Just ghosted bpd girl who is obsessed with me

>just ghosted bpd girl who is obsessed with me
>loneliness is setting back in
please hold me anons this needs to happen

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If a decision doesn't feel right, maybe that's because it isn't.

It might suck for a little bit but it's better in the long run. People with BPD only get worse in any kind of friendship/relationship. No one deserves that level of emotional abuse and manipulation.

>bpd girl
>implying youre the only guy shes talking to.

As an user who also did this a few months ago I say either permanently cut her off or get her back now, the drama of you explaining your indecisiveness will feed her ego but if you dont one of her I can only assume...like 5 other guys will get in there and you will be instantly forgotten

>obsessed with me.
oh you naive fucking cuck.
>loneliness is setting back in
haven't been made to feel a feel in quite a while, gj

The only correct way of dealing with a BPD shit is removing them from your life.

can i get obsessed sith you instead

>Ghosting people
Why would you do this?
Be an adult and tell them how you feel.

will you be my best friend?
please respond

I would if u r a qt

How dare you ghost someone who actually cares about you, you better go back to her and tell her that your sorry and that you love her right now!

i dont know if im a qt, im told i am handsome and qt but i wish i could make a fembot happy

I'm talking to a girl right now, don't know if she has BPD but she is extremely obsessed with me to the point it's emotionally and socially draining for somebody who is as lonely/introverted as me. When I finish talking to her I feel like I worked a 9-5. It is flattering though getting attention for once

People with BPD don't actually care about people. They just care about what they can get from people.

i, a fembot with bpd, second this

i wish a fembot would use me, I just want to take care of someone

how bout take care of urself nigga?
stupid shit

honestly i feel like i know you

i just kinda got ghosted
and im scared its you
but i told you im not a retarded bpd whore

how the fuck do you guys find bpds so easily?

obessed with you HAHA don't flatter yourself, you probably gave her the most attention out of all her orbiters.

Bruh if she's bad for you, you gotta resist the urge. Consider her practice for a socially adjusted woman. You won't be lonely forever. You know if you go back it will be worse than the first time.

Sometimes, maybe. But in this case I sincerely doubt it is anything past OPs insecurities making him panic and second guess himself.

Are you jealous perhaps?

Pretty much this, the instant you do something that's not 100% according to her perfect relationshit script, you're out and she's already replaced you with the next in line.

hooooo this could get juicy

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i can try leave discord tag


Dude. Same.
We dated for about a year, then I couldn't deal with how attentive, obsessed, and needy she was. We still talk and she still wants to date. She has some real daddy issues too.

she wants you as back up, besides she will eventually do something that would harm any chance of you two ever having anything together.

I think you made the right choice putting up boundaries.

>talk to girl that talks to me every day and is very interested
>meet up, have a great time and we're cuddle and kiss
>the day after she's not touchy feely, not as warm, and not affectionate.
>made it awkward when i hugged her casually
>her affection meter has filled up while mine is never ending

fuck, man.

>ghosting your potential mommy yandere waifu

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