I'm making a Jow Forums clone. What would you change about this site?
I'm making a Jow Forums clone. What would you change about this site?
Other urls found in this thread:
Remove Google captcha.
sound effects like the wilhelm scream
The userbase, honestly
No agenda pushing. Whether it be trannies, vegans, racebaiters, communists, nazis, whatever.
These two and no cloudflare and such kikery.
Also, OP, there's no point. There are other chans out there.
No rules. Whatsoever
>how to get into legal trouble on hour 1
An automated system that sends a hitman to the location of all contactfag, discordfag, "fembot", and orbiting posts.
There are a million chans and most are failed or got taken down (rip kraut and 8ch)
Just make it already. Take suggestions as you go.
Remove Nazi's and Commies.
There are more imageboards than grains of sand on the beach. Why do we need another?
>There are more imageboards than grains of sand on the beach
No there aren't.
Legacy captcha. De list yourself from google and make some kind of other major gates to pass to gain access to the website to make sure normalfags stay out. Also create a fake mirror of the website where retarded normalfags will go thinking they've found it when in actuality they're in the normalfag version.
>He's not wrong. This is how a lot of us talk
Only anime, vidya, traditional games, and a few other image boards, nothing else. No lgbtqflkjgmngfl or whatever, no politiics, nothing. Any threads aside from pornography are deleted on sight.
>all of them are fucking dead
>5513 lines
There are more grains of sand in a playground sandbox, let alone a beach.
How do you know? Have you counted them?
I only need to count the amount in a given volume, and then multiply it by the total volume in a sandbox. The total amount in a given volume depends on the average size of the grains, so I can't give you a general number
Literally nothing, I love this place the way it is
what if there were only two rules:
1. follow US law
2. no politics
i think that could result in an interesting chan
to manny niggers in mah muhfuggin board
Make it legal to avatarfag. Like this is a fucking imageboard.
How do you do it, and how long have you been here? Reply honestly please, I won't judge you I just need to know.
no Jow Forums to be honest.
Don't do this. No namefags either. Tripfags maybe on certain boards, like if we ever get a /qst/ type thing, but otherwise no.
>word wide web
>>follow US laws
*breathes in* C U C K
Perhaps you can do it that way.
But that doesn't change the fact there are 5513 imageboards. And the question, "Why do we need a 5514th imageboard?" remains unanswered.
well if its going to be hosted in the US...
having mods that actually try to fight against invasions and spammers since banning an ip clearly isn't keeping them away when they just proxy a new one, so a tweakable filter that catches posts as someone is trying to post it and flat out blocks it from ever appearing
Been here since 2012 or 2013, not fully sure. Though that was /b/, I probably only started browsing Jow Forums regularly since 2015.
I love this place because it is sincere, no one tries to safe face or make things look better than they are.
On social media people write about how great their lives are, here anons post everything that is going wrong for them. Which one do you prefer to read when your own life is a mess?
I can understand these anons much better than anyone I actually know.
Sounds tight, and awesome, and dope.
>On social media
We've been invaded. The difference between regualr social media and Jow Forums diminishes more every day. That's why I don't understand what you're on about enjoying it the way it is. I enjoyed it the way it was, but the way it is.
I would not say that. No one on social media would dare complain about women acting like whores, how much they hate niggers, posting their piss bottles.
I haven't used facebook in years but I doubt it's anything like Jow Forums yet.
why are you posting this shit again cunt
>complain about women acting like whores,
We get more "fembot" threads than those now. I can't remember the last time I actually saw someone post a real piss bottle either.
>hoasting it in the USA
*breaths in* May as well china instead at this point faggot.
>May as well china
Not really.
>avatarfags are permabanned
>homophiles are permabanned
>trannies are permabanned
>non-virgins are permabanned
>anyone who wants to be a non-virgin is permabanned
>ritualposters are permabanned
>facebookfrog/wojakfags are permabanned
>no names or trips, everyone is anonymous
>anyone who uses social media is permabanned
>only one moderator
I would delete it desu.
Yeah those annoy me too, mostly because of all the faggots actually replying to the "femanon" without even asking for a timestamp or anything.
Same with these new "ask the opposite sex" threads.
Are there any good alternatives to captcha?
This, please make it
no captcha
remove the robot
make better boards
nuke the entire site after you're done because chans suck
everyone has to create an account and upload a selfie , also upvotes
Jow Forums kept going down due to the USA pissing them off. China gets into cyber warfare with the USA constantly for over a decade at least faggot. If the USA is shitty then why even put it in that line of fire you naive fucker?
Please get rid of porn ads
Thanks qt, I am going to rape you
Based. I'm with this good sir.
It's calld adblock and I doubt many other businesses are going to want to advertise on it.
>>all of them are fucking dead
>that's a bad thing
Can I be a janny?
no tripcodes
Make a short quiz that each up address has to take that changes each month that you have to pass in order to post.
No accounts of course, just ip ban posting based on paying a test.
You can always lurk, but you have to pass a test to post, maybe proving that you've been lurking?
Allow VPNs, only creepy Jow Forums pedophiles would forbid their anons from protecting themselves
upvote/downvote system
all incels permabanned
mandatory participation in gay ERP threads
give it an interesting style or something
make it stand out
More egirls.
Preferably lonely redhead femcel ones
>I'm making a Jow Forums clone
like the huge amount of other ones that get like 3 posts a month?
have a cool minecraft server and dont allow niggers and normies there
8ch was actually lively and delicious
>the Jow Forums clone full of whiney GG cunts that fucking died
8ch really slow and dead until it jumped on the gamergate bandwagon
Ban any words to do with women.
It was MURDERED you kike
>No agenda pushing.
the agenda pushing on here is done by the users on the mods
Exactly, kill the jannies
make an exact clone of Jow Forums
>remove rules
>demand there be fun
>ban anyone that even suggests they are homosexual or transgender
you cant stop an agenda. Thats kinda the whole point of Jow Forums as a whole. We are individuals but turns out that having an idea that hurts other peoples feelings gets you banned.
We NEED to have an agenda on a personal level. thats what is called freethinkning. Do you want to stop the creation of ideas and thought? If so you're as bad as the [redacted]
>my point exactly
Watch what you say or else you face consequences. Jow Forums is a joke now.
Get rid of the rice farmer that runs this place and put a real oldfag in place
no agenda pushing. unless ofcourse you are pushing a communist agenda.
Keep things neutral, interfere when users compromise policy, have moderators that range in different views
good luck dealing with people posting illegal content, hope you're ready for the stress of babysitting a forum for your own safety 24/7
One board that doesnt allow anime and is weebfree
>2. no politics
>make 3 boards
>1 for the purpose of left leaning, 1 for the purpose of right leaning
>purple board that has no preference and both sides can go at it without
>non-virgins are permabanned
have sex
>left-leaning and right-leaning are the only two political camps
found the american
whatever it is, ban all posters that specify they are female
the tipping point of a normalfag userbase can be calculated by the amount of women that are active in the userbase
good moderators
>what is a containment board?
no but seriously you're right. leftists should not be tolerated. considering they make up 90% of the political spectrum.
>"leftists make up 90% of the political spectrum"
>probably thinks liberals are leftists
found the american again
You should call it eight chan because it's gonna be twice as good as this place!
thats because theyre the 2 biggest ones and the ones that make the most shitposts
the point isnt to equally represent every type dingus
This is the only solution, fuck roastiess
and yet i remain on Jow Forums...user you have opened my eyes.
This and absolutely no normies with gfs
Instead of ads, you can pay one dollar to notate that a person is a faggot. Multiple people can claim the same person is a faggot. if like 10 people all pay a dollar to say you are a fag you're probably a fag