Tfw no boston area gf to get pizza and play video games with

tfw no boston area gf to get pizza and play video games with

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I'm a girl in Boston. Don't smoke though.

you don't have to smoke to walk around with the stars out, silly. what's got you up so late?

*barf* got to soc

Ew. No thankss

alright, no worries then

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Dude stop talking to girls like they're 7 years old, that might help you out.

i lived in springfield earlier this year. tis a shithole

she said she doesn't smoke, i told her i don't care if she does, and then i was like "huh i wonder why anyone else is even up". small talk isn't rocket science

gorgeous skyline with that bridge over the water, though. where else would you rather be?

Late night MA fag reporting in. Berkshire County though, where no fembots live.

i love when guys talk down to me like im retarded

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you guys ever look at the MA threads on /soc/, and how it's always 100% gay dudes trying to bone each other?

that's literally every [insert location here] thread on soc lol

This honestly, it's infuriating but actually my fetish

Thats because you legitimately are a retarded tranny.

wouldn't know because i only look at the location thread where I'm located

I'm not a tranny you moid.

i like being called moid desu, it's very dehumanizing.

Disgusting moid.

thanks user. I know I'm trash. I've heard it enough from my female coworkers over the years that it's sunk in.

Until you prove it you are. Especially in these tranny times were living in.

That would make me just a hole to an anonymous poster, and then you'd turn around and cry about how women are sluts.

You are just a hole you useless slab of fuckmeat. Go suck a dick

ugh what have you guys done to my comfy thread