>b me
>mom diagnosed with cancer in february
>she's basically house ridden
>can't spend time with her
>have conversations about my mental health with her and how how affected I'd be by her death
>spends her last 2 weeks in the hospital
>she died today
How do I cope Jow Forums? What do I do now? I just want my mom back.
B me
user IDK what to say or if it will ever be okay. All i can suggest is maybe grieving with current family if you have any and just remember your mother probably wouldn't have wanted you to be crippled by her death.
No need to feel sad. All women are whores, your mother included. It's a good thing that another died.
Unironically kill yourself faggot
look lad make sure you don't fall into a deep deep depression. Im sure your mother wants you to be happy
I think you have some agression problems to work on fren
She's never gonna come back though. My dad died of a heart attack when I was 12. It was sudden, no warning whatsoever, just one day my dad died and I had to live with it. That was 17 years ago, at this point I've lived more of life without my dad than with it. You'll have to find a way to cope with it. I had lots of people around me providing support, that helped. Learning how to enjoy things again was the hardest part. I was depressed for a long time simply because I felt like enjoying anything meant I didn't miss my dad anymore.
wew lad, you might need therapy more than op does
I'm sorry user, I wish I could give you a hug.
Unironically hope you get your face slammed into wall
my older step brother lost his mom too a few years back, but he came back from it noticeably stronger and more independent. im not saying your mom passing away is a good thing, but i would grieve for a good while and become familiar with your newfound independence.
>tldr, bad shit happens, retaliate against nature by being the best man that you can be
sorry user, if I could, id give you a big bro hug. keep your head up and find peace in doing things in your life that would have made her proud and happy.
good luck brother.
Move on with life user. Lost both mine this year. Still sorting shit out but it will happen eventually.
I don't know why you're getting downvoted. You're right, females are soulless creatures and nobody should miss them.
>crying after your mom dies
>wonders why he's a beta
Oh boo hoo she's not gonna bring you tendies anymore. Grow the fuck up.
If Helene died, I would be only glad. For some people, if they died then I would be sad that I can't torture them, but for Helene, I would be glad if she was dead. I hate her, and she deserves to burn in hell with the rest of them, but if she skates by it somehow than I will be glad not to ever wonder if one day I might question whether or not I was correct to feed her to the botflies on which my piezo-wriggler anal implant is obviously modeled. Equally obviously, I will be correct to send her into that, but it would be a burden lifted from me never to have to wonder about it.
100% samefag, nice one tubby
I'm sorry fren. I can't say I know what you're going through, and from friends I know who have gone through it, it's never going to be the same again, and you'll always miss her, but it will get easier in time. The pain will be there but little by little you will find things to smile about again.
Self described alpha Chad here. You're a cunt
>self described
Well you didn't earn the title that's for sure. Anyone who relys on their parents in any way past the age of 18 is a leech.
really sorry to hear that dude. it's gonna be one of the hardest, if not THE hardest thing to deal with in your life. you'll need to be strong, but that doesn't mean bottling up your feelings; allow yourself to feel sad and mourn. the pain will never go away completely, but in time you'll start to feel better. good luck user, sending hugs your way if you want them
Loving your parents is a great asset in life. I'm lucky to have amazing parents. You don't need to rely on them to mourn the shit out of them. Also, I can bench more than you
>Loving your parents is a great asset in life.
and a great way to be manipulated by them
>I'm lucky to have amazing parents.
Good for you?
>You don't need to rely on them to mourn the shit out of them.
Yes, you do. To mourn and be sad about someones death shows you deeply care about them, opening yourself to manipulation by them. If you rely on someone for emotional or financial support, you are subservient to them.
>Also, I can bench more than you
What does this have to do with anything?
hey op. i had a pretty bad day and honestly this made it worse. my life is in a constant downward spiral and my mother is one of the only things keeping me alive. anytime i feel like an hero i just drink a lot. drinking helps.
>What does this have to do with anything?
me being alpha, faggot
You sound like you have bad parents and now you're bitter. The notion that parents only exists to manipulate shows that you have no argument and are, in fact, the real beta.
Nah fuck you
Sorry OP I know this is hard, time will heal as it always does though, hang in there fren it gets better
Fuck the closest to that for me is losing my uncle. I couldn't imagine how devastated i would feel if one or both of my parents died. I feel you from one user to another.
You're kinda wrong. My father died when I was ten, didn't really affect me all that much. The family members who were sad were all taken advantage of.
Funeral homes charging an arm and a leg to my grieving mother.
Sister turned to drugs.
Just don't be weak and stop caring so much.
You'll make it through eventually, with time.. Keep the things she taught and the memories you made together close.
Who hurt you user?
Can you honestly say the same about your mother if she died?
Surprisingly, I'm not the only non-normalfag on this board. Shocker, I know.
I managed to get through my dad dying when I was young. I think though, when my Mom goes that's gonna be it. I don't think I'll be able to survive it.
Just how it is.
Absolutely. Mother's a dumb whore, both sisters are lying whores, and 99.9% of all women I've ever met are useless, mentally deficient nitwits.
Your life sounds harder than mine, so I wish you the best, for what it's worth. However, a funeral home extorting a grieving family is a completely different conversation than mourning your loved ones. Having healthy relationships with your parents isn't a bad thing, but it requires both parties to put in effort. I mentioned my own relationship with my parents as a first hand example that they don't only try to manipulate me and make my life worse. So when they will die, I'm gonna mourn. It doesn't mean I'm weak, it means I care
>Anyone who relys on their parents in any way past the age of 18 is a leech.
So sorry user. F for your mom.
I don't know what else to say. Things get easier with time.