Good evening, I'm here once again, I'll be here for around an hour or so, I'm doing free tarot reads for you robots.
>A name you go by
>Your mood
Good evening, I'm here once again, I'll be here for around an hour or so, I'm doing free tarot reads for you robots.
>A name you go by
>Your mood
>will i feel better soon anone?
there's my form for you!
>will I become a pornstar with my 9 inch cock?
Will I manage to live without having to work?
>A name you go by
>Your mood
Empty and hopeless
Will I ever find a girl for me?
>dark blue
>entranced and melancholic
>will i get what i want?
You'll begin feeling better but you won't feel good for a quite a while. If you want to feel better, try embodying the ideals of the Knight of Pentacles and slow down to smell the flowers.
If you wanted to become one you could, but it seems to me that you are resisting the idea. There's a lot of success in porn for you.
Ten of wands. No. A lot of cards came out for you so I'll do a small summary:
You are likely exhausted in ways you didn't know possible, but this is the task you are having to deal with for now. This is fate for now.
7 months from now, the wheel of fortune will begin moving again, be ready to make a choice then. It's likely something will show up.
A hint showed up, don't rely on a girl's pity, you need to be bolder and show up for the occasion if you want a girlfriend. Show independence and be generous in your life, and you'll begin attracting the one for you.
Is my anxiety about the current situation justified? Or am I being anxious for no reason?
number 7
forgot number
>Magnum Innominandum
>Will I get me a mixed female?
Your question is really vague, I don't see why I have to not just divine your answer, but also your question.
You can just explain what the current situation is and I can give you a better reading than if I have to guess what it is.
>Will my illness be cured soon?
>The Man The Void The End The Light
>I'm feeling good
>Will this big project I'm constantly thinking about be fruitful?
how will slowing down make me feel better? and also, im not really sure how to embody those ideals. Am I just supposed to try harder at life?
>Coral pink
>Will I myself be my own downfall?
OK then what about this?
>dark blue
>entranced and melancholic
>will i get be with the person i want to be with
>You can just explain what the current situation is and I can give you a better reading than if I have to guess what it is.
sorry, about that...
I am just anxious that I will become single soon because I had a nightmare last night that I got in a big argument with him that ended our relationship. I just want to know that my anxiety regarding that dream is silly or not, as in he wont be leaving me.
> Quevedo
> octarine
> i
> curious
> Since this here is just as good as taking the actual test: What is my MBTI type?
Should I leave pragmatism and pursue knowledge at the cost of ending up a burden on society?
The knight of pentacles is a busybody, knights have a lot of work to do, yet he is a practical knight that travels his lands and appreciates them, he moves slowly.
This is to say you should literally stop once in a while to enjoy nature, your surroundings, the genuinely nice things about life. Sometimes we get stuck "trying harder at life" and nothing works for us because in doing so we forgot why we were trying hard to begin with, which was because it was worth it to try hard, because we saw a possibility of happiness in life, a possibility of beauty.
If you forget what is good about being alive, you lose the energy to try hard.
The Chariot says yes you will, but you've got to take control of the situation. Spirit is asking you to be bold about your desire, your wish will be fulfilled if you act on it.
The Tower. Seven of Pentacles in reverse. It seems that your nightmare may have been based on real concerns that you intuited. The relationship may come to a halt due to problems regarding a lack of patience? Is there anything going on that either of you have had to wait for?
You can get one if you want to, you just have to get to work and be proactive about it. The Chariot.
Rest a lot and it will be cured sooner rather than later. Take your time to catch up on sleep, lounge and watch some tv or anime, whatever. Do the reasonable thing for a sick person. You're going to be just fine.
Apparently yes, there's going to be a lot of public recognition for your efforts. Good on you!
You should stop the miserly attitude and reassess whether or not things are as bad as you think they are. Five of Pentacles.
>A name you go by
>Your mood
Detached from this sphere, going back to faraway places.
Will this period of turmoil, uncertainty and catharsis, result in anything before it's too late?
Thank you Eleven, I was getting really anxious about your response, but I've received very good news! More reason to put more efforts towards it I could say. Have a good day!
>Is there anything going on that either of you have had to wait for?
Well yes, we are long distance because he is in the military. We are waiting to be together. I had been pressuring him previously that we should get married so we can be together though I have stopped bringing it up because I realized that I would still stay with him even if I had to wait longer to be with him.
is there anyway to stop it from ending, the relationship?
>Rest a lot and it will be cured sooner rather than later.
Thank you for the reading, Eleven. I hope good fortune comes your way.
>A name you go by
Light blue
>Your mood
Is the path for enlightenment that I see ahead of me, mostly correct and free from trouble?
Alternatively or adding up to it: how high of an attainment am I going to reach?
I can't tell you about your MBTI, but I can tell you what the cards told me about your personality. You're a quitter, and you're bitter. But you've accomplished what you feel like was enough. Reality is that you don't truly feel like it was enough, you're just done trying and haven't the ability to fight anymore.
With absolute certainty. Yes you should!
Not until you make a decision and stop playing around.
Sorry, I really tried to get an answer for you, but the cards keep telling me it's really over.
I hope I'm wrong but the cards are talking to me about a man, a bit of a playboy, who is promising you enlightenment, is this true? As far as your attainment goes, all you'll achieve will be virtual, not real. Enlightenment is a path you travel alone.
>Not until you make a decision and stop playing around.
I am not playing around though but trying to sight a shore I could grab onto. I went through a life-breaking experience not long ago.
Could you elaborate a bit more?
I hope I'm wrong but the cards are talking to me about a man, a bit of a playboy, who is promising you enlightenment, is this true? As far as your attainment goes, all you'll achieve will be virtual, not real. Enlightenment is a path you travel alone.
Hahaha the playboy could be Osho, the "playboy guru". I just got a book from him.
Can't really understand the rest.
>I am not playing around though but trying to sight a shore I could grab onto.
Well I think that's what it means, just worded differently.
Your estimation of my personality and position in life is just as accurate as the last card reading that I entertained. The lady told me the cards said my parents were divorced. They were not. That was 20 years ago and they are still married. Thanks for playing though.
You'll probably get some results from the book through social media but not irl.
It's time to make a decision.
You sound like the kind of miserable man that the cards said you were. It sucks that I was wrong. I wonder what happened.
Well, that's not what Eleven said, is it
>It's time to make a decision.
Eh well, this still leaves me in the dark since no possible opportunities appeared so far.
Thanks either way though.
Ok I figured this out
I will test out my spiritual path etc with the way I interact online, first of all.
Thx Elevy-chan
What kind of future do I have if I follow through the medical university?
>Happy but longing for something
>Does he want to date me?
I am a woman. Didn't your cards even get THAT bit right? *sigh*
And sorry, I just utterly despise all kinds of bogus. I know you try to help, in a way, but all you do is make people think less for themselves. And you feed their little brains with superstition. Keep in mind btw that by manipulating the sheep like that, you are responsible for bad outcomes as well. Even if they'd manage to mess up on their own quite well. If it happens now, it is on you.
It's going to suck because medical school is a nightmare, so that's your immediate future. However, you'll be preparing for a wealthy life, financial stability.
The same could be said without using cards. Medical university is hard work.
Yes he does. So much.
Fuck off dude let people have their fun. If you don't like the thread you don't have to click it.
>calls people sheeps with little brains
>thinks a diviner can help them figure out their MBTI type
go look up the cognitive functions and fuck off you dumb idiot
Here's a catch though. Here, going to med uni is free if you are a general practitioner or a paediatritian. But the doctor's salary amounts nearly to nothing, especially considering the amount of workload.
I may finish it fine, but I can learn many other things by myself. Then keep the medical diploma as a backup plan while doing something more profitable like IT stuff, translations or just freelancing.
I'm asking if I should put more effort into uni or into self-education.
Oh my god. You didn't get obvious the sarcasm? Damn, kid. Damn. I don't know what to say. But that doesn't matter much, because obviously you would not get it anyways.
>does he just want to be friends with me?
I didnt even read I just saw tell me my MBTI test. Either way, fuck off tranny.
If you practice your sham openly, prepare to be ridiculed. I will not hinder you to do your bogus here. But you cannot just demand that there are no consequences for your actions and that people have to honor and respect every bullshit you post. If you post flat-earther bullshit, I will also object.
>didn't even read
No comment.
There is so much toxic bullshit on r9k and thats the one thing you spend your energy on? Shut the fuck up bitch.
Other user here.
Take Tarot cards, and try to think of each and every one of them as a somewhat universal psychotherapy quiz. Draw 3 cards, look up their meanings online and ponder those questions yourself. Then repeat the process every day, trying to answer new and new questions. Eventually you are gonna realize something important.
That's just your assumption.
Anyway, go fix your life on your own. Don't look to other people to explain the world to you or to take the burden of decision from you.
Indeed, he sees you as a friend, although largely because he thinks you're out of his league.
>Pretty good
>How can I improve my Tarot reading abilities?
Will I find success in my current career or a new one.
>it's just my assumption that r9k is filled with garbage
Eleven is right you know, you're an absolute retard. I didn't ask for anyone to fix my life you dumb fuck.
Oh I don't question the use of RNGesus methods to deepen your understanding of yourself. That is all fine. Let people do that (while being aware that all they do is diving in their own psyche). But if someone does it for them, it is sham. And has none of the benefits that I mentioned. It's just like you telling someone what you see in a Rohrschach pattern and claiming this would somehow help them on their journey to self knowledge.
HEYA KYLE! *slurp* want a sip? we may go wall punching later
> How do i stop hating myself so much over stupid little mistakes?
Oh, no. The garbage part is 100% true. The rest is your assumption. You are not very bright, but that is ok.
And all the people flocking to esoteric bullshit look for something to fix their life with. Don't need cards for that one.
Divination is not a modern invention you braindead whore. It's been used loooong before you were born. Not everyone can do it themselves, and some bad practitioners doesn't somehow spoil all of them. It's sort of a gift you must be born with. It's not the fucking MBTI where it's more of a scientific process. Didn't think of that huh, dumb girl.
>Will I get an offer?
>And all the people flocking to esoteric bullshit look for something to fix their life with. Don't need cards for that one.
All you've been fucking talking about is flat earth, esotericism and stuff like that, as if it was the end of the world that it was on fucking r9k, considering there is much worse shit on that board. And no, I've seen how fucking dense you are , I absolutely dont believe that you actually tackle the bigger problems that plague this board. Say it's my assumption if you want, but I'm very rarely wrong about those things. I smell a nigger, it is indeed one.
MBTI is not science. It is just as much sham as this stuff here is. Google Forer effect.
You really are not very bright.
>divination is old thus it must be true!
Are you for real? The belief of a flat earth also existed loooong before I was born. Doesn't make it true.
And as to the "gifted"... I think the pitiful attempts to describe me based on the cards were proof enough for my point that there is no "gift" whatsoever.
Flat Earth was always fringe, old or not. Even christianity used to use astrology. The fact that you can't see this just proves that your brain is calcified. If you rely on the scientific method for everything you're no better thhan a fucking chimp and you deserve the fucking misery that you'll put yourself into. Yes indeed, I can see why Eleven called you miserable, because your observations are no better than a chimps, and that will get you absolutely nowhere. "I dont see it, therefore it doesnt exist". Positivism.
And yes, the MBTI is science whether you like it or not. It's used more and more in companies and such. You'll consider it science when the majority of people, the mainstream, recognize it? You're just a dumb woman with a herd mentality.
The hanged man in reverse. For starters, you'll never feel 100% in control of all the tarot knowledge, most of the learning comes from practice. You should try a new way to do tarot, maybe try reading the cards intuitively.
Very unlikely that you'll find success in your current career. In the new one it's not for certain, but it doesn't look like a promising new career as much as it looks like it would be suffocating to you. Your best bet is to wait this time period out and rethink your approach to your work.
Realize that it's all about the big picture, not the small details. The big picture is beautiful and organic. Mistakes and flaws are a necessity of living organisms.
I don't think you meet their requirements.
>the MBTI is science
how many times are we going to have to go over this? soft sciences are not real sciences
>reeeeeeeeeeeee don't tell me that my sham is sham, you close-minded person
Curb your autism rage, my friend. I do what I can. Which is way more than you can, considering you gladly resort to the toxic code without thinking twice.
And as to understanding... as it happens I know way more about this than you. And I am good at this shit to a level where I could earn lots of money with it, if I would be ok with robbing the simple minded of their hard earned money. Because I know how it works. And how to use the forer effect and basic psychology tricks. I mean, what do you think number, color and mood are for? For the cards? Nope.
But yeah, this is the ancient art... of selling snake oil. Nothing arcane about it.
>soft sciences are not real sciences
how is it "soft"? You want to redefine the meaning of science? haha
is the money worth the time
Hmm yup just like a lot of "life gurus" make a lot of money being crooks and not actually being useful ... doesn't mean that they're good.
Even if you make a lot of money being a fake diviner, doesn't mean you're actually a good one.. just a good crook. That is all. Isn't this very simple logic? Pretending is not being.
On a side note, a lot of people got negative answers ITT ... How would Eleven make money out of disappointing people like that?
lonely and anxious, but also sort of self riteous
How do I get better at divination with tarot cards? I currently just google what they mean and add a slpash of what my mum told me about them.
flat earth was not fringe. also a ptolemaic geocentric universe was thought to be the truth for eons.
And no dude, MBTI is not science and never will be science. Just because companies use it, doesn't mean shit. They use lots of snake oil bullshit. MBTI is not even psychology.
The interesting thing here is, you have no clue about science, yet you dismiss it. I bet you don't even know what the ptolemaic system was. Or that it existed. I have knowledge of both, science and your "esoterics" and dismiss the esoterics. And yet you call me ignorant. In which universe does that make sense?
No, idiot. The other user is saying that MBTI and shit does not fit the EXISTING definition of science. Which you clearly don't know, else you would not be confused about MBTI being "science".
>The interesting thing here is, you have no clue about science, yet you dismiss it.
What about science exactly?
>MBTI is not science and never will be science.
Says who?
>also a ptolemaic geocentric universe was thought to be the truth for eons.
At least it didnt start being dismissed around the same time as the modern age, or else I would have given you a point there. The suspicious of there being an agenda behind it is less high, unlike the other things you mentioned, whichh all became widespread at around the same period.
>The other user is saying that MBTI and shit does not fit the EXISTING definition of science.
Whore didnt say that. She said SCIENCE. Besides, existing defition of science, defined by who exactly?
Oh, earning money would be linked to being correct. And if a "crook" is better than a "true diviner", doesn't that make you question your concept?
I used to do reading for people WITHOUT them telling me their question beforehand. Also no color, number or other bullshit. For free of course. Would never rob the dumb. And people just wouldn't believe me when I said me answering their question was just psychology and no magic.
And now eleven suddenly is a true diviner because she is... worse in divining than I am? Because I am a crook? Nope dude, I was always honest and said "this is not divination, this is psychology". And since I was better at getting what people were about, I also was more helpful than this crookery here. Which is btw also only pretending, you know.
And no good diviner (aka snake oil salesman) will tell you only good things. That would be really dumb and even simpletons like you would become suspicious.
Cool, here we go:
>I have no real question so it would be cool to just see what the cards tell.
thanks for entertaining us user.
I have faith in my intuitive methods that include meditative techniques, among others. The faith I have in what I do is something you can't understand because your mind is a structured block with which you've never experienced spirituality.
I think it's fine for you to use your time spamming a thread with cautionary warnings about the dangers of "believing in snake oil", but I have faith in what I do, and I do it in earnest, spiritually, because I too am a "crazy person who believes in snake oil".
If I'm a lunatic, and the ones seeking me are lunatics. If we are all content to be lunatics, if we believe in a thing that you can't conceive for you've never experienced faith, what is it to you?
You're wasting your time.
You don't know what spirituality feels like, or what it is. But those who do will keep practicing it regardless of how many times you say it is snake oil.
fuck i forgot the number, i will go with 77
>Oh, earning money would be linked to being correct.
That's about the dumbest shit I've heard today. You speak of being against robbing dumb people, yet this very simple concept didn't occur to you, thhe fact that indeed if you're a crook withh charisma or something, you can rob people easily. Such is the case with our modern democracies, actors, not real leaders, etc, many such cases.
None of this makes you a real diviner, nor a real anything. You are an actor, that's all that you are. Your results aren't real.
Shit, Eleven completely disregarded the MBTI shit and called you out for what you are instantly, a miserable piece of shit. lol
EVERYTHING about science. Like, how the scientific process works. Or about psychological phenomena like the forer effect. OR about the fact that the astrological signs are not even legit anymore since the positions of the stars shifted over the years so that basically all of astology is heavily outdated, when you consider the stellar reality.
MBTI is not science because it only relies on heavily outdated writings of Jung, who was more religious than a scientist. And who was an early fan of Hitler. MBTI is like phrenology (which was done looong before i was born as well). Not science, just bullshit.
As to the "recent" etc... google phrenology. I can name you countless shams from all ages. Some dropped sooner, some later.
Btw philosophy of science is dealing with the definition of science. Google it. But for our case: Aside of the unscientific premise (that is dismissed by the whole field today) the math of MBTI is fucked up. Badly.
No. You're going to get in trouble.
I use my intuition, sometimes words come to me, sometimes it's just an excerpt of a narrative, try and collect your impressions on the card and the situation. It's all a weave.
Enjoy your melancholic thrill, cards have nothing for you.
>And who was an early fan of Hitler.
Ask me how I know I'm not supposed to take you seriously.
I'm well aware of the scientific method, I am a pragmatic. But you, you think of the scientific community and their endless debates.
phrenology was short lived.
constellations can still be seen, yet you say the stars massively shifted. right.
despite what you think of jung's writings, SOMEHOW much of it is still very useful and accurate. I dont even think you understand the MBTI a whole lot.
Only that your method and spirituality completely failed to get even one fact right about me. How good can it be?
That you still believe is just you desperately trying to be relevant. Because it would be unthinkable to be a mere human, right? No, no, you are something special. With special powers.
I know I am hard on you here. And in a way you get all the dismay that I have not voiced for other sham since the last time I complained about bogus. But it is not undeserved.
You mess with people's life and when you do good, you claim it as a personal achievement. If you do bad, well, not your fault, right? The cards made you say it! I mean, wtf was this bullshit about "just lie down and rest" to the ill user? Sure, give them hope. But what if the user has something serious and would not go see a doctor in time because they believe your divination that they can just cure it by resting? Chances are people who just have a flu won't ask you for a card reading about it, silly. Are you even aware what you are doing here?
will going to sonography school net me a decent paying job?
>Will this be the year I shuffle off this mortal coil?
>Navy blue
>Will I get revenge?
Sorry dude, charisma might play a role, but if you are wrong about things, people will not believe you. And I was not wrong about things. Unlike eleven, who thought me male and had other quite wrong assumptions about my life. doesn't that mae you go hmmmmm?
Tell me how good a psychologist can be who thinks "oh, this Hitler dude seems to be a nice guy!"
And yes, debates are how progress happens. How sham is exposed. Like eleven was exposed by getting literally everything wrong about me. Because I initiated a discussion.
Phrenology was less "short lived" as you may think, compared to your cards. The "ancient" tarot is 18th century bullshit. Not very "ancient".
Constellations still exist, but the time they rise is different. So "being born under the sign of..." does not apply to quite large parts of the star signs anymore. You really know nothing, right?
Anyhow, I am now otherwise busy. educate yourself
And you, Elven, if someone comes to you with health questions, you say "I cannot answer that, sorry. I am not a doctor".
For fuck's sake. Giving health advice like the dude was asking because of a flu. He might. But chances are quite high that people approach you with more serious stuff. And telling them "just rest and shit" is seriously not a responsible thing to do. Because some idiots are afraid of doctors and will avoid them after hearing that "all will be fine". That would be blood on your hands. Maybe there is some already.
How will I die?
Fact is you are miserable and live your life in a miserly way. An individual who is content and with good spirit doesn't spend an entire evening poorly debating why faith is wrong with science, even though science validates faith and spirituality as a real, tangible part of the lives of human beings. Being spiritual is human nature. Alas, it is not in your nature, and because you don't understand it and you are a miserly person, you try to difame it. Thinking you are doing the right thing, and doing everyone else a big service.
Anyone can use science tricks, science is made to be accessible and learn-able. But faith is experienced.
You've proved yourself the miserly, "used-to-be" person the cards said you were.
I never asked for your gender and used "man" because there are no women on the internet. But serve yourself.
I asked the cards about you again, and they told me what to tell you about yourself, see, the cards bothered to tell me how you see yourself so I can maybe get you to quieten down with your rallying, which, truth be told, is part of your identity anyway.
King of Wands, Knight of Swords, The Star in reverse.
You are black, you are 38 years old, you see yourself as a bold person with lots of strength and energy, a wielder of truth, a fighter. You have low self-esteem and are riddled with anxiety but online is where you shine. This is your battlefield of choice where you wield "truth" and rally the people into the things you deem important. This is how you spend most of your time.
No, but it will be a good path towards another better job.
No. But you've got all you need to make it so.
Eh, no. It's not looking good for you buddy try to stop having those thoughts.
Guy can be wrong but at the end of the day he'll be paid.
I've never been to a diviner specifically because I don't trust most of them, but I keep an open mind regardless, and I fail to see how my money went into Eleven's. He/she did it out of her/his own good will.
I don't really see how Eleven not instantly knowing you're a female proves him wrong. I dont know how he sees things, maybe he only see a sort of energy, without exactly being able to guess the gender. Besides, your post wasnt even serious.
Tell me about your fake divination stories.
>No, but it will be a good path towards another better job.
>And yes, debates are how progress happens.
They will say something is unscientific, then recognize it the next day as being scientific. You dont care about the truth, just about current consensus. Thhat is why you need to keep an open mind, which you dont.
If not tarot, it will be another technique. Think about the tea cup readers.
Hitler was indeed a much nicer guy than your dumb brain might think. And then you dare tell me to educate myself.
>Constellations still exist, but the time they rise is different.
How different exactly? Dont you think the people who first put astrology on paper knew about these things? Like the mayans did? Either way, that will be a lot of assumption from both of us, and I absolutely don't believe you 100% know what you're talking about.
Lets see if I can defeat fate. The prediction rather fits in that its very possible I wont be able to leave my job in around 5-8 months.
Restless but bored
Will I ever own a house and/or have children?
What path should I follow in life?
>weak and sad
>is there any promise to be had with this person?
>anxious, lost
>will this relationship work?
original fortune telling bump
>t. user
>Do females find me cute?
will my pp ever get bigger
forest green
will i get this work done? will i get those gains?