I made an art

I made something in MS paint. I hope you enjoy it. Much love Jow Forums.

Attached: ART.png (1311x634, 633K)

I like the satanic sacrificial site and pepe. Very metal OP.

Actually quite good.

Thanks a ton. I used to draw a lot as a kid and something within me made me draw.

this is a super wholesome thread, post more paints ITT if you have, anons

Working on one now, friend.

Attached: WIP.png (1311x634, 605K)

I saved your art, user. It will live in my folder for some several years. Thank you.

You are too kind. It is just MS Paint and an obsession with wanting to create.

literally the only things needed to create art

These are pretty good. Keep up the good work, user!

i saved it, hope you keep this up, drawing is a very rewarding hobby.

Thank you.
Thank you very very much.
I used to enjoy it then I stopped, and today I started again. I am very happy.

Attached: Finished.png (1311x634, 540K)

That's good user. I like to do some bits as well every now and again, it's good fun.

You know, I came on Jow Forums today to shitpost, look at a pornthread and maybe read a greentext, but you made my heart well up with happiness. This thread is a textbook example of why life is worth seeing.

Aww, thanks. That put a smile on my face. Thanks, pal. I just wanted to share my "paintings" with the one website I love the most.

I am considering doing more Pepe related pictures as well. It was fun painting him earlier.

that's because pepe means family

I'm getting tired and it is already past 5 AM. Sleep well Jow Forums.

Attached: Castle.png (1311x634, 445K)

thanks, you too, OP
we should start doodling ms paint stuff in your honor, or we could open a skribbl

Night user. Been a nice thread

Nice, have an upvote. (+1)

Once in a while Jow Forums has nice positive content. Great job.

Not at home, but will post 1 if it's still going when i get home