if you can eliminate one race in this timeline, what would it be?
For me? Niggers.
if you can eliminate one race in this timeline, what would it be?
For me? Niggers.
dwarves or elves
exactly. fucking niggers. niggers never change.
Jews my dude
Most people ignore the fact muslims and jews are practically the same garbage. Ever wondered why the shitholes of the world are Africa and Latinamerica? Africa, spain and portugal were conquered by muslims. The muslim mutts form portugal and spain conquered latin america. There you go.
Not all blacks, not all spics, I know. Its their shitty sandniggger genes.
Someone please go back in time and kill sandniggers
I would only pick homo sapiens. Sorry, humans gotta go.
I don't think I would eliminate a race.
the virgin "i wouldn't eliminate a race" vs the chad "kill all races"
>if you can eliminate one race in this timeline, what would it be?
Pajeets. Absolutely disgusting people.
And lose the wealth of images like the one you just posted? Fuck that. Keep em'
Whatever those Dominican mongrels are supposed to be.
Killing jews would make a whole lot more difference.
Not one person even posted a race in the thread yet. You all are based retards
G*rmans desu
Aint germans an ethnicity?
retarded picks
the tour de france
Fucking indians. There are a couple of middle eastern men that I would spare for the sake of genetics, but the middle east and islam and shit is all so fucked up that they should have stayed as a colony.
>if you can eliminate one race in this timeline, what would it be?
>For me? Niggers.
wowoo what?
Jaws? But that was a good movie
Of course it would be a fucking niggers
id eliminate all non-vegans
nasim would agree
Let's just wipe Hispanics off the board.
Definitely white people. I think whites should be rounded up and murdered. They are a demonic plight, a major threat that makes everyone else look human.
Whites need to be culled en masse
The sad part is how many will take the bait. Even worse, user might be completely serious.
>Possible choices:
>Pajeets, gross, perverted, shit in streets, and absolutely uncivilised
>Jews, pernicious social manipulators who seem to care more about subverting other races than improving their own
>Muslims, absolute barbarians who behead people they disagree with. Belong in the 11th century, not the 21st
>Chinks, sociopathic emotionless dogeaters who are fucking up the enviroment and fucking with genetic splicing shit in ways that should never be done
>Niggers, unintelligent groupthinkers who seem largely incapable of individual thought
t b h niggers seem like the least worst. They may be retarded as hell but at least they aren't evil or deliberately backwards in the ways that other races are. Imo either jews or muzzies are the worst, chinks are pretty bad too though.
God i wish kashii was my bf
I am serious, that demon shouldn't be given a chance to show its face. The only way to accomplish that is through the cleansing of white people. They are all infected.
>being this pedantic
Jews, all the Jews.
The Jews are no fucking fun to be around. They're nasty fucking people and they just suck.
>Pedantic is not accepting a religion as a race
My go to excuse anytime I fuck up now.
Hard pick between indians and arabs/Middle easterners
But I'm going arabs, they are overall less respectful and are too uncivilized when they immigrate unlike
before i was thinking that jews were the worst but now i've decided that i wanna get rid of whatever race you belong to, tard boy
*Unlike the rich indians that comer to europe to open shops they are actually 3rd worlds tier and go around screaming gibberish while listening to terrible 2008 edm sounding arabic bullshit, kill all of them desu let the jews be happy
just brown people in general, theres too many and they all cheat in multiplayer videogames like the sub 40 IQ rape babby mongrels they are
Hood niggers in tracksuits have a very very backwards culture, I still take them over pajeets and achmeds though
Not anymore, the government has betrayed their people, and no longer claims them as such
It's human to own your mistakes. That's why you have parents. Thanks tho!
Why does every race but whites and blacks use hacks in fps games
A lot of shitskins have this opinion unironically. Imagine being uplifted from your mud huts where you sat around spreading AIDS all day until the wildlife killed and ate you and a simple cut would lead to a fatal illness that your primitive voodoo shaman witch doctor's herbal powders couldn't cure. The White man doesn't treat you as his equal, because compared to him you are an animal. But he has infinite compassion, and so he simply treats you as a child, as an uneducated, uncivilized savage. Which you are. But he is generous, and so he grants you civilization. You go from a mud hut to a brick house. With running water (instead of having to walk 50km a day to get water from a well), plumbing, electricity and all the other modern marvels. He builds roads for cars, he builds business. You are able to walk down a nice paved sidewalk in your brand new shoes wearing a nice cotton shirt. In return, he expects you to work to earn this civilization and reaps some of the natural resources of the land in exchange for his Promethean gift. Of course, you are a filthy fucking nigger so you're not happy with this. It's not enough. You need him to treat you as an equal, having been given the entire world is not enough. You believe you deserve to drink from the same fountains, use the same restrooms, etc. Because you're an uppity child. And then he grants you these freedoms and you drive him out of the country he built for you, squander your gifts and return to living in squalor. Despite that, you are still living infinitely better lives than your ancestors did. But the white man is EVIL.
Jews or arabs tbqh
Good post, should be pasta if it isn't already
Empathy and compassion is the white race's biggest weakness and it will be their downfall. I guarantee muslims/chinks/niggers will not reciprocate when whites become >10% of the global population
The southern europeans will flee to south america while the brown smegma loving germans, swedes etc will get beheaded and raped by googly eyed Incest babby niggers
Hey i don't like the smegma i just tolerate it
t. swedish twink
400m race. Tests neither endurance like 800m nor sprinting like 100m. It's like a retarded child of two famous and renowned parents that never gets brought up
Underrated, you wont go unnoticed
entirely based, and somehow original? what, have we never talked about lord of the fucking rings on this board?
All primates. Can't risk humanity coming back.
jews really, once you eliminate them, all of the worlds problems would fix themselves
>no forced migration under a false pretense of there being "war"
>woman being women and men being men with no jewish backed feminism to poison the minds and disrupt the family unit
>no muslims
>no christianity
>hinduism and shintoism would be the dominant religion as they are free from jewish influences
>everyone stays in their country and is homogenious like japan and still get to appreciate other cultires without forcing it down our throats and expect us to be tolerant of it
and much much much much more that I could go on about but you get the idea
God damn this post is so fucking based
they'll naturally bring back global segregation because birds of a feather, leaving whites with that small ethnostate of their own. everybody wins, really.
Indians because they shit everywhere and the are way worse than Chinese in a healthsystem.