Idk what to write as a subject

Loneliness thread I guess. Come sit down and let's discuss how loneliness has affected (you). I'm interested to see how others deal with it.

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Other urls found in this thread:

How do i deal with it? I really dont, i really am alone and it consumes me. I cant exist around others without feeling out of place or inadequate.

I'm sorry you feel that way user. I know the feel. I suppose one way of trying to 'cope' when talking to someone would be to just do your best to focus on the topic of discussion at hand, and just be a good listener, talk when prompted and if you have something to add, just start and if you're interrupted just wait until the other finishes talking.
Finding someone to talk to in the first place is hard enough, I understand. Music groups/bands are a good place to start though, since you're p much required to have some kind of interaction.

I tend to cry when trying to sleep every few weeks. It really helps I think.
Aside from that, I've lacked the social skills to "put my self out there" if that makes sense. I find it really fucking anxiety inducing to walk into a public space like a store or anything. Its very annoying.
also my only fucking goal in life is to have a family by about 35, please god I just want to love and be loved

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I understand. It's small steps I suppose; first you form coherent sentences, then you flow them, then you learn to read their body language and it all comes naturally like that. I believe in you.

i was incredibly lonely after i came out as trans. all of the few friends i had abandoned me and i ended up dropping out of school and becoming a hikineet. i have online friends now though, and an online friend lives close to me so im planning on meeting up with him soon so i'm really looking forward to that. i'm just glad i'm that i'm going to have an irl friend again. it's been so long...

Thank you lad, I've been taking steps such as talking to a certain girl in my early morning class.
It's kept me up quite a bit, noticing times when I don't spill spaghetti constantly.

I hope the two of you get along well, hell, maybe even take to places like to the park or something. Not as a date or anything, just hanging out I guess. If you like her *that* much, you should also be dropping hints and making moves otherwise she'll always see you as a friend,
It's me baka. Can't wait to get drunk.

lmfao hardee if i knew you were gonna be like this i wouldve just tripped kek

but yeah its gonna be a pretty based time

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I'm unpredictable as always it seems. What are you doing up at this late hour you silly bitch

im not silly baka
i was watching animu with battie ya big dummy
have you seen the show Another

its very good
id highly recommend it to you

also im typing weird because IOS uses non ascii punctuation meaning if i use any form of punctuation it fucking wont let me post

fuck apple

what can I say except iToddlers btfo
Also I've only seen the anime and I forgot most of it.

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I relish dreams where a girl loves me. I hope I have similar dreams every night before I go to sleep, because I know I cannot have a girlfriend yet.

I'm glad you have the self awareness to realise you're not ready for a relationship. Many others don't and it's what leads to a good number of relationships failing.
Who is your ideal girl? What do you two do together? Feel free to share as much as you want.

I used to talk to myself a lot, buy I have stopped doing so (I just realized)... I have never been so alone in my whole life, the wife kicked me out of my house because she is a cheating white, my two kids want me back and don't understand what is going on, and I am out of place everywhere (including this threat)... I've been forcing myself to eat, work and just go on but damn, I don't see what's the point anymore. Fuck me and fuck everything I guess.

My ideal girl is like a friend. We do stuff together like play vidya and go places. Only difference is the intamacy. We'd touch eachother and stuff. Sharing interests so we xould make good conversation would also be nice.

Shitting white hah! WHORE was the word, gotta love autocorrect

how embarrasing

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Life does seem that way sometimes, I know. Trust me, you're not out of place here by a long stretch lol. I haven't made a single friend in my whole life except kappu.
Finding purpose is like, man there's no real good way to put it. Sometimes when you do something else you normally wouldn't and break routine, purpose finds you but otherwise it's a game of breaking conventions and maybe something comes along that excites you and life just becomes a game of 'what if x happens, what if I finally meet the one who loves me the most, what if I get a really great job and move out of this shithole, what if?'
If all else fails, make your own purpose; set a target for yourself and think of something you'd like to do that would contribute to something, no matter how small. Leave your mark on the world before you go for good. I think that's a good way to sum up purpose.
That's p wholesome desu. Do you have many interests? Things you like to do? I can appreciate wanting to be touched too, I'm fairly touch-starved myself I'd moan like a bitch if someone even strokes my leg.
ikr. glad to see Jow Forumsentlemen are here too.

This is where the problems start arising. One of my major flaws is that I consume too much media. My main interests are Videogames, Anime, and comics. My creative outlets are drawing and Roleplaying games. My skill level with the last two isn't very high though. I ought to start writing. Politics are also fun to meme about.

I had to move around a lot because of my dad's job. I lost a ton of friends. Bf broke up with me and I just cut off all connections I had. Tbh it feels like a massive weight was lifted off my shoulders but was replaced by another one. Idk how to describe it but it hurts differently. I just try to get by everyday and ignore any and all advances from ppl at school to keep this abandonment shit from happening again. Whenever I do something, be it either school work or some mundane task, I have less energy and motivation. I went from doing my all in everything to settling in mediocrity. Basically, I traded the pain of living far away from everyone important in my life and eventually drifting apart for the pain of giving up on everything that made me happy, because in the long run, the cycle will just continue. I'm fine with being a selfish, lonely robot. I just try to get by without needing others.

Archery is also a cool skill to pick up desu. Maybe robotics? Lasers even? And hell, everyone loves a programmer. As long as you don't do java.
The stress of other people was relieved but then the loneliness hit you. I understand. And school is mundane and hellish as it is.
However, considering you have the ability to make friends, had them *and* a bf, it's safe to say you don't belong here.
Maintain your friendships via the internet, that's what it was meant for baka.

I've always said I want to go while skydiving... you know, accidentally forgetting to open the parachute... I bet that would leave a nice mark in the world.

I might do it for real very soon... I wish someone could record it, some people might find it entertaining or even funny.

That's... fairly depressing. Nice dark humour though.
Look man. Don't let some whore be the end of you, that's a shitty mark to leave when you go splat. At least become a pile of red mist who tried his hardest and made progress in life after a breakup.

Jow Forums and Discord are my only escapes. Refreshing that nobody sees me and has any expectations of me. And yeah I go here because I know yall go through a hell of a lot more shit so I try to thicken my skin with all the depression oozing out of this website. And I guess I always denied the fact I had the ability to socialize. If being sarcastic and coming off as rude to strangers counts as socializing. God I wish I could stop being so pessimistic.

I agree with him, just show that bitch off, show that you're way better than she'll ever be and make her feel like a pathetic excuse of life.

Do you at least get to see your kids?

I know the feel. I won't devalue what you go through just because my problems are worse; I think people who do that
are just unhelpful assholes. Or just extremely cynical.
How long will you be staying with your dad? Can you be in one place alone for at least a while?

Just to keep this thread going, good album I'm currently listening to at 5am.

We move around looking for employers to sponsor our citizenships so we never know when we'll have to pack our bags again. I'm aiming to take summer classes and graduate early just to move back and hopefully see my old friends again. Also I never knew complete unfamiliarity in a new place gave such waves of loneliness. And yeah, those people are assholes. They rolled their eyes and yelled at me to get over my ex. They even went so far as trying to set me up with people and it's all fucking creepy.

I've completely given up on life so I've taken the hobby of going to abandoned buildings and spending time there just to check out whatever I find until the day some crackhead stabs me

Sponsor your citizenship? What exactly is that and how does it work; you get paid to live? Why haven't I got that
yet lmao. Summer classes seem like a nice idea, what subject(s)?
Urban exploration is a nice hobby within itself desu. Hell, maybe you'll run into someone to do it with and make a friend? Who knows. What have
you found so far? Enlighten me.

Eh we aren't American citizens yet and we're dependant on my dad's employers to help us get there. Summer classes just to fill in all my credit hours.

So where are you from originally, if you don't mind me asking? Having to move so much to be able to stay in a country must be a pain in the ass though, I can only imagine. Why do you want to be in america of all places?

im glad im frens with hardee!! hes a good fren and im lucky to have him :>

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The longest period of time i'd say i spent without really having any contact with another person is about 3 months. I guess there are quite a few legit neets here so thats probobly not much in comparison to them, but it seems like it was long enough for me to feel some actual effects. During the end of those three months, i began to realize i would spend much more of my time thinking to myself, and some stimulating things would start to give me a weird reaction. For example, sometimes i would just start to drum with my fingers or with sticks or something like that, and for whatever reason i found it extremely enjoyable to the point where i would do it for over an hour. This wouldn't happen when i lived a normal life with regular social contact. Also time went by slower, even though during those three months i would be doing normal work, the only difference was that i had no social contact. Once i began to have normal social contact again, i realized i developed a greater attention span and also lost fluency in my speech. I found the best way to cope is to just stimulate yourself by playing music, writing in some way like keeping a journal, doing physical activity, and talking with yourself. Basically just keep yourself stimulated and try to replicate at least a social enviornent by watching news and video discussions or stuff like that.

Moved from the Philippines when I was little. My parents agreed that America has loads more opportunities than the Philippines.


I have no idea if the same person with 2 different replies but I'll respond as 2 separate people anyway.
That's.. a really interesting response I wasn't expecting. So in a way you subconsciously recreate a social environment to help cope with the loneliness by reflex, whether through adding familiar white noise or holding conversations. Facsntnig.
Man. You could've chosen *any* other country aside from the US, even Germany would've been a better choice. Can you convince them to go there instead, if the process if simpler?

no you

uwuwu originoli

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I mainly just want to focus on trying to become interested in everything life has to offer beyond relationships. I relish the idea of being with someone but I dont want to trouble anyone with my own shortcomings unless I could work them out.
1.I really fear emotional and sexual intimacy where I just get embarrassed, with the type of stuff I say when I act on my desires
2.I want to be desirable and I have a long way to go to work towards that, I never really took time to get good at anything or educate or culture myself outside of what I experienced in highschool
3. I have a defeatist attitude of thinking the people I would desire are already in a relationship, and that anyone who isnt, doesnt want to be annoyed by me approaching them
I also am far more picky, than I ought to be, but oh well

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Can't. It was their decision and I'm fine with here. Just getting real impatient with this process. It's been eleven years already

How do you plan to work past your shortcomings?
Personally, aside from the obvious gaining interests (as I assume you already know this), I'd recommend you read a book called No Longer Human. It details human suffering and how one overcomes isolation, if I remember right.
Maintaining your body is a noble pursuit, and will definately attract potential partners. Also a good haircut goes a long way. The Art of War also helps in a lot of social situations, especially in the workplace. Language is also a great way to learn about other cultures and if you go for an asian qt then knowing stuff about their culture goes a long way.
Defeatist attitudes can change only though experience sadly, but since you seem to be willing to put in the effort I'm certain it will fade.
Being picky is nothing to be ashamed about; if your partner cares about you as much as you do them, they'll reciprocate it and aim to gain your affection.
You have good goals, and I wish you the best of luck in improving yourself.
I have no idea how you can be fine in america dude. But whatever tickles your rhetorical pickle. And if you're stuck as a non-citizen for eleven years I think that's a sign they probably don't want you in. Have to praise your parent's persistence though.

Yeah, they're stubborn as hell and idk how they aren't exhausted from this. Oh well. Better to keep on trying I guess.

hardee is blessed self-help guru tonight

also america is ok as long as you dont live in a state full of spics and niggers... like me..

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>have friends
>leave town for ambition
>do not gain new friends
>sink into shitposting
>fail at ambition
>no longer have friends nor ambition
like a shittier version of icarus where his wings are so bad they fall off ten metres in the air and he gets brain damage but survives and becomes a useless fucking deadweight

I'd say just give up at this point man. But good luck to you regardless.
And don't forget having insurance for healthcare, then getting a 60k a year job and it's still fairly shit. God the gun laws are terrible, and don't get me started on the political mess.
Care to elaborate?

It's liberating. How does one socialize though? It seems essential to success, but it carries heavy burdens. Is there a way without those burdens?

im raised by a racist family, and i am racist myself and despise women that date black men but im going on a date with an 8/10 black girl and i feel so hyped. if it goes well id legit consider being serious with her. she's an athlete at college btw.

Eh I've always been a useless piece of shit so I'll try at trying and see how that goes

ok well

i agree the health insurance stuff is pretty shite, i'm really hoping a medicare-for-all bill willl get passed soon over here. the job market i'd say is quite good though, it genuinely does just depend on the company. as far as gun laws go, i really can't say the UK is better than the US. i'd rather have access to guns in order to defend myself against people as opposed to be locked up for carrying a knoife in the street without a license.

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if you're EVER lonely once in your life you're FUCKED

if you ever spam links in threads in your life you're FUCKED

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Well shit. Guess I better socialize then

You came to the wrong thread looking for advice on socializing dude.
I can barely hold a conversation myself rofl.
It *is* essential, you do have to learn to communicate effectively to the correct people who can grant you certain things in life.
Absolutely niggerlicious. You're no racist if you don't hate niggers or whatever. I wish you two the best, and for you to get the hell of my board desu.
Man. With an attitude like that you're setting yourself up for failure; you have to persevere and keep trying-
life isn't NHK where you go outside once and get a gf who loves you and a good job.
At least in the US I can have more of a realistic chance of not getting the equivalent of a toy. I guess the best the UK has to offer is an M4 shotgun that holds 2 shells. Pretty pathetic if you ask me. L115 is expensive as fuck too, and a .50? Man that's like 2 years worth of most people's salary iirc.
>if you're ever lonely once in life you're fucked
A-user kun I....
Please don't be mean user Q_Q

well yeah thats what im on about senpai, the UK gunlaws are shite if i lived here in US and had a green card i could buy myself a slick semi-auto to use any niggers which violated my personal space and thus lawfully execute them because of stand your ground laws :^^)))

also sorry for being mean i didnt mean to be edgy aaa fuck i wont do it again i promise..

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>you have to persevere and keep trying-
life isn't NHK where you go outside once and get a gf who loves you and a good job.

I know. I'm not even an adult yet and shit like this bothers me. How do yall live in the moment?

It's so adorable when you apologise like that.
And yea, shooting some nig should get you some sort of crimefighter award lel
>Not even an adult yet
A-user.. please..
You.. you need to go back...

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Fuck. I need to sleep too. Is it best that I leave this place and attempt at being normal?

hhhHHH i just dont like making people upset.. i just wanna make people happy and when someone says im being mean i get scared..

also big agree
i'd hope to get citizen of the year for that if i did it

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Fuckin hell dude. How did you naturally get such a nice moral code?

How to deal with the aftermath after being scared?

Remember user, you're here for ever. But yes, do try and leave. You may never be truly normal but at least try to become functional.
Don't be scared. Remind me to give you a giant hug when I first see you and make you feel better.
You're my citizen of the year.
kappu is a qt

For me it's something that always sort of lingers and sometimes spikes. Like most of the time i'd say i'm lonely and no matter how i try and distract myself i can always feel it and brief moments of laughter or any kind of enjoyment is pushed down by it if that makes sense. Then sometimes it gets really bad and i kind of soak in it.

it feels like a weight most days and makes it hard to get through the day especially work.
Usually I can just turn the feeling of loneliness into motivation and mild anger, and do something with that.
When not, I'm miserable and I go out for a walk. Not because it helps, but because it tires me out.

i just want to make people happy. making people happy makes me happy. i dont try to larp as an altruist or whatever but it's genuinely how i feel. making people smile and being friends with them gives me a joy that i've pretty much never felt before. it's probably the hrt, because it made me a much more emotional person. but i'm honestly happy for it.
idk usually i will just chainvape my anxiety away or cry for a bit

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Aight, will do. Goodnight robots. Hopefully life stops throwing dogshit at us all and that we won't need to dwell here any longer. Cyall

That's.. sort of an effective method? I'm not sure if tiring yourself out is effective at dealing with loneliness. Do you feel angry a lot? And what do you do with it?
Also, nice song. I'm listening to it now and quite like it. It's a nice change from Grouper all the time.
You are very cute. Imagining making you melt is already cute enough for me.
Night man. Wish you the best.

I thought of myself as having a few good friends, once.
Then, during a rough episode in my life, I've stopped contacting them for about a month and organizing any events (which I usually did for our group), and in that month, none of them have even messaged me at all. That opened my eyes hard, and I haven't initiated anything since. Out of 5 people, only one has eventually contacted me, 4 months later. It's been a year and a half of me being asocial now, no friends no nothing.

thats taking it a little far, dont you think?

You seem rather sweet, here *hugs you tight and pokes your cheeks!*

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People don't take online seriously anymore; they fail to recognise that there are actual people on the end of each screen, it's
saddening honestly. What can you do at the end of the day. I just hope you can cope well with it man. I know just how horrible that feels and what it does to you.
I tease kappu a lot.

I'm so starved for affection. I am depressed and broken. I have not cleaned my room or washed my sheets in ages. I'm so stressed and so lonely. I can't open up to anybody, even family. When I try to put myself out there I try to be confident but no matter how funny or nice I am they can always see right through me. They always know and I'm just so desperate.

I feel the same way. What's got you stressed? The fact you can't open up to others about how you feel? Confidence is something you have to fake until it comes naturally, and you have to bury your feelings away from people.
When a situation gets too stressful for you, don't try to stay and fight it, go take a break and clear your mind.
Man. We're essentially the same way, I'm so sorry you have to go through this.

awaaa... th-thank you.. b-but make sure you only melt me platonically, okay...?
*cuddles* ///w///>

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I will, I promise. And I can't resist teasing you, your reaction everytime gives me a good kick.

eep!! i understand, hardee.. i-i'm glad you get enjoyment out of that.. just dont try anything funny ok?? or i'll get mad...

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Sure thing cutie.
Unrelated, I'm going to go make some breakfast, I'll be right back anons.

have fun, make sure to eat lots of proteins desu

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No, I rarely feel angry, I'm not prone to outbursts or anything. I keep most of my emotions bottled up very well. This is a sort of righteous anger, it feels like going,
>So fucking what if I'm alone? There's a million things I could be doing right now even without other people, and I'm sitting on my ass being a loser cunt using that as an excuse. Get up and give me 20, for starters.
Tiring myself out works because it distracts me. I don't always feel "lonely" when I'm alone, I'm very introverted and comfortable being by myself. So when it comes, a distraction is good enough. It all comes with my personality, I'm very good at coping with negative emotions.
The song I posted perfectly illustrates my feelings in this regard. Glad you liked it, user.
>There's a party in my head
>And no one is invited
It somewhat begins to stink of narcissism, but those are the kind of thoughts I get, and turn them into empowerment.

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>I just hope you can cope well with it man. I know just how horrible that feels and what it does to you.
I'm not doing well at all, to be honest. There's this notion in my mind that I should probably make new friends and try to start a social life again, and I have no idea how to do it at this point. Acting out the role of the active guy, getting people together and finding cool stuff to do and new things to try for years, has got me nothing - nobody gave a shit once I was gone. For a while now, I've come to believe that it's just the way things are - that some people (me included, naturally) don't get to have good friends and/or a girlfriend/family, and have to go at life alone. The question, then, becomes whether or not I am able to bear it, which I seemingly have a lot of trouble with, or desensitize myself to the loneliness... Which means becoming something of a psychopath, I guess? Seems like people shouldn't have to contemplate things like this, but here I am. It's fucked up, and it fucks up my psyche hard. One user in the thread posted that he cries himself to sleep once every few weeks, and it's the same with me. I feel pathetic when I do it, and worthless after. Who even needs a guy like this to be their friend, or s/o? Why bother other people, when I'm more likely to weigh them down than lift them up? Maybe that's the reason I was abandoned by my "friends" in the first place...
These are the kind of thoughts that flood me when I try to think up a way out, without fail.

That's a sad story you've got there. I feel you, but I think you'll get used to it. It's not so bad once you do. All of those possessions lack value if you don't assign them any anyways. Live life the way you want.

Nevermind that's actually a fairly impressive feat. I'm quite proud of you for ascertaining such a high level competency, and a great mindset.
And nothing wrong with some light narcissism, I think everyone can benefit a little from it.
I wouldn't say you're a psycho for being desensetised to loneliness, just sort of apathetic?
Apathy is death, but in today's world for a robot it's all we have left. I mentioned this before in another thread, people like us have to bear the sorrow of others so that they may be happy, and they spite us for it.
I wish I could cry. Being able to have an outburst of emotion like that would be soothing. But I have no feelings anymore, merely apathy remains.
Listen to me, since I tell you this as a friend (whatever that may mean anymore), there will always be someone who needs you, they either find you or you find them, and it always happens at your lowest parts in life.
I guess I'm still suicidal but enough about me.
'Friends' are fairly worthless in today's era. They'll leave you the moment shit hits the fan, and when you are fine people assume you never need help again.
When the voices in your head tell you all these things, just say, 'stop', and try to ease yourself. Listen to music and block yourself from every outside noise.
I wish I could give you advice but I'm in the same situation myself. And I want to be your friend and hopefully we can help eachother.
How do you get used to it user

Realize you don't have to weep or feel bad about nothing. Also time and experiencing it so many times desensitizes you, so that too. Basically, you can start life anew once you've completed the cycle. A fresh new start, however you want. It's like being reborn into a second life. Close your eyes, imagining you're old then waking up.

But I already know this yet I still feel it. No matter how many times I feel it, it feels worse everytime. I had a breakdown yesterday because I was so lonely.

>Nevermind that's actually a fairly impressive feat. I'm quite proud of you for ascertaining such a high level competency, and a great mindset.
Thank you. You've made my morning much brighter.
Do you have problems with loneliness, user? How do you cope?

I'm currently a hikki neet with no irl friends and barely any on the internet.
I have monsters that haunt me and watch my every move, wanting to get inside my head- it's torture. I have strong thoughts to finally end it all. only problem is that my suicide plan requires me to go outside.

Just to rub it in to myself, I'm also

I kinda wish I wasnt alone but in a way I choose to be alone at the same time. I used to be a top tier Brad in high school, had tons of friends, had parties (hosted a few), had a gf, ect. She and I knew each other as kids and were planning on getting married someday. After being together for 7ish years I caught her cheating, she just coldly acknowledged I found out and dumped me on the spot. Most of "our" friends knew, they didnt tell me for some reason. All "our" friends also sided with her so I was left with nobody, I quit church because we went together, everybody there knew and I was to embarrassed to face them. My parents knew something had happened but are pretty bad at dealing with emotions, so we all pretended nothing happened.

I've been alone 7ish years now without friends or gfs of any kind. I dropped out of college and have wageslave during those years so I have no skills really now at 27 years of age. I'm not horribly unattractive (probably 5/10 now because I'm chubby, 7-8/10 if I lost the weight from afking from life for 7 years), nor am I a terrible person despite what happened, I could probably make friends/get a gf if I want.

Anymore though I feel paranoid, like I'll see coworkers talking and instantly assume they are making fun of me or saying its pathetic for me to be working a shitty job at my age. Also unless a girl fell on her face and confessed to me, I would be terrified she was cheating on me because of my past experience. I would probably act super jelous and possessive if I got a gf, or try to convince myself I dont really care about her to shield my feelings for when she inevitably hurts me, I can just say "meh, never really cared about that hoe anyway" even though deep down I know I did. No girl wants to deal with a pathetic guy like that, especially when their "buying power" is at an all time high. So because of my many insecurities I will probably die alone, save for the radon 4chinners that read my posts.

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>I used to be a top tier Brad in high school
Stopped reading there desu. You got the shit end of the normie life, welcome to being a failed normie.
What happened to you sucks no doubt, but you proved you have the ability to make it in the world of norm-norms nonetheless. Please refrain from using this board.

Intimacy seems really far away and intangible like dreams of winning a lottery. Cool to imagine just feels pretty unrealistic. I also see a lot of people that tend to be just as miserable in a relationship even if they say they love the person, so that tends to give me pause. At first I wanted to self improve so that I could attract others, but then I realized that I just want to better than everyone, so I am trying to double down on that. Thanks for the advice though, I will look into that book.

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>Intimacy seems really far away and intangible like dreams of winning a lottery. Cool to imagine just feels pretty unrealistic.
Welp, there it is, there's what I feel like.

do not let the soba pan touch the floor

loneliness is a strange transient feeling for me. when I have interesting things to work on or think about I can be alone for a long time and enjoy it. the world is comfy and quiet while I explore my interests.
I get lonely when I think about how I want to share things with someone. I don't have anyone to share my creativity, thoughts, and questions with. it makes me feel like I'm lost in an empty world. it makes me feel like I can not help people. I long to feel understood but the fear of being misunderstood keeps me from trying again.

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tfw my only friend found himself a new company to hang out with

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I won't user
So you're stuck in the cycle of wanting to reach out and connect but having those connections severed because the person doesn't understand you.
Just have to be around the right people desu, norm-norms aren't the kind of people for anything except funding your neet life.
Such is life I'm afraid. A lot of people see others as nothing more than mediums of entertainment, it's saddening.