is more new original art now than any period in history. You're just cynical because you don't get it.

Hurr durr. Another stupid motherfucker who's never read Nietzsche's works. He literally talks about the "blonde beast" who should have dominion over the world.

You sound trashy.

Elaborate. How does the "blond beast" refer to white people?

>tell her that music and art are dead - there are no innovations in music anymore because ALL music from around the globe has been made into one big melting pot
You obviously have been listening to the wrong music then. Right now the bleeding edge of music innovation is the mixing of vaporwave, sythwave, ambiant, smooth jazz, and rain effect tracks.

It is literally the best time for music I have ever seen.

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Genuine, unironic cringe. Good job at being a stupid fucking nigger.

You're an idiot with no ability to reason zoomer.

Imagine still using the word cringe unironically.

Achuchely I'm 24. I remember 9/11 unlike you.

originally shit taste

My main genre of choice is drum and bass. I often listen to smooth jazz. I occasionally listen to metal. I rarely listen to hiphop mostly because it turned into a litteral meme of degeneracy unto itself.

>You obviously have been listening to the wrong music then. Right now the bleeding edge of music innovation is the mixing of vaporwave, sythwave, ambiant, smooth jazz, and rain effect tracks.
>It is literally the best time for music I have ever seen.

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