Fembot general

a safe space for people with vaginas to gather and talk about whatever they desire edition

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trannies don't have vaginas, here's the door

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>tfw deodorant pills up and falls from my armpits all day long
Anyone else have this problem?

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Not a grill but want to say hello , and hope you're all doing good.

u are putting way too much deodorant on, try putting less on and see if it is still a problem

Okay, I'll try that. Thanks, user.

Have a good day!

i've never had this with deodorant but it happens with my moisturizer. when it dries it gets SO FLAKY and falls off my face everywhere if i touch it

Interesting. What kind of moisturizer do you use? I usually use this stuff from klairs, and it does pretty well.

Attached: Klairs-Rich-Moist-Soothing-Cream-1_460x[1].jpg (460x575, 32K)

you're probably just using a really shitting moisturizer, because that's not normal

i use Inecto Hmmm Hydration Coconut Moisture Cream 250ml right now, but its happened with more than this one. i just cant figure out the problem. I tried the avon coconut oil face cream and that one was especially bad

Attached: inecto.jpg (385x385, 17K)

What products do you use before/after your moisturizer? It could be another product altogether causing the flaking.

sometimes i put on exfoliator beforehand but often i dont put anything on before

>>/t/54050282 just clicked this thread, i dont see whats so weird to them about talking about moisturizer

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Hmm. Maybe your skin is sensitive to coconut? Or you could try using some kind of toner (even a natural one like witch hazel) to prep your skin before applying a moisturizer.

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why did you copy and paste my text from the other thread? could you not have written your own? ):

thanks, i'll try that and see if it works!

sorry user i wasnt sure what else to write to make it clear its not for guys

Sure! I hope it works out for you.

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I don't know how many of you know this feeling. Since most of you probably have been brought up in either oppressive environment or just warm and happy environment.

In both cases being able to fall on your knees and cry your eyes out is acceptable and considered feminine and positive. So I was brought up in environment where neither gender is allowed to express this. For men it probably is easier. For women it's living nightmare.

Each time I get upset I am hardwired to hold it in and can't let go even if I wanted to. It just makes me want to kick a puppy.

I'm sorry, user. That sounds awful. Do you have any outlet at all for your emotions? Writing? Art? Exercise?

Yeah Avon's garbage. Maybe you just need a lighter moisturizer? Cere Ve is pretty good.

Jow Forums.
Also alcohol.

Welp, those are probably doing more harm than good. It might be worth it to try some other way to expel those negative feelings. It sounds really dumb, but singing karaoke for hours upon hours really helps relieve a lot of my stress. Perhaps you could find something similar (that doesn't have adverse effects on your physical and/or mental health) to help you along.

watch some sad movies

You are right.
I think I should begin to do poetry. I got years worth of experience of shitposting Jow Forums. Here is my poem of the day.
"My head hurts. Everyone tells me to shut up. Maybe all will shut up forever."

It's worth a shot, user. I hope you find something that works.

ladies, how often do you shave (legs, arms vag) , i struggle to find a routine deemed socially acceptable

Does anyone do the 10 step Korean face routine? I was just reading about it, and I'm intrigued to try but I'm not sure where to start. Like should I buy each individual product - how do I know which brands are good or suck? I saw a kit online, should I just get a kit?

I feel retarded.

It really depends on the season, what clothes I'll be wearing, and how often I'll be going outside. If it's warm (and thus I'll be wearing shorter sleeves and skirts/dresses without tights) and I have to go to work every day, I'll probably do something like
>armpits every day or two
>arms every four days
>legs every two or three days
>vag every five or six days

Obviously, it'll likely be less often if it's colder and I have to cover up more.

I've thought about it, but it's just too much time and effort for me. I do like Korean beauty products, however. Wishtrend is a website that carries a lot of good stuff. Specifically klairs, cosrx, and i'm from are three brands that I really like from there.

I shave everything at once once a week

Are you happy with the direction of your life?

I'm not usually a proponent of incel-tier "women have it sooooo easy reeeeee" stuff but this is definitely one place where men do have it much, much harder. emotional deadening and isolation in males is a serious problem

How long does it take you to shave?
Also, why would you shave your vag if it's warm outside? No clothing is revealing enough to show that unless you're wearing a bathing suit every 5 or 6 days.

For the most part. I wish I lived closer to my family and had at least one child by this point, but other than that, I'm pretty content.

Oh, right. Shaving my pubic region isn't really dependent on any of the factors I listed. I just do that all year round because I like having less hair down there. Sorry - should have been clearer about that.

>I wish I lived closer to my family and had at least one child by this point
What's stopping you from achieving these two things?
>I like having less hair down there
I trim down there, ingrown hairs are a pain

And because I kind of stagger the regions that I need to shave, it'll take a maximum of 5 minutes or so every time I get in the shower.

>I wish I lived closer to my family
I have a job (and a husband) on the other side of the world from my family. It would be logistically very difficult to move back home and for the two of us to both enter the job market there, and then my husband would be on the other side of the world from his family.

>at least one child

You're lucky that that's enough for you. My pubic hair seems to occupy a larger region than many other ladies.

How long does it take you guys to get rid of ingrown hairs? I always seem to accidentally irritate them so they never actually die down. It's so embarrassing I think i might be stuck with them forever

Ohhh I see.... well thankfully you can video message everyone back home with FaceTime or something of the sort. Maybe go to vacation as well once a year. Try to see them, it's good for the heart.
Keep trying, you only need to get it the one time for a baby!
And yeah I don't have too much of a spread down there, trim suffices thankfully

Not at all, i do nothing but neet and sit on here all day but i have no motivation to change it for the better

>i have no motivation to change it for the better
Explain amiga (friend in Spanish)
Why can't you turn things around?

Yeah, it seems like forever to me, too. If I can, sometimes I'll dig out the hair and pluck it with some tweezers, then apply antiseptic to the bump. It still takes a long while.

>video message
Gosh, yes. This technology really is a godsend! We are able to talk every week thanks to it, and I'm pretty sure I would have gone back home a long time ago if it weren't for Skype. I actually just got back from a short 9-day trip back home with my husband. It felt so good to be home with my family. There really isn't anything like it!
Yeah, we've been trying for about three years now. Did all the tests and whatnot at an infertility clinic, had a laparoscopic surgery, etc. It was amazing to see how far technology has come and how much more it can be improved in the future. Turns out my fimbriae (the little grabby bits that pick up the eggs from the ovaries and send them off to the Fallopian tubes) are significantly smaller than normal, so it's not like there's zero chance of me getting pregnant - it's just much lower than someone with normal anatomy. We haven't given up hope yet!

Thanks for your kind words, user. It really means a lot to me.

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I just can't keep up motivation with anything I do i guess user, everything i start gets left unfinished