I'm listening

Hello there, user. You all seemed to appreciate it last night, so I'm back to listen to any and all of your issues and dole out some mediocre advice. Relax on the proverbial couch and lets do it.

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I quit CS at uni after my 1st and it's been away at me ever since. My brain just couldn't understand advanced recursion and i completely failed to code a minesweeper in PyGame by myself. Did i make the right choice in quitting?

My penis is small.

Original Original Original

Well, first I'm sorry to hear about you not doing so hot at coding. But, I think you may have made the right choice. It's often difficult to recognize when we're not good at something. If you tried your best and recognized that it just wasn't your cup of tea, then I don't think you have anything to worry about. Do you know of any alternative types of things you might want to try if you ever give uni another shot?

As much as it can hurt your ego, I don't think it's the end of the world. If there's guy's out there that get married that are paralyzed from the waist down, then you shouldn't worry too much about your dick size. Also, don't listen to the internet when it comes to these things and don't give porn too much credit. The kind of women that obsess over dick size aren't the types you want anyways, so fuck them.

Not really, I'm going for an economincs/business degree, but that's just because i feel it'd raise my chances of moving out of the shithole i currently live in. Automation is a wildcard that i feel is really going to fuck me over though.

How do I stop being a glutton. I'm not that bad, maybe 190 pounds at 6'0 but i'd like to be more handsome. how do i resist temptation

talk to a psychiatrist about it and they'll prescribe you some drugs that might curb your appetite.

I wouldn't worry about automation too much. I still think we're quite a ways off from it completely replacing those types of work. Even if it's reliable, it has to get past the "I don't trust machines to do human work" kind of crowd. It's good you're still in school for something. Even if you don't get a job in the particular field, just having a degree looks good in general.

I found community college easy as there wasn't anything else going on in my life. I tried university during my move-in with a roommate 30 minutes away. I took night classes as driving that long in the morning, plus parking at university was a hassle. I found nothing at the campus to get involved in, even though that's what they boosted about the most. Most of the events or clubs where about cultures or careers, nothing basic to actually get involved in. Still being undecided, I took a history course load with computer science and spanish. Computer science interested me, but it was time-consuming for little amount of points that it didn't matter to finish all of it. I just ended up not being interested in continuing as I had no reason or passion for anything. I just need time to decide what I actually want and actually act like an adult, but that could cost me to lose my scholarship. I went to counselors before as it was a requirement for my scholarship, but they just pointed me to the basic of my interests (like history) or told me to research jobs.

This man is an imposter.

I wouldn't go straight to drugs. There's no miracle weight loss drug or anything. First thing I'd look at is portion size. A lot of the time, you can still eat all the delicious, tempting foods you want, you just need to watch how much. Some things you can do is not eat out as much, and make food at home. Since it's work to make the food, you won't make as much and therefore won't have as much to eat. Also, it's a little thing, but eat slowly. The slower you eat and give it time to settle, a lot of the time you'll fill fuller and won't crave more. Also, drink lots of water. If you get a craving to eat some donuts or something, drink a glass, and it'll a lot of the time help stave off the craving.

It's hard figuring out what you want to do for the rest of your life. But I think what may help is if you look at it like, choosing your degree isn't necessarily choosing your future career. Sure, it may play a part, but as I told the other gentlemen, just having a degree in anything at all is impressive and can open up doors. For now I would just major in something very general. Take business or accounting or something boring. You can keep your scholorship, and you can take a few electives or something to help you explore possible minors or interests you may have. Even if you get into something you don't like, having the degree will give you solid footing for a job that (even if you hate it) could pay for you to go back and major in something else.

Cheers m8 ill take this into account

I hope it works out, man. It takes a lot of willpower to lose weight and eat healthy, but I know you can do it.

wow, came here just to see how this site board was like and found an advice to simething that was worrying me for quite a while, thanks man

I constantly overthink and I hate when my workplace place talk about me when I'm not there, and people act different when I'm around. I once had an argument with a coworker and people were cautious around me. Then I had to apologize and tell him about why I was upset with him, I noticed people patronizing me and make me feel like I'm a sensitive person. It gets me pissed off that people cant leave me the fuck alone.

in the last few months i have gone from a NEET who did nothing day after day to now having a full time job and have moved out of my moms house. but now i dont really know how to proceed in my life.

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I've had a run of busy weeks, both socially and academically, but I've had a couple of days to myself that have given me time to hear my thoughts.
I had been having fun being careless and not giving what I do or say a thought, but I cant help but think about all those unpleasant and cringey things I might have said and done. All those cues I didnt pick up on. The more I think about it, the more I feel like everyone thinks I'm a retard. And then I think hell I have been doing well, life is smiling upon me, it's probably all in my head, but I can't shake it anymore. I already thought about it.
I can't brush it off. I hope it's really all in my head and I can go back to being the way I was but it just feels so weird now. I wanna be different, better, but maybe overthinking like this is why I fail all the time in the first place. How in the fuck do I avoid my own thoughts? I think they are what's bringing me down the most.

i have a severe superiority complex and think everyone is below me. I can't make any friends because of it and people in general are starting to hate me. What do i do

Well, user, first I just have to say that it's a hard truth in life that people are going to talk about you. It's just the way people are. The important thing is to try not to let it get to you. Take a deep breath and just worry about making sure that you're doing the right thing and doing well at work. It's important not to get baited into overreacting with arguing and stuff like that. In the end, just put up with them as little as possible and then take solace in the fact that when you get home you can be alone and nothing they do matters. Putting up with coworkers can be a pain in the ass, but in the end, if you go to work and do your job well, the people whose opinions do matter like your boss will be good.

Sounds like you're just a little overwhelmed. Congrats on the job and moving out of the house! I think before you start looking at how to proceed in your life from here, you should give yourself some time to just adjust to the new situation. Get into the swing of things at your job and your new place. And enjoy it! Once you've adjusted to that, then you can start looking towards the future.

How do you connect and build a support group with other people at uni? It seems to be really useful as opposed to having to do all the work yourself and guessing when you have no one to rely on. Also how do you deal with relying on other people? I've never had to do it before because it's something that you would be taught not to do.

i think you are right. i am sure in time i will see a path to take in life.

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Well, I think you've already done the most important thing. You recognize you have the problem. A lot of people wouldn't be able to own up to that. I think a good way of curing feeling of superiority is to look at everyone as the sum total of their experience, and realize that even those who we think are beneath us, may have gleamed some knowledge out of life that we don't have. If life's a puzzle, then we're all looking at it from different angles and no one knows what the picture is supposed to be. Some of us may have a bunch of pieces put together, but even so, you can't finish it without the corner piece that some low life, no blinker using asshole that cuts you off in traffic has. Talk to people and get to know them. Be friendly to them. Even if you feel they're beneath you. Frankly I think some of them might surprise you in ways. Be humble. In the end, that will make you a real superior person. And you'll feel proud about it. Remember, even Alexander the Great traveled hundreds of miles to meet Diogenes, a poor bastard living in a clay pot and covered in dog shit because he had heard how wise he was. That story always checks my superiority when I think about it.

First I'd look to see if any groups already exist. I'm sure your school has clubs and study groups for different areas of study and interests. That's where I'd start. And if there isn't one, start one. Sure it might seem like a leap, but print off a poster and pick a time to meet. In the end, you'll probably meet a few people or maybe many that can help you and support you on your way. And you're right. It is useful. Having to do everything yourself isn't the best way to go about it. The reason why people have an issue finding support and relying on others is that it requires trust. Which, unfortunately I feel is kind of lacking in today's society. Trusting people is always hard because there's always the fear that they may let you down. It's not dissimilar to the fear of rejection. It requires you to open yourself up to being hurt. And you have to go into knowing you will be hurt sometimes, but in the long run it'll help more that it hurts. But remember, if you want a healthy support group, the trust and help has to be reciprocated. You have to be there for them just as much as they are for you and vice versa. Trust is a lot like respect in that, often times, you get out of it what you put in.

I hope you find it, user! Best of luck!

Do not reply to gunjy threads, are you fuckers retarded?

What's a gunjy?

How can I get Daphne to love me?

Hey Dr.Crane, I enjoy these threads of yours. Anyway, what do you think of your ex-wife? Also, what do you think of these red flag laws?

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>be single
>be lonely and want a gf
>get gf
>want to be single and left alone

at this point I hope she dumps me so I don't have to do it

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I have a really bad anxiety problem at school. I'm on my second year of electrical engineering and every semester has been hell on earth. I have no life, I spend every day studying but it's still impossible for me to really understand every concept as they cram way too much (compared to my friends in other unis, 2-3 classes worth in one) Every day, even when I'm dead tired it can take me an hour to fall asleep because I can't slow my heartbeat down enough from the stress and the thought that I should be studying right then. The days leading up to exams, get progressively worse until I either have a break down where I'm convinced I'll fail and I end up just giving up.
On most days, I can get by without intrusive thoughts in the morning when my head is clear and I'm still thinking rationally, but around 3pm as I start to get tired the anxiety hits hard, I get nauseous and overall feel like absolute shit until I can finally go to sleep, rinse and repeat every day.
Thankfully, my grades are good for now, even though I've been incredibly unprepared by my standards it's been enough to squeeze me by. But it really bothers me how others are able to just stroll along through it, study and get whatever grades they get without being on the brink of insanity twice a year.

I want a pretty boy to suck my peepee

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I am 18 years old and about to 18 unit in September. I have social anxiety, no friends and have been a social dropout for the entirety of high school. How do I make friends in college?

I don't come to r9k usually but I have to talk a little.

I'm still doing studies... Which I know are useless. I'm mostly skipping shit to play vidya and some other things.
I'm completely confused about my future... And if I don't move my ass fast. I guess I will be homeless, (my dad pay the rents of my appartment. It's not much but still.)

... If only I could try my dream of making a vidya... I don't even want to earn a lot of money. I just want to live doing something I like... But I have almost no motivations to do anything. I'm only really happy when sleeping.

... If I try this and that it doesn't work at all. (like, not even able to finish a project), then I'm screwed and have no ideas what to do.

I'm incompetent and too clumsy for physical work...god why did I had to be a weird guy...

At least I could probably have a gf. But I don't really care about this + don't care about sex (I don't even jerk off anymore.)... Oh well. At least part of my family still love me and I have good friends... But if I end up homeless... I'm afraid of losing them...

God dammit.

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I found out yesterday that the deadline for my MSc thesis was only 11 days away rather than 14
I still have to write all the results and discussion so I won't have enough time to send a draft for review
Meanwhile my friend on Discord ended up with a messy sleep schedule again so I barely get to see himand when I do he's busy with an MMO
I am lonely and stressed and I want it to end t b h
Would lock myself out of Discord but it'd look dramatic and I don't want him to think I'm a weirdo

thanks user, this just might help me


Sad that cutehouse got taken down?
This is the new one, enjoy!


I'm 23 closing in on 24 fast, I work in a supermarket right now and don't have much going for me beside the fact that I do brazilian jiu-jitsu and a long distsnce relationship. I want to be with her but she doesn't want to move and I love my family and dojo so leaving them behind is gonna be really hard.

Plus I barely passed high school because of some undiagnosed learning deficit or attention deficit disorder. I need some kind of education or training to get out of this rut but I don't know what the fuck I'm doing!

I'll tell you my regrets from that part of my life.

Get your credit established immediately. Ask a credit union what you need to establish a score needed for a mortgage. Like a secured card for instance.

Home ownership is cheaper than rent and by the time you retire it's paid off.