Why is there so many nigger lovers? is it a psyops or are white people really that fucking dumb?

why is there so many nigger lovers? is it a psyops or are white people really that fucking dumb?

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Jew ops


most people are perfectly fine and don't actually care.

cool, 2 shekels have been deposited into your account

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Is this the GETS thread maybe?

>anyone I don't like is a jew
what's living like this like?

this thread has been blessed by yugi
im not a poltard i was just playing along with fp

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The "liberal media" think that this place is a nazi underground and are "subverting it" in the name of "rap music"

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there are various groups from both reddit and discord that come here to push their agendas and try to influence whites, tranny threads, black girlfriend threads sissy threads etc

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Think with your brain for once in your fucking life.

Who the fuck do you mean by "Liberal Media"? Don't be so fucking vauge, you can never grasp a reason with such a vauge villain.
Why the fuck would the "Liberal Media" go through all of the trouble of subverting this place with Rap Music? Why not just shut it down? Do you think they're unable to? The government took down double chan by simply spooking the owner.

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da sjds asjdioas asd

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aeo aeo origawooo

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I've said too much already, meet me at the bowling alley this tuesday. Tell them N sent you.

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The sad thing is those poor animals think their threads are not obvious and forced.
Do they actually think they are any different from the people here if they are willing to spend most of their precious time posting their garbage? poor teens.

Propoganda through text means nothing and will never mean anything due to this one simple fact:

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no one cares

I did, what about it nigger?

that's really fucking autistic user not gonna lie

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I don't know if people are falling for it, but it seems like there's suddenly a lot more of them than there were before

if you and one other dude were left alive after the apocalypse, and he was a black dude, you'd probably get along alright. you wouldn't say "wow he's got a 4x greater chance of murdering me than a white would", because there would be no whites; you'd judge the actual chance and weigh it up against being alone forever, and you'd suck it up and deal with him because the chance would be a tiny percentage.

i think people understand this, and they think racism is wrong because the percentages for any individual are really low and they don't sympathise with a more systemic view of race, as they're enculturated by norms that suppress racial identity to boost economic growth and dampen race conflict.

what do you think, op?

its a friendly reminder to whites that you will never hate them as much as they hate you

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The race of the future is Filipino, Chang Yee-Jones von Eppestein.

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>I have to share the planet with a nigger
Absolutely not.

I think you're mixing us up with people who are actually racist or dislike blacks, I think the OP is referring to the literally constant cuck spam that black dudes are doing on at least 3 boards that I know of. There's boards I just don't visit any more because it's just not avoidable, i.e. /b/. Kinda just fucking shits up the place.

oh, if we're talking about just Jow Forums then it's a combination of trolling, discord faggotry, mental illness, and raiding, all at the same time

>Absolutely not.
Absolutely the Zionist plan says so. You guys are gonna be forced to breed with everyone. The race of the future is gonna be Chinese, Indian, African, and Latin American.

This isn't my idea. It's Sentaor Kikensteins idea.

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what said
i don't hate niggers, i just hate the people who spam nigger threads everywhere

oh and i think black skin is unappealing to the eye, that's why i called white guys that spam niggresses dumb. That doesn't mean that i hate niggers i just don't find them attractive in the slightest
also sorry if my english is wonky and sometimes redundant, im chilean

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Fuck off cuckcord faggot

Also Ms. Swan is helping Senator Kikenstein implement the plan.

i don't love blacks but my GF sure does

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absolutely, totally and unequivocally based

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ah so this is what true pleasure looks like

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you're wasting your time in this thread you know?

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wow! can you believe this?

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user i live in the ghetto, i've seen actual black men from the hood, and the ones in your pictures do way less heroin and have way more teeth than is strictly realistic

i wouldn't be so sure, user!

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>i wouldn't be so sure
whatever you say, this is your last (you)

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that's okay, user. i enjoyed talking!

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Damage control to the max

have a great night, user!

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Its really fucking disgusting how these faggots use the internet as a means of controlling others and spreading their agenda is such a way. They consider raids to be actual raids. They're all power seeking neurotic faggots who genuinely believe that they can use instant communication as a tool to gain power over everyone.

These kinds of people are always late to the party. If they had done this 15 years ago it might have worked.

Why do you pretend to not be ass mad when you clearly are?

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no reason to be mad! we're all friends here.

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This is such shit logic though. If the only animal left alive was a chimp i'd be friends with it too. Doesn't mean I want it walking around our cities.

good thing there are plenty of black bulls in the suburbs!

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When will you realize Canadian cock is superior? How can leftists trannies even compete?

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Nothing pisses me off more than the kind of person who would actually shill their political agenda for any reason other than keks.

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it's good to have confidence in yourself and your own abilities!

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I just don't get it. What kind of person do you have to be to do such a thing?

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Any ideas on why anyone would do it? Are the angry? Do they really believe they are making a difference? Do they think they are better than others because they store cuckold porn to spam at da evil racists

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Yeah, this is where it should end friend

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i'm sorry for my low quality posting!

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user just ignore them, stop replying to this thread and let it die

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you cannot kill human nature; we will always seek pleasure first!

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He's probably off jerking his little weewee off to the idea of bashing fascism with his used goods gf.

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No, i'm not going to let him kill the thread. I haven't replied to him once. LOL just continue on with the normal thread but ignore the ass hurt faggot.

why does she look so happy here?

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They're fetishists who have looked at too much internet pornography and sought out ever more gonzo genres until they settled on this crazy idea that having sex with a black person is the most insane taboo thing you can possibly do and it irrevocably changes your life forever wow can you imagine if your mom had sex with a black guy woah...

Why does an actress behave for a camera

Thanks for the candid amateur photographs this is such an intimate act and I can clearly see the immense pleasure this has for the woman btw black men are not human beings and I completely objectify them into being sexual machines for me to die under

no problem at all!
really glad to bee of help

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I asked you a question you sarcastic ass hole can you fucking try to respond to me like a person and not one of your bbcs

I think the highest quality chocolate bars are all manufactured in burkina faso

i don't think she was acting :)

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What it like being the least desirable race on the planet?

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People with extreme anger issues like to vent their frustration with life by posting niggers and white people. It makes them feel good because they get to defile something without crossing the dangerous normie acceptability line. If they could get away with it, they'd be flinging shit at the Washington monument in anger and jealousy. They just want to get back at people they deem better than them.

white women deserve the pleasure that only black men can provide

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dude how fucking ignorant and braindead are you? you know virtually all pimps are black, and the reason why they dont want black clientell is because niggers dont pay often, cause problems, or flip the girl to work for them

literally black pimps say to the girl not to work with other blacks because they are scared that the black guy will convert her over to his prostitute stable

seriously, all these ignorant retards who post this picture trigger me

You mean this type of pleasure

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