I'm black. Can someone explain why so many white men get upset when white women fuck black men...

I'm black. Can someone explain why so many white men get upset when white women fuck black men? How does this affect you? I understand this mostly applies to Jow Forumsfags.

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Black guys put white women on an insane pedestal.

Do we? I have no desire to be with one in particular.

>Jow Forums fags
There's your answer. Virgin incels think they own women.

because we dont like whores and women are rarted. Race mixing is pretty gay, too.

Not actually white here but I think it's the concept of "stealing" women. The idea that white women are the property of white men alone and that a black man doesn't deserve a white woman. I think if i was white I'd be pissed off too. White women are objectively the most beautiful, after all.

Sublings will have degraded IQ and face severe identity issues.

>Not actually white here but I think it's the concept of "stealing" women.
your not whiteness is showing, as its not necessarily the stealing of women thats the problem but rather the extrapolated ongoing consequences of breeding them with monkeys.
>How does this affect you?
dysgenics affects everyone, double digit IQ's of any race breeding (including white+white) only increases the burden on the rest of the future population to the point of collapse.
every white or asian breeding with shitskins brings global brazil closer to reality

because niggers try to belittle white dudes about it. they don't just "do it" and leave it at at that. they turn it into something adversarial "im fucking YOUR bitch." I don't fuck other races of women to belittle the men of their race or gloat or rub it in their faces. but since niggers particularly have this perception that the white man has been keeping them down they see fucking white women as a way to get back at us and denigrate us. a lot of white girls do this too. In and of itself, interracial sex doesn't matter to me.

>your not whiteness is showing
... he literally said he wasn't white. Do you think yourself clever?

In my country we dont have niggers and i laugh everytime i see that shit here

If some white woman gets with a black guy, who cares?

But at this point white women are being depicted in the media as wholesale dumping their own race men to get with black men. And this media depiction is pretty uniform, most of the time you see couples/families in media (or at least advertisements) it's mixed race couples/families, and 9/10 times the mixed race is white women/black men.

Deny it all you want but media and advertising have a powerful effect on people, especially women who have always been more susceptible to social influence. It's the modern day propaganda, and what is that propaganda enforcing? Race mixing of white women/black men, on a massive scale, and it's showing real world results in white women as a result of this propaganda.

It wouldn't even be so bad if white women weren't the voting majority. That should tell you a lot about what you need to know, of why all this white women race mixing media is being shown, and why white women are so pro immigration/refugees/migration. They're being imprinted on by media to accept race mixing, and to seek out black men if they don't have access to them, by way of inviting nonwhite migrant men into white countries. Guess what happens when the male population rapidly and continually increases but the female population stays the same? All the men are going to scramble for the few women and many men are going to lose and not get women, but guess what? That rapid increase of males are foreign nonwhites, so the competition with native whites means a not insignificant amount of nate men won't be able to get native women.

So no wonder they're growing upset.

>... he literally said he wasn't white. Do you think yourself clever?
if this is the future an the internet full of niggers, the whole planet has 10 years left before it grinds to a halt.

let me walk you through in babysteps
>Not actually white here but I think it's the concept of "stealing" women.
so the user states he isnt white, which shows some level of awareness given the OP is an attempt to antagonise white posters into sperging out, not a bad start given what comes next.
as instantly user then defaults to a nigger-tier theory for why white people might not like seeing white women with blacks, "stealing" implying some prerequisite of ownership which he then expands on, a concept foreign to white people in europe outside of established family or matrimonial bonds but a concept understood perfectly among shit coloured people.
viewing any anger shown online as being routed in something as wafer thin as 'yo dis pepo takin yo wymins lmao' is niggertier in itself, its akin to the non white/asian bots thinking that the extent of a robots suffering begins and ends with their ability to get a woman, theyve no concept of viewing a scenario in the 4th dimension, they cant extrapolate one bad decision into an unlimited number of negative consequences the way that smart people do.
>your not whiteness is showing
the joke is that he didnt need to state he wasnt white, as he went on to write a pretty retarded theory.

so why was this comment overlooked, you bitchass nigga? maybe because im right? yea.

Faggots is jealous. Play on player.

Of course, a nigger can't figure out why race traitors are hated. Niggers have small brains.

It's not a problem with white women getting with black men.

It's a problem that it's being depicted and pushed that *all* white women *all* want black men, that even if white women deny it they still secretly want it deep down and would do it if they had the chance. The truth is everyone is an individual and people love who they will love, but this idea that white women as an entire race and gender all openly or secretly crave replacing white men with black men, is absurd and cause for anger.

they want the whole world to be brazil.

You think you're smart but you're a bluepilled clown. The "steal your women" reaction is one that is deeply rooted innately in all humans. The concepts of race traitors and bed wenches prove this. It's not entirely an issue of IQ because asian men hate it when asian women racemix with white men. They're in your tribe and shouldn't be taken by foreign men, that's the mindset. Women feel this way too.

I wouldn't be though. What were formerly white countries would be Brazil, race mixed to all hell and no true white or black people left. No white country left that is not race mixed.

But Africa would still be true and fully black, no race mixing to speak of. They sure as shit aren't pushing race mixing in Africa. Other than advertising encouraging African men to leave to white countries to seek white women.

See my pink penis? It's more aesthetic. It may be smaller, but it's more aesthetic. That is better to look at when it's in a white pussy. You should try being pale and light.

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>It wouldn't be though.

meant to say

Oh yeah, and lick my asshole blackie.

>Do we? I have no desire to be with one in particular.

After being exposed to SJWs who want a 50 inch dick in them every night that shit loses it's appeal. And then say you raped them for not having sex with them because you know they're trying to set you up as if you were Weinstein himself.

Yeah I'm not trying to date that. I wouldn't even pay to fuck one of them. Maybe if you threw a hot one at me, I'd fuck her. But other than that I'd rather be free.

>because we dont like whores and women are rarted. Race mixing is pretty gay, too.

You sound fucking gay.

I bet your into the BBC, hardcore.

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>Objectively the most beautiful

This literally never happens. Wtf are you talking about?

M-m-maybe. No, you're a nigger!

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I have only seen it once in real life as there are very few niggers in my country but it wasn't so much that it upset me but it disgusted me. I can't explain it but there was a visceral disgust, akin to how you might react to bestiality.

You're definitely into dragon cocks then.

I don't put things up my ass, dude. It's not pleasurable whatsoever

>I have no desire to be with one in particular.

I just got tired of the politics around that shit.

I dated an asian girl in college and had an asian guy get fucking furious at us for it. Called her a whore and me a dudebro and all that. I don't think it's just a white thing to be honest.

>It's not pleasurable whatsoever
It'll be painful.

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It's disgusting, black men are disgusting apes.

>It's disgusting, black men are disgusting apes.
Shut up you little fucking slug.

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>Do we? I have no desire to be with one in particular.

You just get tired of being disrespected and driven crazy for no fucking reason.

Yeah I'd fuck one of them but I wouldn't want to have to live with one. I just wouldn't want to be around a racist liar all the time.

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because white people are few in numbers when u compare them to the brown hordes. We are trying to stop our race from turning into a brown cesspool. I literally dont care when i see a girl i like with an attractive, white dude but when she is with a brown person all i can think about is teh gross amerimutt children that will be produced. Its nothing personal.

dont make me pull out the iq and crime stats nigger

>dont make me pull out the iq and crime stats nigger

What is Institutionalized Racism for 500, Alex?

Don't get me started you motherfucker. I can't stand ghetto nigga shit and I can't stand dumbass fucks who can't acknowledge history.

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they are racist, and they feel like "their people" are being taken from them, like they had dibs on all white women, and now someone else has come and taken one that was reserved for other white people.

data without context is easily misinterpreted.

But why are white men praised when they date brown girls?

There are consequences to race mixing beside the usual "the kids are fugly"

Because a white person + a black person = a black person everytime

>they feel like "their people" are being taken from them

Dude after what I found out I'd be mad too.
I lost all respect for white people.
Whites are a Bluepilled Cuck Race.

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I'd rather be black, at least I have legitimate excuses.

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white incels seething

Imagine sharkeisha fucking a chimpanzee
That's actually what it is to us, we just can't admit it irl because we go to the wrong opinion jail

That's a semite/proto-mediterranean
Blacks were the servants in egyptian society and they submitted to their overlords, fuck off

>Blacks were the servants in egyptian society and they submitted to their overlords, fuck off

That was after the Arab invasion though.

I think most of us just find it disgusting
I made eye contact with a coal burner on the train, her boyfriend was a super ugly nigger (theres good looking niggers but not that one) she actually looked down in shame which surprised me, didn't think roasties could even feel shame

I honestly dont care girls who do will reap what they sow

Oh niggers hate it when you date a nigress, her brothers will actually find any excuse to get violent, as niggers often do

of course they do, their whole personality comes from shame and neuroticism

in my case i do not fucking care who fucks whom. But this incels here are truely paranoid and delusional about blacks and black dicks

Without context?

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Jow Forums, Trump, and other similar stuff has affected this generation on a terrible level, at least as bad as the SJW has, and considering the amount of mass shooters that ideology has created possibly worse. Jow Forums will never admit this though.

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Muh Jow Forums
muh mass shootings r bad guise
muh racism is bad because racism is bad

Why do you, a newfag pretend to be an authority on this? Are you just throwing shit out there and hoping it works. Tweaking it until nobody calls you out on your bullshit theory as a way to test how accurate you are?

I understand the natural human urge to explain things and post about it. However when you are wrong other newfags will read it as a fact rather than assume you're just a retard trying to explain things to yourself.

you sound defensive and insecure, calling me a newfag to invalidate the fact that anything I say might remotely be true.

>muh mass shootings r bad guise

listen to yourself

You're a newfag. It happens all the time. You newfags come here for the fun and games and then get freaked out when you reality hits you in the face. You tell people to kill themselves and suddenly you're watching a live stream of a lard ass in a pink mask blow his brains out. Suddenly telling that guy to kill himself is wrong and bad.

Honestly, I have to agree. At least ameri-whites and western Europe, to lesser degree. Slavs are the true white descendants, we haven't yet lost our heritage, have not turned to spineless white cucks yet either.

Whities in America are treated nowadays like a second class citizens, in Slavlandia we bully the ( admittedly stubborn ) minorities out of towns, since gov won't lets us take care of them anyway, but the sentiment of "white land for white people" is thankfully alive and well, stil. Beta-Whites call us racist for this approach lol.

I wish I could get a group of friends together to beat the shit out of foreigners over stepping their lines. When you do that shit in western Europe or U.S. you automatically become on the same level as a terrorist plotting to kill a thousand people.

Because mixed race babies are ugly as fuck and they all got problems plus 90% of the time the nigga leaves anyway so you end up with an ugly mutt with mental problems and a single mom wine aunt.

I like niggers fucking white sluts. Because I hate both niggers and white girls and I am happy to see white guys butthurt and angry. lol I'm from South Korea.

Good question.
This is common to all races, actually, and has a lot to do with subconscious mechanisms.
One is inherint "threat" detection we possess, i.e. even as babies, we detect other foreign races unlike our race as threats.
Think back to tribal times, stone age, do u think tribes race mixed? Nope.
Who survived? Those who feared the "other" who would likely kill them for looking different.

Next is the basis of "smelling" another person for genetic compatibility.
To me, other races smell "odd" (ability to smell pheromones), and fellow white people smell pleasant.
This, likely (for other people where it's more unconscious), leads to unconscious wariness of other races.

Next, is the point that "race mixing" is in itself a betrayal of an "intrinsic tribal identity", your race, and this is objectively true.
You are intrinsically of said race group, i.e. the in-group, and are objectively betraying the "in group" for an "out group".
This is an archetypal "error" in terms of ingrained archetypal brain structures for how humans regard socialization (groups, in/out groups, etc).
Race is an intrinsic identifier that one acquires even without langauge. Just having our senses creates that differentiation; into "these are my people" (in group) and "these are not my people" (out group).
It is our nature to generalize, identify patterns, and to categorize.

So, race mixers are violating a deep seed unconscious category that everyone formed early in their life, and are betraying their in-group.

There is also a related idea in terms of genetics, and how blacks are objectively inferior in terms of average IQ potential (genetic markers).
Mixing with the objectively inferior race is... sad, and is like they're rebeling because of daddy issues ghat run to their core (the "race" being the "archetypal" father figure they're "betraying" as to spite).
So, all race-mixing women of your race is like a symbol of your race failing, and as a betrayal of the in-group.

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I do feel sorry for you. People like you, who have not yet lost their balls get silenced by the cuck mob in your country.

Ahem, came here to say:
Go back to Africa nigger

Based and Kpopilled

based blacks. please keep fucking their women and having babies with white women. I'm sick of the racist whites.

based roof korean

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>why so many white men get upset when white women fuck black men
It's a tribal thing. Also, you guys aren't exactly known for being present fathers.

I'm far from being based. I just hate blacks. Their low intelligence, violence and unpleasant b.o from their gorilla bodies, their Tyre color skin and huge lips. So I hate blacks. To me, aesthetically, blacks are disgusting. If it's racism to say that disgusting beings are disgusting, hating poop is poop racism? I do not know the difference between black women and orangutans. The black men are gorillas, though.