Be me

>be me
>everyone online thinks that i play football(soccer for USAfags) or have a six-pack or something
>ashame of my country shit state and constant storm of shit
>afraid of making international frends because of that
>tried once. ended up with no frends

>feels bad man

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How do you cope? Seems like brazilianfags are the most hated people on online vidya

huehueheuehu UMA DELICIA
You deserve it

Im a fellow brazil bot, do you have a discord?

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Brazilians are the worst brapfags , you deserve it senpai

>Seems like brazilianfags are the most hated people on online
Most hate are because of brazilianfags acting toxic on games and on other social-media.
>How do you cope?
by staying anonymous and trying to behave american or just a non-english speaker. It gets harder when people start asking questions.

Oh look, another HUEHUEBR

Nah, i gave it a try but is like a bate-papo UOL to me

Thanks, pal.

I'm a huezillian as well.

I have a couple international frands

Spenting 6 months abroad helped I guess

Literally no one thinks that lol


hi bag

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Here u go Brazilfren, another Brazilfren of mine shared this and your post reminded me

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so many brazillians here wtf

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>be me
>foreign e-girl hits on me
>thinks I'm brown and fit
>am actually white-ish sperg
>already got her nudes

Stereotypes have its perks my friend

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From other ppl stories i noticed that being in person helps alot.

>where you from?
>oh cool, i like samba.


Had a good laugh, thanks.

Brazilians are like a pest, they are EVERYWHERE, just say the right word and they shall appear

u can't get the V-gina tho

I would rnc the shit out of you

There's just so many brazillinas around that you'll never know if the guy you're talking to is a brazillian sleeper agent just waiting for the signal to coon out.

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Exactly, i once spoke to a guy in a game(don't remember which), we were speaking english until i noticed a sign that he was brazilian. The rest is both of us laughing about it

You guys have Angra, so that's something.

How's the Amazon fire treating you?

Brazil seems kinda based though. A nigger threatened to burn a bus full of people and was holding up traffic as they tried to negotiate with him, so they sent out a BOPE sniper and he shot him in the head.
Then everyone fucking cheers and they flew the governor in to make a speech.
Imagine if that happened in the US. If only.

>You guys have Angra
If only politicians cared for it and invested on the tecnology..
>How's the Amazon fire treating you?
Many years of bad news have left me kind of indifferent to that, by experience i know that it only gets worse. I just accept it.

>Then everyone fucking cheers
Not that simple, i don't know how much, bcause i didn't want a headache, but things got pretty divided here(like most of the time). some ppl supported the police actions and others wanted to put them in a fire. And about the police action, in a nutshell, it is mostly of the result of the growing hate on criminals here, he even have a phrase, A good criminal is a dead criminal or bandido bom bandido morto. Brazil is complicated mess.

Well, I hope you ain't Carioca like, I can hear gunshots almost every night and I don't even live near a favela.

hello fellow huebros
suffering because of a girl are you there clear

don't worry OP, I've been trying to find frens and they are usually sympathetic or don't care much about it
I'm still ghosted though

Cheer up moneky bro, people really don't give a fuck about we being from bananaland, we do have problems to play online games with international frens but everything else is ok. Making frens is just hard, no matter where.

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>I'm still ghosted though
Yep, that's what usually happens..