Enter your bedroom and see this

what do you oreganily do?

Attached: whitegirlfeet.webm (640x482, 1.98M)

fuck her. because im not gay

Originananally this

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>not nosediving into those soles

I would immediately call the cops on her ass for home invasion like a normal person.

Not a fan of nail polish desu. Especially not red.

impale her with my english longsword

>Hello Ma'am, may I help you?
>Proceed to lewd.
>More lewding.
>Confess undying love.
>Wake up.

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OP can you explain why girl's feet smell good? I honestly dont know why. But they just do

I fucking hate feet, they are gross. Still I'd probably pin her legs with my forearm and use my free hand to tickle-torture her feet into submission, maybe wiggle a feather between her toes and stuff. I love using people's weaknesses against them, I want to defeat them, I want to hear them shriek, flail and beg for me to stop until they nearly pass out and sob, unable to breathe. Then I want to laugh at them, pointing towards their semi-broken visage and mocking them for being so sensitive, as if God made their body to be nothing more than a play-thing, powerful enough to run a marathon, lift weights and tackle almost all known species yet extremely sensitive to even the lightest physical sensations that they are no match for an onslaught of lethal tickle-attacks. I want to nibble on their toes and make them curl up by reflex but then use my fingertips to keep them restrained so I can lightly lick under them, I want to teach them that their body belongs to me, wahahahahaha!!

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>I want to nibble on their toes and make them curl up by reflex but then use my fingertips to keep them restrained so I can lightly lick under them
>they are gross

quit lying. even if you dont have a foot fetish, a girls feet need to look good. its like a girls eyes. We all like pretty eyes and I appreciate good feet. Idk about the sexual stuff but pretty feet are nice

I agree with this anonymous poster

fuck the shit out of her feet

>imagine those toes wrapped around your dick

i just want some fucking white girl feet on my dick why is it so much to ask

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dont we all
white girl feet is just another level

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its too fucking good its a curse

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>tfw never get to shoot your ropes on a white girls soles and toes

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Start kissing her soles.

if i dont fucking erupt all over cute white girl feet before i die then i havent truly lived

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