Would you savor the flavor?

would you savor the flavor?

Attached: yandere-20190326-120549.webm (1024x576, 1.98M)

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god, look at all that pussy cream oozing from her tiny hole

the cream omg

oh fuck

You virgins that is not what happens when a woman is aroused that is weird shit she put inside herself. You are retarded. It should be clear, hers literally looks like a yeast infection or something she inserted so it would resemble creampie. For people who are obsessed with naked women you sure know very little about vagina.

sorry friend, nothing sounds more retarded than "something she inserted to resemble creampie"

go educate yourself


No that's pornography that is not good and I'm on nofap.

user this woman has literal chunks. They always insert shit so it looks like they are cumming but women don't physically cum the same way men do. Virgins are so stupid and gullible.

what does girl creme taste like

Also that can also be attributed to semen from fucking earlier.

Girls use their urethra for stimulation?

Actually the color varies depending on her cycle.

hmmm.. i wonder if I should believe the random expert of female anatomy on a Chilean rug cleaning forum or the actual ob-gyn that informed me

"White creamy discharge before your period is also full of dead cells, white blood cells, and bacteria. Producing discharge helps clean out your vagina from unwanted substances and microorganisms.

Because of this, some women actually produce lots of creamy white discharge a few days before their period. After your period, you could also experience some creamy pink discharge. This happens because the white discharge is tinged with blood from your period."

Attached: 1960279-checking-cervical-mucus-to-get-pregnant-faster-01-5ae09ac2c06471003916b7cb.png (768x512, 30K)

seeYou keep throwing around virgin as insult like we're not on r9k. Never being inside a vagina has nothing to do with knowing how they operate, educate yourself

Like slightly salty or sweet mucus, depends on diet.

sour whipped cream with a hint of battery acid and ass sweat

Fuuuuck why dont iPhones have webm features!

Attached: 0CD54096-FC62-4BC1-B240-EF74B7FB199A.jpg (1200x675, 98K)

>A literal fucktoy whore for anyone that opens up her link

Attached: Aoba ur.png (696x576, 405K)

It fucking sucks, biggest mistake in the last year is switching to ios from android. iOS is better for normals, sucks that i cant see webms on a $1k device.

If you look up Frost Webm viewer on appstore you can use that though..

I hope you get cunt cancer

Nyet, I don't even know her.

but porn actors talk about the girls cream tasting delicious like they should bottle and sell it. that doesnt sound very delicious.

That's the word that should give you the hint. I was watching a scene were dudes were cumming on Riley Reid's face and you could hear one whisper 'I really need to poo..' two seconds latter he's nutting on her and roaring like a beast. It's all play pretend.

she didn't look like she liked that taste one bit.

she seemed more shocked than repulsed by it

she looks kinda like my friends mom, holy fuck.

All it taken was a surprise period and a face full of latter stuff to put me off giving oral sex for a long time.

I have no problem diving right in during shark week, I love bloody steaks so why should a little blood in a pussy turn me off?

Not everyone on Jow Forums is a permavirgin who has no clue how vaginas work. But good thing you outed yourself by being so defensive, virgin.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-22-20-49-15~2_compress6.jpg (928x720, 46K)

I'm not partial to blood, or chunks, any other time I'd have gladly reciprocated.

like wet bread

She really looks like someone I went to high school with. Anyone know her real name?