What is Jow Forums's stance on incest?
What is Jow Forums's stance on incest?
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1000% approved and encouraged
Do it now, its the highest form of love if you both like it.
I have banged 3 cousins and I do not recommend it.
Family dinners are weird af.
It's fine, too many people resent it for many of the same reasons they love faggotry, because the media told them it was malign and repulsive without any real moral explanation. I never had any opinion on it before but when I became an adult and debated the issue internally I couldn't find a comprehensive argument against it.
I banged 2 cousins and 1 half sister. Absolutely recommended.
I've been playing way too many incest VNs recently.
I'm at a point where my fat mom makes me horny af, I don't know if I would straight up fuck her but I'd let her suck me ez.
Nothing wrong with it, just adopt please
How many times do i have to tell you? I do not like incest.
I jerk off with my dad all the time and honestly, my life has been pretty great. I never felt like I had to look like a porn star or an athlete or a model. I grew up confident in my body and my ability sexually.
Reason I'm asking is because my cousin is getting married next January and asked if I could run an antivirus on her laptop. And I found that pic on there. It wasn't even in a folder it was right out on the desktop. Now I think she's always had a crush on me growing up (it was mutual) but I don't know if the pic is a message that she wants get this last fling out of the way before she ties the not with her provider.
Dont look into t too hard. Your cousin os probably just am airhead
As long as it's between two consenting adults I don't see any problem with it.
This. I have porn on my desktop right now. The risks are too high and you're only go cause serious damage if you pursue this.
If you weren't molested by a family member as a kid you missed out.
Got a family with mom but obviously we're smarter than to let people know. We just live like any other family, simply the related part secret.
Perfect body, is there more?
well all of my cousins have great bodies so i wouldnt mind as long as shes on the pill kek
When I was 5 my cousin would smother me in her boobs. I had a big crush on her.
This. But also family planning is going to be way more critical than normal. Don't want disabled children, unfortunately. But for some reason I've never been comfortable with parent-child pairings. It almost feels like cheating/infidelity imo
If I didn't despise my entire family for treating me like shit growing up, I'd probably mull over it because I'm desperate.
>tfw ur little sister will never be ur loli gf like in all my hentais
life is unfair bros................
Kek this is why I never touched my cousins even tho 2 hit on me and 2 aunts did too, glad I have a full functioning pre-frontal cortex and am not a useless cumbrain
>tfw ur little sister was ur loli gf like in all my hentais
Why do they have to grow up?
is she ur secret wife now?
When my older sister came home very drunk from parties and passed out I'd press my face against her ass sometimes. It's why the stench of various alcohols always gets my dick hard nowadays.
Nothing wrong with it as long as all parties are of age of consent and children aren't created.
It's still pretty high if one isn't quite on-board tbhwyfam.
I made out with my cousin and we touched each other a little bit on the 4th of july. I met her for the first time in mid-june, but still I regret it. She's 8 years older than me and she kind of seduced me that night. And now, she has until the day she dies to tell someone what happened. I have no idea what I will do if she does.
If she's your sister you shouldn't fist her. There's a reason the kids don't come out right. Anyone who tries to justify it is coping, plain and simple.
Fun fantasy/fetish/kink, but I would never do it. Same goes for threesomes and gangbangs. It would be fun to be the center of attention though.
Not recommending it, Me and twin bro were rough housing around one time as kids and we kinda ended up jerking off.
things are good now with me and bro, but oww my head hurts sometimes, On the upside was able to save my relationship with older sister who has unironically saved my life multiple times now just by helping me socialize better.
Don't fuck your cousins or family, you quite literally NEED them for your survival
She'll tell people if it gets exposed.
My cousin and I had a sexual relationship a few years ago, and she told her friend "If he wasn't my cousin, I'd fuck him so hard" or something, as I've been told anyways. My "friends" were autistic basedbean collectors who orbited the cousin's friend and when they told her how I had a "girlfriend", she found out it was my cousin, so she immediately told my cousin what happened to intentionally ruin my relationship with her out of jealousy.
>lol who cares
Here's the good part: The cousin told EVERYONE I was a rapist weirdo creepy pervert whatever, especially after I got kicked out of school for doing something retarded, so my cousin was a mega bitch about it after her incestuous degeneracy got exposed, so she threw me under the bus for damage control. Not that anyone gave a shit, they were already shitting on me to begin with, but whatever.
Lessons to be learned:
>don't incest, but if you must, make sure she'll keep the secret too
>don't tell people in the same social clique different things, they'll talk and piece it all together
it's wrong and an abomination.
Never had a biological sister but a step sister a few months older than me. i feel like every time I talk about this on Jow Forums people just call me a larper, but it was great then it was terrible now its just awkward. I'm 36 and so is she so we have had time to move on, it is what it is and i dont regret it at all, im sure she doesnt either.
what u gonna do about it ian?
The most divine and patrician act a person can engage in.
>Reminder that the Zoroastrian equivalent of the Ten Commandments (Yasna 12) includes practicing incestuous marriage (xvaetvadatha)
>Reminder that Isis and Osiris were brother and sister, as were Zeus and Hera, Sarah and Abraham
>Reminder that Giovanni Boccaccio considered the love Artemisia II of Caria had for her brother-husband Mausolus the purest and most virtuous love that ever existed; the monument she built to him was one of the Seven Wonders of the World, giving us the term 'mausoleum'.
>Reminder that Lord Byron had a love affair with his sister, and Percy B. Shelley probably did as well (cf. James Bieri's biography)
Fucking your sister is the most important thing you can do, but another close family member like a first cousin may suffice
Doesn't bother me at all in consensual sibling/cousin scenarios as long as you don't make babies ever. Twitter and Tumblr are in a crazy moral panic about incest atm which means it'll swing back around and they'll get their rights eventually.
I'm squicked out by incest in the case of son/daughter but I haven't thought about it enough to give a real conclusion on how it would/wouldn't be harmful in a best-case scenario irl.
I would be lying if I said I don't want to fuck my sister or that I haven't fapped while smelling her panties or secretly recorded her while she's changing clothes, but I'm not really comfortable with the idea of incest.
Grandma showed me the ropes, bad or not I appreciate the chance. Don't think it's a problem if there's no kids from it and keep it to yourself.
100% for virgin rejects, a fantasy. Real life incest is not what think it will be
Except it would be and is because I'm mentally ill. Fucking retard how did that potential option escape you? Dumbass reject.
I love how you can see her panties. Brother should have tapped that.
>Comitting incest with my family members = fucking disgusting
>Hearing anonymous people have incest = fucking amazing
>Have a not actually mommy gf = fucking amazing
lost virginity to my stepmom
does that count?