>be spic robot >go to japan >get cute japanese gf >she goes study in U.S to be with me >moves in with me and does all the cooking, chores and cleaning while i play vidya all day >does whatever I say, submissive as fuck >takes me on dates and pays for it >tfw have cute asian mommy gf
This really makes up for years spent in robot hell. Don't give up hope robots, not until you have traveled around for a bit. Your gf might not be in your city, state or country even.
dont impregnate her Pablo , the japanese are going extinct , the last thing they need is some spic to mix with their genes
Hudson Cox
That's tough man, not sure what to reccomend in your case. What I did was go on a student exchange program for semester in japan.
Maybe you're smart enough to land a scholarship?
Kayden Collins
She told me she would love to have my kids and hopes our son(s) look like me :) No kids for a long time but it's so reassuring to hear that from her.
Blake Myers
Funny you mention that, i have been aproved for an exchange program and have until tomorrow to confirm it but i'm not going since it's expensive and i'm waiting to be called for a job in the same period that the program starts.
Henry Howard
Fuck, sorry to hear that. Hope you are able to at least travel abroad one day. Good luck with the job user.
Adrian Davis
>joined military >getting stationed in japan after training is all done
Life is comfy. I'll find a gf. You guys should do it too
Hunter Morris
I will in the future but i'll be too old by then, thanks anyway.
Which area will you be in? Just be aware that in general, many Japanese people who live around US military bases don't really think kindly of the military there. They tend to bring crime and other nuisances. I suggest just being a decent human being and actually putting in an effort to adapt to the Japanese way of life when you're off-base.
Benjamin Rivera
Luck you :) I had a friend who was stationed in South Korea and he had a lot of fun. Since you are in the military though I would not reccomend getting a GF while you are still actively serving.
Joseph Allen
Fussa. I'm already learning a little of the language
Jack Clark
That's great, user. I hope you enjoy your time in Japan.
Nolan Powell
Why exactly would a qt nip abandon it all to live with some greasy wetback in burgerland and become his live-in maid? What did you do to her?
Gabriel Morris
i couldn't threat a woman that way, no matter what. I'd probably off myself rather than having my whole life depending on someone else. We're fucking adults, not kids.
Nathaniel Allen
I don't know, we just hit it off really well I guess. She didn't want to be separated from me for so long so she chose to come to the U.S to study. I guess the meme of asian girls being loyal and wife material was true.
Caleb Foster
It's a cultural thing for her actually. Women typically do all the housework and obey their boyfriend/husband. She would feel really bad as a woman if I tried to do some of the work. Also this is how women (from asian countries) show they are good enough to marry. I'm not treating her like a servant by any means but she is really on top of everything :)
I asked her how she is able to do all this without complaining or asking me for help and she said doing these things for me makes her happy.
Alexander Rodriguez
M8, Japanese wives famously control their husbands like they're infants. Sure, they still take care of the housework, but they take the husband's entire income and dole out a meager allowance to him every month, and keep him on a tight leash.
Ryan Evans
I think that only happens between japanese couples. While I respect her culture and try my best to accommodate for it, there are certain things I won't do like the controlling japanese wife shit.
If we do get married I don't plan on moving to Japan. Why would I have my homelife run like a traditional japanese household when we are living in America and I am not Japanese.
Wyatt Hughes
The point I was making was that you calling her behavior "a cultural thing" doesn't actually hold any truth.
Anthony Barnes
How is it not true? Could you explain plz
Angel Richardson
Jesus dude, why would you do that to yourself, amigo? I cant imagine how a spic and Japanese hapa would turn out to look like.
Josiah Flores
This guy just won at life with CT samurai gf and all you can say is racemixingBad? C'mon dude
There's a decent japan community in Mexico actually. The half breeds that came out of that aren't too bad looking. Think the spic and japanese/asian babies are pretty underrated.
I wish but i am also a dicklet, literally 5 inches on the dot but it works well enough.
Carson Wright
ok why not try not being a fucking pussy and do stuff for her to.
Nathaniel Rivera
Its another fake race mixing thread were supposed robots just date ethnics and suddenly their lives are great.
Chase Reyes
> The half breeds that came out of that aren't too bad looking. People always claim this shit about mutts but that's only because you select the attractive ones. You can claim any race is attractive if you only focus on the attractive minority like people do with black women. The child will end up a self-hating incel because you cunts couldn't get birth control or something.
James Morris
>this normalfag just got a gf and is bragging about it on Jow Forums
Well I won the lottery and my dad at nintendo told me he was going to buy me a 16 Russian bride.
Elijah Cooper
Don't the japs hate it when nanban try to imitate their customs and culture? Despite the fact their entire culture is basically a copy of China?
Nathan Cooper
I do though just not shit like chores around the house. I help her with a lot of her homework, especially essays because her english writing is not that good. I actually did a few of her papers for her lol.
Very true but it starts to wear off once she realizes the white man she married isn't what she thought it was going to be like.
Asher Kelly
We just got home 15 minutes ago and she's making dinner. Tonight's meal is pork tonkatsu with japanese curry and rice. Currently sipping on some boba milk tea and playing minecraft, life is sweet.
if i wasnt such a mentally ill cuck id be in j-land slaying jteens with u all day, my dude. when ur hitting it, imagine the spirit of all the fallen virginal robots in the same room nodding approvingly, with one whispering "fuck her right in the pussy"
Leo Baker
It's done and it looks fucking good. Time to eat guys! I love her so much bros
Shit looks good for gains. Better give her some long and hard loving for getting you swole like that.
Luis Sullivan
but is she cute? Origin
Dominic Anderson
>tfw gf isn't a gains goblin
I'm actually bulking right now and you're right it is a perfect meal for gains. Ate another piece of tonkatsu with another scoop of rice, this shit is easy.
Jeremiah Roberts
Yeah she's very cute, i got really lucky with this one dude.
Juan Edwards
Get fit buddy. We are all gonna make it.
Zachary Garcia
OP, what kind of spic are you?
Bentley Rivera
Where are you in the WMAF threads, eh?
Noah Barnes
>three different dishes all on the same plate She should be ashamed of herself.