How does one get an extremely racist white gf?

How does one get an extremely racist white gf?

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Be black. Racist chicks racemix more than liberal white girls.

poland girl

Live in the Deep South and you don't have any other choice.

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Idk but the fact that you ask this question is kind of proof that "racism against whites " is bullshit

In what way dd

How does one get an extremely liberal and social justice minded Jewish gf?

Unironically this. Fuck, I might even make a thread about it.

>Racist chicks racemix more than liberal white girls.
sad but true...

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Fuck American "white" people.

be black white girls love bbc especially white ones (they're pretending to misdirect suspicion)

You're obviously reading a very different thread than I am.

Ann Coulter is not a racist. She's just a civic nationalist. Like most of the GOP.

Dude wtf?

Must be White ,obviousio
Must be white racist Chad, no racist Stacy isnt gonna fuck white racist incels

Trailer trash in hick towns with less than 50k people

This girl had a KKK-style wedding. I mean, how messed up in the head or how deep down the rabbit hole must you go to find a girl like that?

Think it's the same with guys.

Liberals (especially rich ones) date only their race 99% of the time. Incels, MGTOWs, Nazis date Asian women.

Yes, I know from personal experience. Normies will only date white but are blue pilled af when in comes to race.

I talked to my asian gf about how we are different all the time.

try joining a catholic discord server or something idk

>How does one get an extremely racist white gf?
if youre attractive, theyll say they believe in just about anything.
if you arent attractive, it is possible to manipulate them, as they are still white people if a bit dim.

they all love the idealism of a multiracial society and dont even care about rape stats, violent crime or anything related to cognitive abilities but show them how shit coloured people treat animals and their whiteness comes flooding back like army group A through the ardennes forest in1940.

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