Furry has sore hands

>furry has sore hands
>decides to dump sore hands in dry ice
>takes pain meds, makes him fall asleep
>wakes up 6 hours later
>hands are frozen dead
>has to have them amputated
Are all furries this retarded?

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Pretty sure he has a fetish and did it on purpose

No not all of us
Most of us are just normal people who happen to like jacking off to drawings of sexy anthros. Feel bad for this lad though, he must not be very bright to have had the idea of soothing his sore hands with dry ice of all things.

Stumpy pumpy?

Did he somehow mistake dry ice for normal ice?

This, just look at his messages and that fucker face.
He'll probably off himself soon.

What kind of fucking mongoloid does this to themselves? At least he didn't have any skills or talents that could benefit other people.

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even if he's lying and did it on purpose to get his hands amputated, he's still going to kill himself in the ear future. a fetish can only keep you motivated to live for so long. wants he gets home and realizes that he's completely handicapped for life and can't do anything on his own anymore he's going to start thinking up ways to an hero.

>Destroy your hands in order to force others to look after your basic needs for the rest of your life
Is this peak narcissism?

How the hell did he make those posts?

>Looking at his twitter
>See hand pic
>Then after posting that he's retweeted a bunch of random furry pictures like "lick my paws" stuff

Why the fuck are you spending your time doing this instead of looking for where to get good prosthetics

There is pretty much nothing you can do with your hands that you can't do with your feet and toes.

In this update video before the amputation post he still moves his fingers a bit
Also I dont know where OP got the ice thing and painkillers from because the guy hasnt said on his twitter how this happened yet

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Thats actually sad. Losing one hand is kinda cool and effay, but losing both is like your life is over.

facebook d 0 t com/furry.tok/videos/2415919335355448/

skip to 5:30

>Losing one hand is kinda cool and effay
Only if you're a fucking pirate, theres a lot of stuff you cant do properly with just 1 hand

fuck man i wouldnt even wish that to a retarded furry

hes fucking hot why tf would he do this to himself?

Did they remove the whole forearm? Maybe someone with more extensive knowledge on medicine can explain it to me, the frostbite was contained to just his hands. Why did they amputate so much? Does it make it easier or prosthetics or does it lower the risk of infection?

I am starting to be believe he did this on purpose so he could he actual paws, too many other people who do this on purpose do the same thing with dry ice, but I dunno

How did get get gangrene in the first place?

wouldnt "paws" be just fucking your fingers up?

Yup. His fursona probably doesn't have thumbs. He wants to be closer to having paws or some shit

He does say in that update video "maybe ill partner with a prosthetic company to get some cool paws"
But id hope that was just a joke to lighten the mood and not his goal from the start

>not all furfags
>some of us are "normal"

lol faggot

hand trasplants exist nowdays luckily

I want cyborg arms as much as the next guy, but this was a retarded decision.

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Hand dead. Necrosis dangerous. Isolate as much as you can just to be sure

Are you actually doubting how far these autistic furfags are willing to go for their disgusting shit?

Whenever I read sci-fi where animalistic body mods are commonplace I always think that's absurd, then I remember furries exist

Thank you based r9k news aggregators

Idk man, my great grandpa was blind and had one hand, and he lived alone until he was about 80. Lost his hand in a fireworks accident as a kid and later worked as a farm implement mechanic until he lost his sight in a work accident. I think it just comes down to whether or not you're a bitch about it.

>suffer crippling injury from doing something dangerous
>go into dangerous line of work
>2nd crippling injury

Cant kill yourself without hands bucko

this deeply upsets me
i'm terrified of losing any of my limbs. i could probably deal with losing like, one leg, but with no arms i'd probably ask someone to kill me

Basically he murdered his hands and if he didnt want the necrosis to spread they had to start cutting at a healthy point in the arm.

pssshh people do the toe-fired shotgun to the face all the time

all he has to do is get a car started in a garage with his toes and he can kill himself. it's not that hard.

He can wiggle his toes menacingly to a cop and get gunned down in the street like the dog he wishes to be

Hows he gonna open the car

dude had a rough life, but he was awesome

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Well, if this goes where I think it will, he won't legally be allowed to own firearms because he's bat shit insane. But that aside, how would he:
Chamber (if there's an action release switch you would need two hands to pump)
Disengage the safety
And aim said shotgun?

with his feet. it wouldn't be easy but it's possible to open a car with feet if you try hard enough

Prosthetics maybe?

I dont understand, this dude looks like Chad, Good face, chizzeld Jaw, muscular, yet he chooses degenerate Furry life?

Are fucking Jews responsible for this?

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Uh oh you've activated anti-fire mode and now your hands are locked and emitting a large alarm until someone disables it with a passcode

He doesn't deserve to live my dream.

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dedded by coppperino

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death by brag hog, it's the only way for a cripple of his caliber.

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Hope he ends up killing himself.

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If this was done on purpose, then I genuinely don't think he's capable of feeling shame, or regret. I don't think he's self aware enough to realize he should neck himself.

Whether planned or incidental, all furies should kill themselves. Bunch of freaks.

i want to do this with my penis to become a girl lol

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But what if, and I'm just spitballing here, but what if we jumpstart the process? If you're choosing to breathe, and gas happens to make it into your lungs, that's suicide. No one can be held responsible for that

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What a goddamn fucking idiot, lmao.

What about Weebs?

I don't plan on going to jail for homicide for a furry. I'll effectively lose my (freedom) life for someone who's worthless. And if society went to shit furries would be the first to go anyways, so I'll just wait for that.
Ehh they shouldn't kill themselves but they should grow up

you can't mistake that shit

lm sure the muscles in his arms are able to move some of the dead parts in his hands. Had they been left there, Im sure they would have become rotten and would inevitably kill him from infection.

fuck that, poor dude.

I never had dry ice is it realy that dangerous
How long did he hold it in?
Is it instant or something

In all likelihood the injury is intentional. It's hard to pity a person that is just broken. Not broken as in beaten down by the world, but like something in their brain is wrong.

You can actually hold it for a few seconds, even put it in your mouth without causing any real harm. All kinds of wannabe scientist on youtube do that kind of shit every day

I really feel bad for him. Imagine you lose your hands due to your own stupid mistake, something that was completely avoidable.
>if only I used normal ice
>why didn't anyone wake me up?
>why did I take such strong pills before I did this?
>why didn't I just take the pain medication and go to sleep?
Fuck all the furry shit, I don't care what someone enjoys. I just feel for him as another human. He's acting like he's ok with it and calling it "interesting" but you know this guy is fucking hurting inside.

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Why would he do something like this intentionally? To what end?

I spent way too much time on this

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srsly, I know ppl self harm, but this is just absurd.

you know user.... i can't help but agree with you.

There is a documented mental problem people can have where they have a great desire to remove limbs, like legs
And like with most mental problems, leaving it untreated ends in catastrophic results

But assuming this guy has that mental issue is a huge reach. No one in this thread has any evidence that he wants to be this way.

The guy has states before that he wishes he had paws instead of hands
He said he put his hands into dry ice to treat his arthritis, then took some painkillers and went to sleep, waking up to find his hands dead. To do that you would have to be so stupid that youd forget to breathe, or its intentional

>waking up to find his hands dead
my god man, I have a mini panic attack every time I wake up to find my arm completely numb from sleeping on it, imagine this shit.

Also theres another case of a guy with Body Integrity Identity Disorder using dry ice to get rid of his leg
So that could even be where our furry friend got this plan from

>one arm got amputated shorter than the other
why though? wouldn't it normally be somewhat the same length?

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Depends how far necrosis has spread up the arm probably

stupid people get the best results,
who the fuck uses dry ice for anything but smoke machines?
why would you wake up a sleeping person?
why didnt he take over the counter medication in a mental state that could allow him to stay awake
weak people are meant to die, that's what they're for. a life lesson to all of use to not do the things he did.

Was thinking the same. The guy got it all yet he wastes his potential on shit like that. All that's left of him is stubs for hands. The guy is dead. I won't be surprised if he'll go for suicide route, he won't be able to live like that for too long. It's too painful and pointless. The guy is a dumb fuck.

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Based katawabro

he deserves everything he got, animal fucking faggot