Is confidence really the key to getting a girlfriend?

Is confidence really the key to getting a girlfriend?

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A mix of all three - take your pick.

It's good to have but nearly as important as other things.

It goes a long fucking way. Confidence also shows you care about yourself, and if you care about yourself you're likely to work to a place in your life where you can support others.

face is more important than height facelet

I dunno where I read this, but women are a result of success.

I think it's pretty spot on.

Confidence is most important . Jay has no money, hes old, no job, lives with mom, yet he was able to score ciara because he knows how to act confident

Height is infinitely more important than face. The only way a tallfag is an incel is if he's mentally ill.

James Dean was a 173cm manlet but women still were all over him
>inb4 he was a rich and famous actor!
If you think that women wouldn't want him if he was a construction worker instead of an actor you're fucking retarded

Attached: james-dean.jpg (648x720, 115K)

I'm 6'2" and a virgin. Tell me my mental illness.
I do agree with you that you have to be mentally ill to willingly label yourself an incel, so there's that.

That's literally average male height being 5'8 and not nearly short enough to be incel tier, especially at the time he was around. Fucking retard.
High inhibition or a lack of effort. With your height you should easily score you're just incompetent or mental.

try displaying "confidence" as a 5'5 manlet earning >100k and approaching women and see where it gets you

Confidence is the gatekey to the world. You can even become President with negative stats in everything but confidence, apparently

Trump is a 1,9m beast of a man, not sure if he's negative in every stat

Good, more volume to get stuck in a bathtub

The bigness and the blackness of the dick is all that matters.

Looks, money and height are great to fall back on if you lack a personality and confidence. Women aren't as shallow as men. And men aren't as shallow as incels.

>High inhibition or lack of effort
>With your height you should easily score
>lack of effort
What? So how much effort should I put in? Just a little? Just a, "Hey, my name's user, how are you?" You guys obsessed with height make it sound like women would go crazy over me and would be approaching me, and that's only ever happened to me one time. Though I'll give you that I haven't really been able to talk to many girls lately in social settings; bars are one thing, but it is literally impossible to hold a conversation in a club without screaming in the other person's ear, and it's not an ideal to place to have a chat with someone.

>Doesn't interact with women
>Doesn't go to social settings
>Has been approached already
You have to at least put yourself in the situations to meet or interact with women user. If you don't leave your house like some hikki neet then of course you won't. The fact you've even been approached should tell you everything as women literally never approach men yet they did to you. Tallfags are so unaware of the privilege it grants them, it's like a fish that's unaware it's in water.

I don't have the most intelligent sense of humor, but because I believe it's funny and act like it is, people seem to think it's funny too

If you believe and act like you're the perfect Chad for the perfect Stacy, they'll believe it too

No, being attractive is. Everything else that you must earn is cope. Women will fuck jobless drug who live on their mom's couch if they're hot

The key is being able to make friends easily. If you have enough friends you'll meet a lot of girls through them and probably get along with one of them. Unfortunately making friends is something I am not good at.

No, you don't understand me. I go out basically every weekend. It's just that lately, I've only gone out to clubs, and I haven't been approached by anyone there. When I was approached, that happened at a bar, and the girl is cute enough, the problems were that 1) she was drunk and 2) she is married, but separated from her spouse - they don't live in the same city. But just the same, I go out often, nearly every weekend as I said, that's only happened once. So again, what kind of effort should I put in? I'm tall and got some baby gains going on, but my hairline is atrocious, I'm not very good looking but I'm not an abomination, and I still wear fucking braces.

No, Height and status is much more important

How tall are you and why the hell are you still wearing braces? Regardless. Go to bars not clubs and actually approach women. If your hairline is that bad then either shave it off and own the bald look or wear a hat. You don't want to look like a middle aged math teacher or something. A lot of my mates are ugly as sin but tall as fuck and even they admitted their height carried them through thick and thin.
>I'm not very good looking but I'm not an abomination
Then you have absolutely no excuse. Especially once you get rid of the braces. I know I sound like an asshole user but you have the ability to get out of here and I genuinely hope you use it.

im so sick of this confidence shit. confidence doesn't work if you don't have the looks to back it up. if you look like a pussy people are going to treat you like a pussy and any dumb fucking larping alpha shit you try to pull will be viewed as a joke.
women said they liked confidence, red pill pua retards took that to mean guys just need to act confident and they'll get women. they built all their dumb bullshit around this confidence thing, it's absolutely central to everything they preach. that's why when someone says it isn't about confidence, they lose their fucking mind. it's like telling a christian that jesus wasn't real.

women are fucking stupid and they're assigning personality traits to guys who look a certain way (chad). they're neglecting to tell you that a chad can act like a bluepilled male feminist pussy and she would still want to fuck his brains out. some pua type of retard is going to try and argue that point about how he 'knows some good looking guy' that doesn't get pussy because he doesn't act confident. ignore these people, they're all lying.

it's all looks.

>How tall are you
>why the hell are you still wearing braces
Because last April, I underwent a surgery because I was a fucking chinlet that looked awful from a side view. I lost a ton of weight due to the surgery, and now I look like a normal human and have been going consistently to the gym. My hairline is bad, like you can tell I'm balding, but I don't have to do a comb-over or something. I'm self-conscious enough to know when it just looks bad and shaving it off will be a must.
>actually approach women
Again, you say that I'll have an easy time, but let's run a simulation:
>hey, i'm user, how are you?
>oh hey, i'm good
>great, hey listen, i think you're cute and wanted to know if you have plans after this?
Is it that easy according to you?


>Is it that easy according to you?
Is that a rhetorical? user that's the easiest thing in the world. If you haven't approached women before it can be a bit daunting sure but they're just people like any other, worst case scenario you get rejected and move on. Of course it's easier if you have mutual friends or other contacts or whatever but speaking to women in bars is the most normal thing in the world. They wouldn't be there otherwise.

its so obvious this person has no clue what life is like as a below average looking guy. i dont know where these people come from or how they end up here, do you think this board is filled with chadlites or something?

I guess I just have different expectations because of several friends, both male and female. I have two gorgegous female friends that get hit on, but more often than not they're the ones hitting on guys. And one guy friend of mine, who isn't that good looking and is SHORTER than me, gets hit on all the fucking time. Like, he has no game, but has honestly never needed any because women approach him constantly.


Face >>>>>> everything. I'm 5'8", but handsome as fuck and have ALWAYS had girls approach me. I've probably had over 100 girls approach me in my life time.

It's like I said, a fish doesn't know it's in water. That's what talking to tallfags is like. Truth be told I'm not so resentful anymore, it sucks shit being here and I want them to get out. If only so they stop shitting up my board.
>do you think this board is filled with chadlites or something?
There's more than a few. As is the case with this user they're probably just young or have high inhibitions. Either that or unrealistic expectations.
>he actually has a social circle
user how did you even end up on this board? Regardless of that you should try approaching women in bars and similar settings. Waiting for a gf to fall into your lap isn't guaranteed. Even if you fuck up the first few approaches you'll get the hang of it. Good luck.

Internet and 3rd world countries does not count, you would never get a single girl on any nordic country

What is it with you guys thinking 5'8 is short? The other user said it too. The only really fucked manlets are the sub 5'6 ones because they're shorter than a good portion of women let alone their male peers. Height is absolutely vital to being an attractive male but you guys think that because average guys can do alright with other good features that it doesn't matter.

Confidence is bullshit, women only like confidence when it comes from someone they already like

No the key to getting a gf is whether or not a woman will allow you to fuck her. At the end of the day, it's her decision. Even though women are mostly initiative-less unthinking mirrors, they have free will and are fully autonomous even when they pretend not to be.

If you all would spread the truth about me, and if you would praise my name in public for the good things I have done, then I would have no problems. My problems come up when you tell these women that I am a fucking loser, and when you simulate for me a life which 100% supports the notion that I am fucking loser of the first order.

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I'm confident all these women around here work for Helene and won't fuck me unless I debase myself further than I am will to debase myself. It's like how Helene watched my live in the gutter for two years, and she could have offered me the money I needed to get out of the gutter, but she never did, and then only agreed to give me a few dollars when I went pathetically begging back to mommy. This is how she does it, and this is how her servants do it to.

Two for two, my previous ~100% rejection rate goes on unbroken, big fucking surprise.

I've been using Jow Forums since I was 14. I'm 25 now. Believe it or not, I never really bought into any of the memes that dictate the cancerous board cultures of the boards I frequent - this one, /v/, /a/, /mu/ and /lit/ have gotten to me, but in terms of being snobbish and elitist more than anything. I don't think of myself as an incel or whatever, I'm still a virgin because I was ugly as sin before the surgery, and now I look alright and I think I look a bit younger than 25. I know waiting for someone to come up toe me and just whisk me away is fucking unrealistic, but well, my friends haven't exactly given me the most realistic expectations, and seeing them isn't really a confidence boost. Of course, the drunk married girl that approached happened AFTER I had the surgery. The term for my status was cyborg, something I don't see thrown around here very often.

seems like im gonna need a lot of confidence

Face >= Status > Height
After all those things are checked does personality matter.

This. It's literally face or nothing. Everything aside from face becomes cringe cope in the eyes of vagina.

no, the key is sharing the same hobbies, values, and goals; otherwise, you will get bored of each other.

that however doesn't mean you can't be friends.

height > face fag

Nah, pretty sure the most important trait is not going on Jow Forums