As mundane as you like.
>I haven't puked in 20 years.
Post a random fact about yourself
>my cock is 9 inches nix but I'm insecure about it
sadly i broke my non puke streak of 10 years on my birthday where i almost killed myself with whiskey
I haven't had a nosebleed in 5-6 years
Had a LDR with a girl that when i broke up with, told people that i was trying to get her to kill herself and she ruined my life by doing so. Now i don't have a life, i have no one and nothing.
>I realised I've never opened up about any of my thoughts or feelings beyond surface level to anyone (outside of anonymity)
I have Hereditary Fructose Intolerance and an apple nearly killed me
I dont want to find friends even though i try
>got beaten up by my older sister as an adult and blacked out
I constantly pick at and bite my upper lip and now I basically permanently have a strip on the centre of my lip that's bright red and always irritated.
I sneeze precisely two times every time the sunrays hit my eyes the first time in awhile.
I was molested by my dad and now I'm a doomer
How old were you when it occurred?
i was 2nd place in my city's chess club once
I'm moving to Alaska and don't know what the fuck to expect or be ready for
i cant burp and i avoid anything fizzy because of that as it gets incredibly painful to breath in my chest as the gas cant escape
I can't cough so I kinda relate
The only incident I remember, I was 5. But it probably started younger
Do you still see him? Did your family ever find out?
i stole my grandmothers painkillers for years and replaced the pills with melatonin that were the same size as oxycodone. its not that bad though because she never took them and they always made her nauseous. mostly replaced them so my dad wouldnt find out.
I have banged 15 women and tomorrow I will bang my 16th, who just turned 18.
The number 28 is quite significant to me.
I'm learning how to pick locks.
I've consistently puked 2-7 times a day for the past 2 weeks.
I can navigate using stars and tell what time of night and during what season a photo was taken based on the stars.
I burn myself when I get depressed
On a scale of 1-10, how destroyed is your esophagus?
I can't be bothered to explain so I'll copy and paste my copypasta
>dad is a violent schizophrenic paedophile from a rough city
>my mum was also violent
>parents moved from Manchester to Taunton in 1981 because racist
>had my sister in '89 and me in '92
>used to beat me, lock me in cupboards and wash mouth out with soap when I was as young as 3
>had to watch and sometimes get caught inbetween parents physical fighting
>mum and dad divorced in '95
>mum took me and sister to Manchester women and childrens home
>met a guy called Frank
>he used to beat me and my sister, swung us by our ears until they bled
>dad set up a meeting and took us to Exeter
>sexually abused me, physically abused me, mentally abused me and verbally abused me
>used to go crazy a lot, heavy drinker. extremely violent
>dropped sister off at cop station in June of '97
>I'm with this crazy bastard until late '98
>go into care
>am withdrawn
>I molested kids when I was a kid (even living with my dad)
>my foster dad cheated on my foster mum so there were a lot of fights there
>foster dad has punched me on occasion
>I tried to fuck foster sister
>killed her hamsters and a dog
>thought about mass murder a lot
>I attempted burglary once
>foster dad rinsed my mum out of 30,000 quid last October and the resulting animosity between them made me fucking worried
>but they renewed their vows for 25th anniversary so whatever
>recently find out paedo dad died 3 years ago
i have never broken a bone for 24 years of my life
Come to Odessa Texas and be my astronomer GF (male). I make 140k as a drilling engineer at Halliburton and you can spend it all on telescopes.
I have as well for the past seven months it sucks ;///
>28 years here
*touches wood*
Same. It's not even really that I don't have people that I trust enough to, it's that i don't want to bother them and I'm not sure I can really express what I mean anyway
I can't seem to get brain frost when eating ice cream
Do you have any idea what the cause is?
this but with ice cream and cheeseburgers
I have managed to drive a diesel econobox at 230km/h
I walked in on my mother sucking a stranger's dick when I was ~7
Ayyyy same. 32 tho
I used to do gay porn before my twink body gave out.
I've thrown up over 100 times in the past 5 yeras
The dates oct 31 and apr 1st are significant to me, not because of the holidays but because things usually change on or around the day
my calves are massive so I could never wear skinny jeans like a fuckboy as a result.
my toenails and teeth fall off sometimes
yes the doctors know, it's genetic
yes i brush and floss every day
yes i shower twice a day
yes i avoid overly sugary foods
yes i drink with a straw
yes i get fillings and dental implants when my teeth decide to heck off
my toenails grow back or sometimes i get faux ones at the salon, but i don't like doing that anymore because when they grow out getting them filled in is a hassle so i just leave them be now
currently missing 2 big toenails
last time i lost a tooth was last year, it shattered into little pieces while i was eating soft bread
I have actually never masturbated at 18 years old, will explain why if anyones interested
are you asexual or mormon or something? i'm curious to hear your story.
it got incredibly painful and the gas couldnt escape in auschwitz too
That sounds rather traumatizing desu
people are horrified and cringe or run in disgust when i just casually peel off a toenail. usually it's painless and they peel off very easily, like a sticker from a smooth surface. there have been a few times where i barely hit it against something and i wake up the next morning and my toe is soaked in blood and i have to pry a bit and then the nail comes off. those are less fun. i'd post pictures but idk how the jannies would feel seeing my bloody toes
I knew my dad was cheating on my mother 6 years before they divorced. I'm the one who told her too.
I have met Kai the hatchet wielding hitchhiker
Sometimes I puke out of pure anger
good user