>be me >girl >confess feelings to guy on Discord >"I'm not gay user, sorry >"I'm a girl" >"no you aren't, tranny faggot" >"I'm not trans!" >"lol okay, queer" >mfw guys post with cute anime girls so much that guys assume anyone who does so is male
Thanks for ruining everything, guys. Now my only choice is to send him a timestamped picture, but I'm fat and ugly. I'm fucked.
>online relationship >through discord You're a faggot, and the guy that rejected you is based as fuck. Lose weight and go to bars, or hell, don't lose weight and still go. You'll find some beta that worships you just as easily.
Parker Long
They dont mind lardbuckets If you have a nice flapless smooth shaven pussy
Juan Nguyen
I mean. If he wasn't going to accept your fat in the first place and you have no intention to improve then why even start up a relationship? It won't be anything tangible if it's strictly online, you know.
Jaxson Cruz
How fat and ugly are you op
What is ur tag
James Gomez
I mean, you didn't make an attempt to prove it so he's right.
Aiden Foster
>confess feelings >won't send pic
What's the point?
Angel Evans
If he doesnt believe you he has no trust for you
Wyatt Ortiz
>discord relationship No one with a brain is falling for that shit.
Ryan Robinson
At least get in shape jesus christ, if your female and over weight then what the fuck are you doing with your life it's one of the very few conditions you need to reach above average success, is it that hard to not binge on ice cream and go on some walks
Robert Ramirez
Wow, three words in and I can already discard the rest due to a distinct smell of homosexuality and fraudulence
Ryder Turner
go back to shitcord trannyfucker
Jaxson Gomez
How is he supposed to like you if he doesn't know what you look like God I hate stupid ass women
Especiall that special type of woman that would rather have an online BF than be, you know, normal
Isaac Green
Being fat can be fixed. Being born a male can't be fixed. Lose the weight and then send him a picture. Unless you're actually a tranny. In that case, become the statistic.
Tyler Sanchez
What fucking discord servers is this happening in? I don't understand, I thought discord was either for small friend groups or large communities of people. Were do people find these weird fucking servers where it's small enough that people recognize you but large enough that you have strangers and love interests? I... feel like I'm fucking up at even internet life and society. Anyone want to spoon feed my dumb ass?
It usually just happens, you do some shit with a girl in a server together, end up talking, marry each other and whatnot, I had a friend who got a gf for years out of it
Cooper Williams
fat lie discord is like a 3 years old
Oliver Turner
Yeah, nah man. I don't believe that. If you're gonna lie to me, at least make it believable
Chase Lopez
Where did I state it was longer than 3 year? I just told what is the truth, you can enjoy being single of course
Jonathan Johnson
fair enough, but I still don't understand where people find these fuckin servers. Guess it just comes down to me not being social enough.