>moms stupid bitch friend is in the kitchen
>won't fucking leave so I can get something to eat
I hate women
Moms stupid bitch friend is in the kitchen
hook up with her faggot
Give her the dick
MILFs love the dick
>not banging her just out of your mom's sight
I support all last 3 replies
I hate this shit too. I have to pass through the living room to reach both the kitchen and bathroom so whenever some normalfaggot guest comes over to small talk for a millennia I basically can't go for a piss or eat for that entire time.
Why? You cant bear a conversation with a family friend cowboy?
I don't particularly like interacting with people, let alone strangers and the thousandth consecutive distant relative that seems to barge through the door on a whim. All of them are normalfags who will take one look at me and (probably correctly) assume I'm socially non-functioning. I also don't want to be kept awkwardly sitting there having to be equitable and polite with some forced introductions while I wait for hours on end inattentively listening to their inane small talk looking for an opportunity to leave the room. No one likes to be bored to death, especially me.
A) even the most stupid person still have some interesting stories.
B) Idk but since you sound so smart, I would think you would have figured that sometime you gotta let go and just enjoy the conversation even if it isn't to your standards. I mean try to genuinely care about their stuff and you'll probably learn some stuff!
I'm def not a pro at small talk nor enjoy it. But I wouldn't stop myself from going somewhere called home if somebody will talk to me. idk?
>even the most stupid person still have some interesting stories.
They might be interesting to some, certainly not to me though. I have an extremely narrow field of interests and none of them have been dabbled in by any of the people who take to visiting my house
> I would think you would have figured that sometime you gotta let go and just enjoy the conversation even if it isn't to your standards
I'm afraid I can't emulate your ability to warp my psyche on command to find anything enjoyable, as convenient as that would be.
>I'm afraid I can't emulate your ability to warp my psyche on command to find anything enjoyable
Well are you depressed?
user are you autism, borderline, or otherwise retarded?
I'm just gonna guess you're under 20 or a pathetic manchild who never learned to socialize.
It really isn't too far outside of normal human activity to cook some shit while some middle aged bimbo talks at you. This is a sad thread.
Comon answer me!
No, I'm at the very least content. It surprises me how entertaining a computer and monitor can really be at times, it makes the shut-in lifestyle much more accessible than it used to be.
I spent most of my childhood trying to socialise then I came to realise that forcing myself to interact with the mundane wasn't beneficial for a mindset like mine. I don't want to be talked to by a middle aged bimbo nor do I desire to cook when it isn't necessary to survive (for the moment).
At least you're (sort of) self aware.
Also that egotism is hilarious. A mindset like yours has quarantined your pathetic corpus to your mothers free rent while other men go out and accomplish shit. The mundane socialites have supplanted you, user. You're just lucky survival isn't a contemporary problem. But at any rate making a PC your best friend you're probably gonna an hero within the decade anyways. Godspeed.
Well idk what to say man, Maybe you're really anti-social but I really wonder why. Especially since you not a retard. You got a good vocabulary, which to me shows (but doesn't mean for sure) that you have an once of a brain therefore, I'm surprise you can't simply interact with people that does not share any "interesting" similarities
I'm sorry, this may have been too harsh. Please don't kill yourself hermit-user
>Shameless as fuck
>Walk around the house in my underwear without a shirt on, letting my man tits and gut feel the breeze, even while people are over
>Mother has friend over, leave my room to grab some soda and make a sandwich
>Turn to enter kitchen, friend's daughter who is my age sees my in my full fatfuck glory
>Her faces turn red as a beet
>Get food and leave
Grow a pair
whats your probIem dude
I'm a bipolar semi-sadist
They can accomplish what they desire to, I don't derive any sort of pleasure from any form of achievement and I never had any ambition for that to occur either. I'm simply capable of entertaining myself for a longer period with much less to work with than a vast majority of people. I'm also not so impressionable or weak-willed that I'd fall victim to whatever mental condition would affect a less introverted soul who would be made to experience my lifestyle. If anything the only periods of melancholy I've had during my life have been when I was foisted into social events and occasions where it was evident I didn't belong.
Even if they did demonstrate similarities the notion of talking and having to burden myself with keeping them occupied and intrigued is too much pressure in itself. The PC, meanwhile, for next to effort, provides me an instant, constant source of entertainment with no challenge or pressure. Might not befit you but it was almost designed with me in mind.
I think you're overthinking things. Nobody really pays enough attention to individuals at social events to the point where they make it evident that such an individual does not belong.
Anyhow, if you're content you're content. But I can't help but pity your developmental trauma and existential nihilism
It's kind of funny how that's soundlike me when I'm on mushroom.
Sociable people are more observant than you'd think, they may appear polite and charitable on the surface but when it comes to mentally designating you with a position on their internal social ranking system, they're more than adept. If they never interact with you in the first place then they have much less source material to work with, only potentially being able to denote you as unsociable. I'm by no means a nihilist, I think the purpose of human life is to be entertained by any means necessary (as long as you're not infringing on the agency of others to do so). I just happen to entertain myself by other means than is thought typical.
This is more of a subconscious process than a conscious one. Psych PhD here.
Their external and internal perception of my defining characteristics are equally relevant. Either way I'm not going to make the expense effort of providing them more material for them to judge me for, they can work off my lack of engagement instead.
Which means you know that ultimately you have stuff that they will judge you on. What are you
ashamed off
I'm not ashamed of much of what I do, but I'm well aware that my manner of conducting myself will raise eyebrows. Sitting in my room benefits them as much as it benefits me, since I wouldn't be at risk of killing the atmosphere by being a largely stationary, unresponsive body only nominally present in the occasion.
Just say hello politely then ignore them you spastic
But don't you think that sitting in your room raise an eyebrow
>Just say hello politely then ignore them you spastic
You live there, assert your right to cook soup while she's there.
Yes, but regardless of whether I'm in my room or in the living room attempting to shovel out stock conversational lines they'd have an outstanding judgement on my character, that judgement will be either slightly or significantly less negative if they can't interact with me though, I'm just taking the route with less risk and more result whenever it's accessible.
Okay, but taking the easy route isn't pussying out? I think regardless of their judgement you should promote yourself.
Sure, but I never consider leaving in the first place (unless we return to the original subject of if I need to eat or use the bathroom) so it's more of an ingrained trait than it is a dilemma every time the scenario occurs. If I thought it'd benefit my situation immensely to "promote myself" then I'd do it, but it isn't remotely relevant to advancing my lifestyle and I'm not nearly charismatic enough to appear radiant when I enter the room or open my mouth.