Will Donald Trump win in 2020?

Will Donald Trump win in 2020?

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Yep, he definitely will win.

ya. dems cant be trusted

yes. no one is enthusiastic about any of the dems. their campaign slogans are literally "i think i can beat trump"

Not if the conservative vote gets split.

There's one thing in particular that Trump has been extremely weak on,
and that's his promise to defend the second amendment. We were
supposed to have the hearing protection act and national reciprocity,
instead we had an unconstitutional ban on bump stocks and pushing for
unconstitutional red flag laws. 2A supporters are pissed and
rightfully so. All that would have to happen to make Trump lose 2020
would be a split in the vote similar to what happened in the '92
elections where the Republican vote was split between Ross Perot and
George H.W. Bush. Trump faltered hard on "The eight-year assault on
your Second Amendment has come to a crashing end" just like Bush
faulterd hard on "Read my lips: no new taxes". All it would take is a
competent independent or Libertarian candidate to call him out on it,
and the Dems would edge out the Republicans no matter who got the
nomination. Gun owners/2A supporters are absolutely sick and disgusted
of being demonised and turned into closet felons for someone else's
actions every time some asshole shoots up a crowd or Kindergarten.
Trump made a horrible mistake when he turned his back on his core
supporters. It's a righteous indignation that wouldn't be hard to tap


highly depends on who wins the democratic nomination and whether or not the economy tanks before elections

Hopefully he'll lose, the Jow Forums melt down would be entertaining as fuck

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yes , I can't wait to give all my money to Israel , but all jokes aside Andrew yang seems decent although his neetbux plan sounds very stupid

watch dems nominate biden and minorities lose their shit

There isn't one canditate that has the nation interests in mind so it doesn't matter.

Democrats front runners are Bernie, Warren and Biden so it seems so.

MMMMM that would split the white vote something fierce

Yeah, but only because the Dems have no-one. Biden is DOA.

There are so many more important things in the world than your fucking toys user.

2A is going to be revoked eventually, that's inevitable.

He's not at fault for that. All the fucking incels massacring people are responsible for our guns getting taken away. He had a good plan before all the shootings started happening, now it's damage control.

Hopefully the USA is a smoldering ruin before the election comes around.

So the constitution means nothing...okay.

Trump signed the executive orders that got bump stocks classified as machine guns despite the fact that they do not meet the definition of a machine gun. one trigger function=one bullet-not a machine gun (which is protected under 2A anyway; any infringement is unconstitutional)

Red flag laws violate not only the 2A but 4A, 5A, 6A, and 14A. One man's already lost their life over these bullshit laws when a vindictive family member red flagged him. Others who have been red-flagged didn't always get all their property back after being cleared by the courts...some had their weapons destroyed. With these red flag laws you are completely at the mercy of anyone who knows who you are. In Seattle, there's been cases where people got red flagged simply because they owned guns.

It's like the constitution is nothing more than a formality.

Give me more rights dammit, not less.

>(which is protected under 2A anyway; any infringement is unconstitutional)
Outlawing automatic weapons makes sense enough to me. Sure, they're the ultimate in defending your home or family, but they also make massacring people extremely easy. You can go to a crowded place with one and mow down dozens of people in seconds. I think that the restrictions should end there, though.

Both Bernie and Biden are white males and would have a chance to beat him. No way a woman will ever get elected.

He will win, but like 2016 because the Dems will run a retarded campaign. 2024 is when the real fun begins

Samefag. Copypasted with links ready to post. Its such scams as these that make people distrust dems and vote for Trump.
Anyway, Trump is gonna win easily. The Dems have literally not one good candidate, they are practically defenseless. The Republicans actually too, it will only be about Trump.

>That whole post
>Muh gun violence
None of these attacks can be attributed to guns. Guns are just tools. No matter which one you pick, each of these shootings have a background that just shows how much of a failure dems are with their weak policies and attempts to "get rid of racism."
If Dems wouldn't constantly block Trump from building the wall. No El passo shooting.
If people would actually talk about social issues considering young male adults that have major problems socializing instead of the big ole "racism is bad" club there might have been some solutions for people like Elliot Rodgers.
If Black people are not constantly told that cops are evil and should be fought many blacks would have never gone on a killing spree. Not to mention constant gang culture that is seen as "liberating" and "culture" enriching when in truth its just pure glorification of violence.

Only yang can stop him.

Considering that Dems are always pushing hard to get rid of guns and most mainstream media is just a tool of the deepstate Trump might very well be forced to declare these laws. Trump is not a dictator after all and still has to listen to other bodies of the government.

Chinkyboy can pack up his shills and go sucky sucky for 5 dorrar in Hong Kong but that's about it.

I need my FREE money user.

thought these Jow Forums posts would fucking stop already

Doubtful. He barely edged past Clinton in 2016, and Wikileaks was leaking stuff on Clinton every time a Trump scandal came out.
Even Biden will look sane next to a dude who's calling himself the "Chosen One"

I really hope uncle Biden doesn't win. I'd rather have Trump than a creepy pedo

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Yeah. I'd bet everything I own on it, in fact.

Okay tell me of that candidate that will beat Trump? Also he curbstomped Clinton multiple times on live TV and won by a landslide.

>But Trump said grab her by the pussy, which is basically rape

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people nowdays are literally fingerpointing trump for every little thing. and after the mexican kids in cages debacle and the attempted impeachment, I doubt Trump is gonna get reelected.

Im leaning towards no, but I could be wrong
Most of Jow Forums has turned on him

Andrew Yang easily takes this. If you don't think so you have very, very low IQ.


Look at this graph. I mean this genuinely. Not as a voter or an opponent to your politics, but just genuinely.
How was 2016 a unique election? For me, it wasn't memorable. And Trump's presidency is completely indistinguishable from Obama's.

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>Will Donald Trump win in 2020?
I haven't followed politics in a while now.
so I Have no idea.

Imagine yang vs drumpf debate, one promises $1000 and the other one promises a piece of land in Greenland for everyone, kek.

What the fuck are you even talking about? President Trump General threads are at the top of Jow Forums every day

Thats just means theres plenty of discussion lad.
Though there are some that really do still try to like him, many have jumped ship as he failed to deliver on multiple fronts.

No, he's going to drop out just a couple months before the election and Hillary is going to win. Not even memeing. That's how the 2020 election goes, every time.

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You're a special kind of retard if you think Jow Forums wouldn't vote for Trump.

If they let me vote again.
So the answer is no.

The second post was me, I am not the OP.

"Muh gun violence"?

Did you even read what I typed? If anything it's "muh gun rights".

It doesn't matter if it "makes sense" to you or anyone else. The entire point of the second amendment is to keep modern military weapons in the hands of the common man. From the beginning of this country the founding fathers had no problem with the private ownership of canons and explosive ordinance.

Defence of life, liberty, property, community, and country aside the 2A acts as a check and balance against the government. Simply put, government doesn't do whatever the hell it feels like against its own people, and the people don't kill those who run the government. It was a safeguard to ensure that the people of these United States could remove and replace the powers that be of their country if need be.

He's going uncontested into the primary but he'll lose the election.

>... Trump might very well be forced to declare these laws. Trump is not a dictator after all and still has to listen to other bodies of the government.

That depends on the courts. Only a fool could take a hard look at them and the rulings that they make and conclude there is no political bias within them. Bump stocks are a perfect example. They don't even begin to meet the definition of machine gun, and yet were banned under those grounds. If the GCA and NFA definitions were given strict scrutiny in regards to the actual functionality of a bump stock (which is nothing more than a stationary piece of plastic that functions only as a shouldered brace), there's no way in hell the ban would be upheld....but on the same token, if 2A was given strict scrutiny GCA and NFA would be nullified anyway.

So....it depends. Rather than what the constitution actually says, things seem to be done more on the "I want to do this." basis and how much political resistance to it there is.

Not the guy you were replying to, but like I said in , the candidate doesn't need to "beat" him per sey as they need to split his voting base. This is how Bill Clinton won against George H.W. Bush in '92: Ross Perot and "read my lips".

/ptg/ is run by shills and a few boomers from plebbit.
Everybody else on Jow Forums hates /ptg/ and wishes they would leave

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>Trump signed the executive orders
Yeah, but why? Because of psycho incels killing people all over the country instead of doing the honorable thing and only killing themselves. All of those things you said wouldn't be happening right now if incels hadn't decided to go ape. Now these motherfuckers are going to make them take ALL our guns away, calling it now.

Was Jow Forums ever really a monolith? I've seen SOME consensus on Jow Forums, but never enough that'd I'd cal it an echo chamber.

fortunately not. Andrew Yang will be the next president of the United States. UBI is the only way forward.

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Jow Forums is 100% an echo chamber. There's no such thing as unanimous consensus on an imageboard. But the culture is very obviously white identity politics.

The "psycho incels" are only just the latest excuse. Back in the 90's it was gang bangers, back in the 70's and 80's it was cocaine cowboys. Excuses change, treasonous bastards don't. The ruling class wants the comfort of being able to push whatever tyranny down the throats of the people without the constant fear of being killed by them.

"forward"? Not so much that as it is a bribe to the future slum dwellers to not chimp out when automation makes them unemployable. I'm sure UBI can be done, but by the time it's implemented and mainstream accepted by society at large, inflation will make its value trivial.

Sadly, Trump will lose. There's just no way he can win all 4 must-win states FL, TX, AZ and PA again. He's only done a so-so job, sucked up to Jews way too much, and the demographic shifts in 4 years will kill him at the voting booths. Trump will lose and he will be the last GOP POTUS in history. The Jews and liberals have "won" and will soon destroy us all.

Nope. In the 80s it was because Reagan almost got murdered by an obsessed incel waifufag and his wounded beta secrete service cuck's wife shilled the Brady bill into existence.

>Failing to develop any meaningful contact with the actress, Hinckley fantasized about conducting an aircraft hijacking or committing suicide in front of her to get her attention

Then the ban in 1994 was shilled after another fucking incel (what a surprise) shot up a Luby's restaurant in Texas.

>Early in the investigation of the massacre, the Killeen police chief said that Hennard "had an evident problem with women for some reason"

In the end, what it all comes down to is fucking incels.

>Tfw your state has voted exclusively Dem since the end of Reagan
Why do I even bother?

If he didn't win the first time America would have a pedophile running the country. He already proved people's delusions before he won (there were cases of divorce, friendship being lost, etc.) and Jeffrey Epstein solidified that the Democrats just don't get it. They're done. Long live Donald motherfucking Trump.

Not even slightly. My vote's on Biden, Harris, or Warren. It's a toss up based on who has the most overall appeal post debates. I want Tulsi but she's too controversial to gain the vox populi.

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Harris is already toast

The other possibility is Trump resigning in which case Pence may be the Republicans' Savior.

I wouldn't go that far but she's looking kinda sketchy atm.

Yeah, yeah, I get all that shit. Doesn't change what I said.

I think so, but only because the democrats can't stop losing.

what needs to happen is for a democrat with potential for mass support to win the nomination. despite what fox news and his supporters might like to parrot, trump didn't have mass appeal when he won and has even less now. voter turnout was less than 50% iirc. if the democrats nominate biden i think trump will definitely win, warren has a better chance than him i think but they really need to give the nom to bernie if they want to secure the younger peoples vote

/ptg/ might as well be it's own board, it's pretty much a separate thing from Jow Forums at this stage.

i don't know if i can take another 4 years of the hysteria that follows, but then i also enjoy the hysteria. i guess it doesn't matter either way.