>he didn't start smoking as a teenager
He didn't start smoking as a teenager
>he didn't get lung cancer before he's 20
>he didn't start smoking as a teenager
>he never robbed anybody
>he never used drugs
>he never sold drugs
>he never beat someone into hospitalization
>he didn't bully kids in school
>he didn't join a violent gang
>he has never been in jail
>he doesn't have face tattoos
>he respects women
Fuck you this looks like my ex
What's up with those (((pro-smoking posters))) lately
i dont want to get cancer (origianly)
>he did start smoking as a teenager
>having to get a job in school to fund your addiction
>stealing or begging off your parents to fund your addiction
>debasing yourself at a young age to fund your addiction
Childhood smoking is good?
that's the most beautiful wojak i've ever seen
i have engaged in alcoholism and substance abuse from the age of 17 on to current year and while i don't regret it i also don't recommend it
if your friends offered you a cigarette and you refused you don't conform with society and are most likely an incel or some other degenerate
>if you didn't smoke you are a degenerate
Everyone smokes. You go to parties, people are enjoying a smoke. You go to work, you get smoke breaks. You go to university, you see students smoking outside. If you don't smoke you're an outcast and you're in the minority.
Smoking as a teenager is stupid and done only by druggies and women in order to fit in. Smoking as an adult in minimal quantities is based
i started smoking at 7
>19% of adults smoke
My university was a no smoking place, so I can't say how they were. I have never heard of a job that offers smoking breaks and the ones who do smoke at mine have to choose choose between eating their dinner inside or eating it outside to smoke.
I grew up in a really shit part of the country and growing up, the people who smoked at school age were the ones who had children at 15 or were in prison shortly after they left.
Maybe you had a nicer experience dealing with young smokers, but in my experience they are scum and if you had friends who smoked and if your friends dragged you into it, they could ruin your life getting you into dodgy shit to pay for them.
HUGEEE COPE enjoy the thousands of dollars you'll sink into feeling good for 3 minutes 10 times a day. for the rest of your life.
>This is how nicotine addicted zombies justify their behavior
cringe & yikes
lmao you talk like this and then you wonder how you ended up as a robot
well-adjusted people enjoy smoking, deal with it
>Posting this fake bullshit
She just doesn't like you user, no one cares if you smoke or not
the fact is you missed out on teenage love because you didn't smoke a pack a day in your teens
What does that face mean???
I see it all the time. Is she smiling? Is she flirting with me? Should I do the same face when she does it? I'm autistic HEEELP
Can confirm id still be a vigrin today if i didn't start smoking when i was a teenager
pathetic reply. sub 100 IQs smoke, that is the end of the discussion.
only do this face if you're white
I've literally never met a single smoker who cared if their partner smoked. If anything it was the other way around
>tfw 130IQ and smoke durries on the nightly
It feels good man. If you were smart enough to trade your company for free cigarettes you would.
That image is wrong though, even a non smoker has some black spots on their lungs from carbon/pollution in the air.
>caring about your health makes you a incel or a degenerate
ok retard
>hate life and want to die early
>still smoke despite believing it extends lifespan due to scientific studies
I see smoking just as a pathetic way to commit suicide very slowly.
Why? it is enjoyable
Enjoyment a completely subjective thing some people enjoy a fat bitch taking a shit in their mouth doesnt mean you necessarily find that enjoyable.
What is not subjective is that you are slowly but surely causing damage to your body with this habit.
>Enjoyment a completely subjective thing some people enjoy a fat bitch taking a shit in their mouth doesnt mean you necessarily find that enjoyable.
So? It makes them happy and improves their quality of life
>What is not subjective is that you are slowly but surely causing damage to your body with this habit.
Arguable. You can't find a randomized trial proving that. It doesnt exist. Unhealthy, stressed people are more likely to smoke because it makes them happy.
Telling miserable people not to smoke is like taking an old man's walking cane "Lol just walk better loser" (this comparison was invented by 'Father of Modern Statistics', R A Fisher)
I hate life and want to die. I still have shit i want to do first
I am too poor to quit my job (the source of my misery) and do these activities i feel compelled to, so i smoke tobacco as it keeps me going
I started smoking as a teenager and I'm still incel wtf
Ur literally inhaling smoke ur lungs have not evolved to handle smoke. I dont need to see a fucking randomized trial to understand that.
Ur making shit excuses to why you continue slowly killing yourself but I understand its required to continue the habit you have to keep doing that otherwise you would quit.
>I hate life and want to die. I still have shit i want to do first
Nothing matters after you are dead you so you would kill yourself right now if you really wanted it. The thing is you dont actually want to die this is just some zoomer nihilism you got going on.
I legitimately don't believe it is bad. Your argument is fallacious. read every page of this or fuck off
I want to live and follow my passions. I also need to wageslave because i was born into poverty. Therefore, i am prevented from doing what i want because of this shit. If i could be NEET for 5 years then die i would choose that over 30+ years of wageslaving
My hobbies passions and interests are not lucrative. They are cheap but no way to make a cent from them
>Nothing matters after you are dead
Except your achievements
Did the invention of the airplane not matter because the wright brothers are dead?