I wanna marry a fembot!
I wanna marry a fembot!
Can't you settle for ferrying a manbot?
No thats not the same, fembots need us to marry them, jordan peterson told me so last night
Marry me, user! I just want to be a stay-at-home mom
dont ever do this.
Okay but you have to be an actual fembot and not a disgusting tranny faggot!
Am a bio female. So how do we go on from here?
where do you live fembot? It will be easier to find you a roboot husband if the distance isn't such an obstacle
Literally why? They're just regular roasties with more mental illnesses. Worse yet is the fact they attentionwhore in this shithole.
Now is the part where you email my hastily created throwaway!
(We have to do this part first before we do the you reply to me a dozen times with 3-6 word sentences then ghost me part so just sit tight I know youre eager, we will get there)
I wouldnt mind talking to ya if your from Cali user
Same user ;///// it seems like it is such a far away dream nowadays
Im from Texas sorry! Have been to Cali many times not gonna lie its complete shit!
Not her but im in arkansas. Literally no decent guys in my area so no bf
tfw no boston gf to get pizza and play video games with
Anywhere near Texarkana? Ill come visit you if you promise to marry me immediately and unconditionally with zero regard for sensible decision making
One day I'll finally begin self-improvement and a few short years later I'll be ready to marry a fembot!
hi fellow MA user
>tfw no berkshire county gf to get lost in the mountains with
make sure you values and goals align, otherwise it's just a waste of time for both of you.
Europe. That is true. You are probably not in Europe :(
Give me attention fembots! I have wonderful surprises for you!