Fellow dateless khvs, what would you do if a girl your age asked you out on a date? I'm not sure what I'd do at this point. I would automatically assume shes messing with me and would probably decline. Has a female ever asked you on a date?
Fellow dateless khvs, what would you do if a girl your age asked you out on a date...
Dude, is that CP?
panic and do my best to politely decline
I don't go for women my age. Aside from my wife, I'm sticking to early-mid twenties unless I hit it off.
No, just an adult asian female's body
I'd say yes in a heartbeat I don't care if she's messing with me I'm too lonely not to take the chance.
>Has a female ever asked you on a date?
Once in school. I told her to fuck off though because she'd had a threesome with two guys I knew the weekend prior.
>female ever asked you on a date?
plenty have.
I would do something that allowed us to get to know each other better.
I would feel embarrassed that she even considered me since I am not where I should be at my age.
I would be ashamed of she found out that I'm still a student at 26 and I have never kissed or dated a girl.
>haha she has no boobs she's a child
Screw you guys there's literally nothing with being flat.
It's actually illegal to do porn and be flat chested in some places, regardless of age.
DETE THIS THREAD OP POSTED CP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i honestly wouldn't know what to do if i was asked, i'd probably freeze up and start panicking
>positive female attention of any kind
I don't even know what this feels like. I'd assume she lost a bet or was messing with me. I'm unironically hideous enough that women have approached me on multiple occasions to tell me that I'm "cute" or whatever (as a joke, obviously). Now I just tell them that I know I'm not attractive and that what they're doing is very hurtful.
They won't, it doesn't happen. Even if a girl really likes you the best you'll get is a non committal asking but not asking sort of thing that you've got to follow up on and make the real move. Like they'll tell you about something they want to do or a show they want to see but that they have no one to go with to try to get you to make the move.
>Fellow dateless khvs, what would you do if a girl your age asked you out on a date?
I'd say yes. like this user says I'm too lonely to pass up a possible chance like that. if she was doing it to make fun of me, then oh well I guess
>Has a female ever asked you on a date?
no. I've never really gotten any attention from women. all of my efforts in getting to know a woman/getting a date have gone un-reciprocated.
Oh look the annoying cancerous namefag is back. Everyone point and laugh at how pathetic this stupid faggot is.
>Could we at least have a conversation first? I don't even know who you are...
Holy hell sauce. My life depends on it
Worst possible thing that could happen. I desperately want a gf but I know I would dissapoint her with my lack of future. I don't even have a job yet.
I'd go for it as long as she's okay looking. I'm losing hope at this point.
Accept, and go on a date with her.
>has a female ever asked you on a date?
Of course not. That only happens to Giga Chad.
He's not exactly wrong, even if he is a faggot. For example, in Australia, youthful or lesser-developed traits, and any pornography alluding to actresses being underage are disallowed (even if the actresses are of age). In some cases, pornography featuring more lithe, slender women might be banned due to having a small/flat bust and younger traits, even if they don't attempt to depict an underage individual. I know several people have been jailed for owning cartoon/hentai pornography too. Same kind of thing applies to Canada and some other Western countries.
Fuck the law.
There is nothing wrong with fucking girls 14 and up.
I would accept, if a woman initiates the contact it would take a whole hell of a lot of the pressure of guesswork off of the whole situation because it would imply she actually has an interest in me
Well, a few years ago, a girl just cold called me, said I was cute, and asked for my number. My exact response was "Nah, I'm good" and I proceeded to walk into a McDonalds and didnt know what happened until my cousin called me a fucking retard.
This thread is now a flat/small chest appreciation thread
>what would you do if a girl your age asked you out on a date
I'd just reply with, "nah, I don't date". I'm 19, live with my parents and have no transportation, and they would 100% kick me out if I brought a girl home. I don't want to be homeless.
>Has a female ever asked you on a date?
No, but when I was in 8th grade a girl told me she wanted my dick, she was taking the piss out of me I'm sure, so I just said, "that's gross".
U OK user? Feeling salty today?
I'm not "exactly wrong" because I'm not wrong at all. You weasel-wording fucking unmensch.
>You weasel-wording fucking unmensch.
ooga booga
>said I was cute?
C'mon what other sign are you looking for?
Was that supposed to be an insult, or did you think acting lOlSoRaNdOm was the way to go?
Not diagnosed with anything, but I'm socially retarded and I have severe oneitis :(
muh dick orignaislis
Yes, and I assumed she was messing with me and stammered out a "no." That was in 6th grade and I'm a khhv to this day.
>what other sign are you looking for?
But I'm objectively NOT cute. My high school had a tradition where the ugliest, spergiest freshmen would be elected homecoming "prince and princess." I happened to me when I was a freshman and it was incredibly humiliating; and it kept happening for years. When you call a burn victim cute, they're not going to assume you're being honest, they're going to assume you're making fun of them.
You have sex. Its as simple as that.
Agree that Australia blows, USA, USA, USA.
source? asking for a griend
Id have a panic attack and ruin my shot with her
goddamn that body is ideal af
anyway if a woman straight up asked me out I'd start looking for hidden cameras and shit and then fuckin run
If say sure and just see where it goes. Ive got nothing now so I've got nothing to lose. No I've never been asked out before
>They won't
Its a hypothetical you fucking shit head. Are you really this fucking lame that you can't even play along to a hypothetical?
I have never seen an average japanese woman naked, the post
It's unlikely a woman would make the first move like that, so I'd have to assume she just likes talking to me without any romantic interest. Depending on how interesting a person I find her I would either accept or decline.
Instantly, automatically decline, ain't got no time for none of that.
Never happened, never gonna happen.
I would refuse automatically without thinking. Afterwards I would spend all day thinking about it and berating myself for being an idiot. I would start avoiding her too because it would be too embarrassing.
They don't do that, aside from maybe on a retarded bet with giggling friends.