is this unironically the best anime of all time Jow Forums?
Is this unironically the best anime of all time Jow Forums?
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Monster and LOTGH exist so no
Imo death note was better.
Its walking dead but with giant zombies but then becomes political and human vs human stuff
No its gay af now close your shit
that would be one punch man
It's good but not the best by far, the manga is better.
No and stop shilling random shit you personally are a slave to.
t, soiboy npc cucks with no brains
Ok it's bait thread.
so how many "woke" points would i get if i watch AOT?
>unironically calling others NPC
Peak irony
Hunter X Hunter, Tokyo Ghoul, Death Note, Steins;Gate, Yu Yu Hakusho >>>
>Hunter X Hunter, Tokio Ghoul, Death Note, Steins;Gate, Yu Yu Hakusho
does anyone on here actually get upset when they're called cucks, NPCs, etc? Why do people even say it anymore?
It's a way to spot reddditors who are a year behind on trends
animu thread? animu thread
I loved death note, attack on titan and stein's gate
I like planetes but got kind of pozzed too which was a shame
full metal alchemist and knight of sedonia was ok
Overlord and tanya the evil were goofy but still mildly entertaining
Code Geass was retarded and NGE was complete shit.
So what should I watch next
DBZ probably to be honest
Psycho Pass if you haven't already, GTO
dragonball zed
Stop watching anime. Normalfags like you are just going to ruin it with shit taste.
I moved into my apartment and have a friend that wants to get into anime, I'm really excited about it. He watched Ghost in the shell (1995) with me which got him into it and we finished death note recently, what should we watch next?
I want something shorter so something like one piece won't work, any ideas?
Read the manga, it's even better and doesn't condense plotlines for the masses (dumbasses).
have you tried cowboy bebop?
Paranoia Agent or Lain, get good drugs too
My vote is for avatar last airbender
How do they ruin it?
Something masculine for bros like
One gay punch man
Maga Lobox
Devilman: Crybaby
Samurgay Champloo
Serial Experiments Lain and NHK ni Youkoso
Cory in the house is better (yes I know this meme is played out).
The same way they ruin everything good. The normalfy it until it becomes so casual its all shit and the original spirit of it is dead.
good taste, watching Devilman for the first time and the animation is really nice
Recent shit? Inuyashiki and Space dandy were ok
old shit? Old shit? cowboy bepop,space brothers, Kaiji, Welcome to the NHK are great
Season 1 and 2 were alright but holy fuck season 3 is balls to the wall everyone's fucking dead holy and nearly all the info we've been waiting for is revealed on top I love shows and animes where everything the protagonists do isn't risk free and you can feel it and it feels realistic who could stand watching something that isn't like that
No sword art online is
Yes this is bait
I assumed more of you would watch Chaos;Head, but admittedly the anime was a terrible adaptation. but just about any in the Steins;Gate universe are objectively superior to AOT
No, the anime is trash, read the manga.
Also Eldians are literally stand-ins for the disgusting Jews, Titans are their evil golems and Zeke will complete his Final Solution to finally rid the world of the Eldian menace.
Oh and fuck Eren and fuck Levi
K-On! for sure!
C;H is good as a VN. Chaos;Child VN blows S;G out of the water. And yeah even fucking Mirai Nikki is better than AOT.
Agree with everything here, Zekeler did nothing wrong.
>No, the anime is trash, read the manga.
Best anime no question.
Yeah uh, Gurren Lagann exists so no.
Have you not watched K-On?
Have you even read the manga yet? The anime is sometimes much better, like with K-On!, but in this case the manga goes much further in depth with the character motivations and lore.
Ofc, without a doubt! And Yui-chan is best grill!
Pic related is pic related.
ITT redit and newfag cancer discuss anime and try to one up each other while being blatantly obvious cancer.
>Jewboy is getting booty blasted
don't forget the best part of Steins;Gate though
>Have you even read the manga
only basedboys read books
Ritsu says wassup
its not even worth a (you)
Thanks for your insightful contribution user
AOT is okay OP. Just okay tho. You can do better, like most of Urobuchi's work
In general, watching anime is considered much more soi than reading manga, just so you know.
Rii-chan is pretty cool too! Or should I say Reeee-chan?
Thank you for your input, semite-san.
>In general, watching anime is considered much more soi than reading mangas, just so you know.
Calling me a soiboi doesn't change reality or the fact that you're an illiterate brainlet and mental midget user.
yeah, i thought it was stupid at first but then this autistic chechen incel forced me to keep watching it and then i realised it was actually pretty good, and also that levi is a certified q t. i haven't read the manga or watched the last episode of season 3 yet, though. i'd still rank it up there despite that.
>Calling me a soiboi does not change reality or the fact that you're an illiterate brainlet and mental midget user.
it puts other facts out, however
Holy fuck I forgot, yeah I liked that one too I fair bit, first one though so forgot.
Too bad nigger, get better taste
nah not yet
k tx frens
only literal soibois watch soibois on titan and think it's the greatest anime show ever produced
(((Eren))) literally gets assraped by the (((beast golem))).
Annie-may/chink cartoon is both much more soi and much more normalfag than manga ever was or will be.
that's not Berserk
Uh actually, it's quite problematic
Marley >>> (((Erudia))) and (((Ymir Fritz)))
They must purge the eldian devils from their world if there is to be any peace.
Arin gets his head shot off at the end of ch.119, no joke. Just totally blown off by a 12 year old girl.
Nope. That would be Gurren Lagann
Wrong again. Simon's drill would never break through Shinji's AT field.
It's not but it's a pretty good choice for a first anime.
If Kaworu's drill got through, for sure Simon's will
Which one is better? New or old?
old no question. the new anime is beyond garbage so let's pretend it doesn't exist. i still bought both seasons on bd's tho also read the manga
Always knew that Aaron was a pillowbiter. And that Ackermanlet boi as well.
Is the new one the stupid terrible computer animated one? If yes, the old one is better just based on animation.
this is my list of the best anime:
>Gurren Lagan
>SAO season 1
>Ruroni Kenshin season 1
>Saiki K.
>Saint Seya (sagas from begining to poseidon the rest is meh)
>Lelouch of the Rebellion
i still need to see a lot of shit.
Any drill would break though shinji's at field and reach his asshole, he's such a weak fag.
How do you know that they're good if you haven't even seen some of them yet?
>Comparing the reincarnation of the FAR Adam Angel to a dirty underground spinny-boi
>SAO season 1
I don't watch that much but my favorites would be
Space Dandy
New Berserk anime is a continuation of '97 and is absolute CG garbage
just read the manga
Kek, Shinji and Guts the pair of homofaggots.
Saiki K is such trash IMO. I can't stand the emo self defeating bullshit that compels him to go to school everyday and NOT enslave the human race. What a loser
Saiki K is a parody of all the anime. That is why is so fun. You have all the classic stereotypes of anime but in a "normal" world.
that shit made me laugh, i dont know.
>tfw the $oyim don't know
t. kike-sama
The first like 8 episodes actually weren't that bad if I remember. I haven't watched since like years ago and have never revisited it, but for the rep, I thought it had a fine beginning. Then it got really boring and then it felt rushed and dumb and then they got out and orange hair was still in a coma after everyone got out and also every girl had a crush on a MC including his sister and I just lost a ton of interest and never continued.
Get in the fucking oven, Shinji
This is the best anime of 2019. Pure Kino
Thanks for the pic user, kek.
As a weeb who has seen every single anime listed ITT plus a shit load more, here are some that aren't mentioned but worth watching
Basilisk (original)
Darker Than Black
Shinsekai Yori
Great, I've had enough of this Eleh niggerfaggot.
>orange hair
Yamero Flits is the worst and the Marleyans are most probably more or less right about her and Erudian debiru history as a whole.
AOT is normie tier user.
I'm sorry I don't remember the name of your forgetable waifu user.
Isn't most anime basically normalfag tier?
Tokyo Ghoul is the best anime of all time. Change my mind.
>Isn't most anime basically normalfag tier?
Not really, moslty just mainstream shonens and netflix anime.
Ping Pong changed my life.